Chris said "Are summer and winter different here?" Lois said "No, Chris. It's exactly the same." He said "But it's May. Why is there snow on the ground?" Lois replied
"Because we're in Colorado, Chris. That's why." He said "I think it's cool!" Peter said "Hey, let's go find a poor person and burn down their house!" I said sarcastically
"Sure, Peter, right after we go rape some toddlers." He said "Really?" I said "No, Peter. Don't do either of those things." He said "Let's go!" We walk through the snow
for a little while. Peter stops and says "That one." He points at a run down one story house. "Help me bar the doors." I said "No, Peter, don't do this." He said "C'mon,
it'll be fun!" Brian said "No, Peter." He barred the doors, struck a match and set the house on fire. Ugh. Brian and I yelled in unison "PETER!" There must be a lot of
alcohol in the building, it's already nearly gone. Beyond help. I said "This is easily the most irresponsible thing you've ever done! I can't bel-" I'm interrupted by a tiny
voice asking "M-mommy? Daddy? Kenny?"