Kyle was sitting in the living room of his home, trying to read some boring ass book for English class. He was so bored, and the book was some Shakespeare crap so it was difficult to understand. Unfortunately for Kyle, he had to finish the book by tomorrow for school.

His eyes were glazing over, and just as he was about to sleep, the doorbell rang! Thankful for the distraction, Kyle jumped up from the couch and answered it. His extremely attractive friend, Stan, was there.

"Hello, Kyle." Stan said with a smile. He looked oddly excited.

"Hey, dude. What's up?" Kyle asked. He wondered what could possibly be on his friend's mind.

Stan grabbed Kyle's hand. "Kyle... I love you."

Kyle gasped. This was completely unexpected! "I... I love you too, Stan." It only seemed natural for this to happen.

Stan and Kyle kissed, and then Stan pulled away. "I got you a gift to prove my love." Stan reached into his pocket and pulled out a lemon! He put it in Kyle's hand and grinned.

Kyle was confused by the lemon. "Thanks..." He said in a confused way.

"There's more where that came from!" Stan said. He took a step over, and five crates full of lemons were on Kyle's doorstep! Stan began carrying them inside, and Kyle questioned his best friend's sanity.

Next, a big pick-up truck drove into Kyle's driveway! In the bed was even more lemons! Some random guys began carrying them in by the armful and dropping them on the floor. Stan, still grinning, stood next to Kyle and wrapped an arm around him.

"Is that... Is that all?" Kyle asked.

Stan laughed. "Oh, no. There's wayyy more."

Kyle looked outside and saw that there was a long line of moving trucks outside his house! Some more guys carried them in! When they were done, the house was full of lemons.

Kyle had no idea what to do with all the lemons! Every square inch of his house was covered with lemons, and Kyle didn't even like lemons all that much! He had absolutely no idea what to do with them. There was an ungodly amount of lemons, more lemons than there should be in one place at once. Kyle started crying, and then he passed out from all the intense lemon.