Here's my new story. I'll try to update as often as time allows me too. For the most part, this story will be in Wendy's POV unless I say otherwise. The gang is 25 in this story. As always, R&R! Enjoy! :-)
Chapter 1
Stan, Bebe, Kenny, Kyle, Nichole, Cartman, Heidi, and I are out to dinner. Stan and I have been have been married for 6 excruciating years. We have a two year old son Aiden. Prior to Aiden, I've had 5 miscarriages. The first pregnancy was right before we got married, which was the reason for our quickie wedding. I ended up miscarrying right after that. Then I had four more over the next few years. I almost started think I wouldn't be able to carry a baby to term, then my miracle baby Aiden came along. He was born prematurely weighing only 2 pounds and a hole in his heart. Luckily he survived and is doing very well. Stan works full time doing construction while I stay at home with Aiden.
Kyle and Nichole are dating. They dated in high school, but broke up before they went to college since they went to colleges on the opposite ends of the country. Once they moved back to South Park, they found their way back to each other. Both of them are teachers. Nichole is a kindergarten teacher at our old elementary school and Kyle is a biology teacher at the community college. Nichole has her own place, while Kyle still lives with his parents. His parents (mom) won't let him move out until he's married. We tend to have a lot of couple's night at Nichole's place.
Kenny and Bebe have a strange relationship. Well, I guess it's not that strange. They have an apartment together, but they're not really dating. They're more so friends with benefits. They work at the same bar so that's part of the reason why they're not officially dating.
Cartman and Heidi have been dating ever since 4th grade. No one would've guessed that they would've lasted this long, but they have. Cartman is a computer programmer and Heidi is a journalist and an author who has published three books and currently working on her fourth. The reason we've gotten together tonight is to celebrate Cartman and Heidi's engagement.
"Congratulations Cartman and Heidi!" Kyle raises his glass. "I never would've guessed that you two would ever get married!"
"I second that!" Bebe adds in as she raises her glass. The rest of us raise our glasses as well.
"Eric and I love each other! I can't see me spending my life with anyone else." Heidi tells us as she kisses Cartman. The two of them are really sickening.
"I can't wait to make you my wife! I love you boo!" Cartman smiles at her. The two of them stare lovingly at each other for a few moments. Watching the two of them makes me want to puke. But at the same time, I can't help but to feel a little envious of Heidi.
"Dude!" Kenny interrupts them. "Some of want to keep our food down." I agree with him.
Cartman and Heidi look at us. "Sorry, we forgot you guys were here!" Cartman raises his glass. "Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Well yell out. I start yawning.
"Are you ok Wendy?" Nichole asks me.
I look over at Stan, who's glaring at me, then back at Nichole. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
I nod. "I'm just a little sleepy that's all." I chuckle nervously.
Stan puts his arm around me. "I want to talk to you outside." He whispers in my ear and excuse us. I nod and we get up and walk outside. As soon as we get outside Stan turns towards me and slaps me across the face. I put my hand to my face. "Are you trying to embarrass me?"
"No!" I cry out.
"Then what the fuck was that?"
"It was just a yawn Stan."
"In front of my friends! Are we boring you?" He yells.
"They're my friends too!"
Stan laughs. "Oh please, they're only friends with you because of me. They don't give a shit about you!"
"Ok, Stan." I know arguing with him will only cause more trouble than I need.
"You take your ass back in there and act like you have some goddamn sense! Do you understand?"
Stan grabs me and starts shaking me. "Yes, what?"
"Yes sir!" I cry. He pushes me away from him.
"Now wipe your eyes before we go back in there." I do what he asks and we go back into the restaurant. The gang is carrying on with their conversation. As soon as we sit down, I can feel eyes looking at me.
"Wendy?" I hear Bebe whisper my name. I look at her. "Nichole and I were just going to run to the bathroom. Do you want to come with us?" I look at Stan and he nods. I look at Bebe.
"Sure." The three of us head to the bathroom. As soon as we get in there, Bebe locks the door behind us. "What if someone else needs to use it?" I ask her.
"They can wait."
"Is everything ok?" Nichole asks me.
I nod. "Yes. Why do you ask?"
"When you came back inside, you seemed upset about something."
"I'm just…tired that's all. Life with a toddler is rough." I lie. There's no way I can tell them what went down. This isn't the first time Stan has hit me.
"Are you sure, that's all it is?" Bebe asks touching my hand. "You're shaking."
I jerk my hand away. "Of course, what else could it be?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out." Nichole adds in.
"Everything's fine, you guys are worried for nothing." I chuckle. "Now let's go finish celebrating Heidi and Cartman's engagement."
"Is that what's bothering you?" Bebe asks.
"Why would that bother me?"
"We know you use to have a huge crush on Cartman." Nichole steps in. "Is it hard seeing him with someone else?"
I laugh. "You're crazy, I got over him so long ago. I'm with Stan now."
"But are you happy?" Bebe asks.
"Of course I'm happy! I love…my husband." I notice Bebe and Nichole exchanging looks. "We should get back to everyone before they start to worry." I unlock the door and walk out the bathroom. I feel bad for lying to my friends, but I don't want to deal with the consequences of Stan finding out that I told. I'm scared of what he would do. I have to figure out something because I can't keep living like this.