Stanley Marsh is now friends with Satan.

Satan - Stanley Marsh
Stan! I think I found more diagrams to help you with your demons!

Stanley Marsh - Satan
Thanks, Satan. It's weird to say you're the most helpful.

Satan - Stanley Marsh
Don't worry! I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, Stan. Or to use you as a host.


Randall Marsh Does anyone else love Lorde as much as I do? WOW. She is just so talented.
Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and 15 others like this
Stanley Marsh Lorde really isn't all that great, Dad.
Randall Marsh RUDE. Lorde thinks you suck too, Stan. Maybe she won't pay your phone bill this month.
Stanley Marsh Fine. Miley Cyrus is better anyways.
Randall Marsh What the fuck did you just say, Stan!? Lorde is a million times better than Miley Cyrus!


Randall Marsh became friends with PC Principal

PC Principal - Randall Marsh

Remember, it's your duty as a member of Facebook to check everyone's privilege! Be a PC warrior, bro!

Randall Marsh Are there going to be refreshments at the next meeting?
PC Principal Of course. We can't be politically correct without refreshments!
Randall Marsh I'll do my best to make sure that nobody is using offensive language or terminology!
PC Principal likes this comment


Herbert Garrison changed his relationship status to In a Relationship with Mr. Hat
Mr. Hat likes this
Eric Cartman Ew, what the fuck?!
Randall Marsh Who are you to tell him how to live his life?! Check yourself, bro!
PC Principal likes this comment
Herbert Garrison Mr. Hat and I are very happy together.


Craig Tucker I am so sick of eating tacos.
Tweek Tweak and Token Black like this
Clyde Donovan How dare you, Craig!
Craig Tucker t(-_-t)
Token Black It would be nice to go somewhere other than Taco Bell for lunch…
Clyde Donovan This is why I love tacos more than you. Tacos never betray me! Tacos never sass me! Tacos undERSTAND ME. THEY LOVE ME AND I LOVE THEM.
Craig Tucker Okay, calm down, Shouty.
Tweek Tweak likes this comment
Clyde Donovan Oh! Hi, Tweek. How are you? I'm great, thanks for asking.
Tweek Tweak Shut the fuck up, Clyde.
Clyde Donovan WOAH. Are you feeling okay, buddy!?
Craig Tucker You know it's bad when even Tweek wants you to shut up. Heh.
Tweek Tweak But I didn't write that?! Oh my God! The gnomes are hacking into my Facebook again!
Token Black Dude, calm down. Craig posted that from your phone when you were in the bathroom.
Tweek Tweak GAH! Why would you do that?!
Craig Tucker I'm sorry, Tweek.
Tweek Tweak It's ok. I love you.
Craig Tucker Love you too.
Eric Cartman FUCKING BARF. Could we keep the gay to a minimum today!?
Craig Tucker Go fuck yourself.


Stanley Marsh I really wish that Wendy and I could work things out…
Kenny McCordick You change your minddddd like a girl changes clothessss.
Stanley Marsh Fuck off, Kenny.
Kenny McCordick And you PMS like a BITCH I would knowwwww.
Kyle Broflovski Jesus Christ, calm down Kenny Perry.
Stanley Marsh and Kenny McCordick like this
Stanley Marsh LOL that was a good one.
Kenny McCordick Ha ha you are so funny, Kyle :P
Kyle Broflovski I try my best.