Hey everyone. I know this is a one-shot, and I normally put those with my themes story, but I came up with this one while doodling, so I wanted to include the image here. So, this short little one-shot got it's own story.
About this one-shot: It takes place during Kenny dies, only, if Kenny did not come back.
-Let's begin.-
Karen gazed up at Kenny, who was resting upright in his hospital bed. She gazed up at him with her normal, innocent, joyful, look, and asked, "When are you coming home big brother?"
Kenny stared down at her, unsure of what to say. Tears were forming in his eyes as he replied, with words catching in his thought, "Hopefully soon Karen." Karen nodded and rambled on. She rambled about school, and friends. Along with how her angel hadn't visited her in a while, but that was okay because a new one, named coon said her angel might not be back for a while so he'd look out for her instead.
Cartman was in another part of the room, partially crying with Kyle, as Kenny looked over. He knew Cartman was the coon. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all. He better look out for his sister.
Karen continued to ramble, as Kenny's parents, and friends cried in different spots around the room.
At the end of visiting hours Kenny felt the need to ask Karen, "You know I love you more than anyone, or anything, right Karen?"
Karen nodded, smiling innocently. "Of course I do Kenny." She kissed his cheek and followed his parents out, unaware this was the last time she would ever see her big brother alive.
-Well, that was sad-
I wrote the first edit of that 20 minutes before I typed this, and made little revisions as I typed. Hope you enjoyed or at least, did not cry like I did after reading my own work. (My mind is a very dark place it seems.)