Quick note
Before I start this next story I want to address something I understand I am not the best writer or my spelling and grammar isn't college level I write to have fun and entertain you people and when someone complains and reports just cause the story says some mean and naughty words then that ruins other peoples experience so who ever you are that ruined my reunion story you are rude and that was unforgivable at least 10 people liked that story and its rude just cause you don't like it means you have to ruin it for everyone else…..ok now that over I will introduce my new story
Chapter 1 shopping
Rated M for LANGUAGE
Warning there are bad words in this story
Disclaimer I don't own South Park
So yeah high school is my least favorite place to be in life it's boring I am way too smart so it's a cakewalk and drama is around every corner. My name is Wendy testaburger my boyfriend is Stan marsh my best friend is bebe Stevens and my life is pretty awesome I have many friends I have a 4.0 GPA….Kyle has a 4.5 GPA lucky basturd but I digress he and I get along I help him when assholes bully him and his boyfriend lord fatass king of the assholes and he studies me so I can get into Yale because Harvard is just too boring. But I have 2 years to worry about college right now it's almost time for homecoming and I have to find a dress.
"hey honey" said Stan
"Stan what are you doing here" I asked
"shopping for a new game you" asked Stan
"getting a dress for homecoming why don't you join me and bebe" I asked
"cant I only have 15 minutes before football practice couch is pounding us hard this time" said Stan
"aww you want a tampon you pussy" I said
"wow what's with the mean words" said Stan
"don't you know I am a mean person" I said
he then just kissed me right then not caring who was watching
"wow ok Stan what was that for" I asked
"I can't kiss my girlfriend who by the way is not mean" said Stan
"yeah but it was out of no where and yes I am mean" I said
"that's how I do it random and out of no where" said Stan
man I felt so hot but he can't know that so I just nodded until 2 voiced started yelling
"STUPID JEW" yelled cartman
"FATASS" yelled Kyle
"oh boy another lovers spat" I said
"it's the 5th one this week why do they argue all the time" asked Stan
"I bet the sex is hot and worth the arguing" I said
"eww that's an image I didn't need to see" said Stan
"yeah Wendy the sex isn't that hot I mean unless you like being tied up while you dick it being licked and your ass is being pounded" said Kyle
ok if I here 1 more sex talk I am about to go home and have a date with my vibrator….shh Stan doesn't know about it
"ok Kyle thank you for that image in my head" said Stan
"dude next time don't talk about me and cartman behind our back" said Kyle
everyone in the store stared at us and bebe walked over
"so how's this dress too slutty or not slutty enough" said bebe
"why do you want to look slutty" I asked
"duhh the after party I am hoping to be taken out of this dress and treated to a good old fashion….
the manager then kindly kicked us out of the store Stan left cartman kissed Kyle good by and followed Stan sense he is the best defense we have in the school. Kyle went with bebe and I while we shopped
"hehe" said Kyle
"what's so funny" I asked
"oh I told cartman if he protects Stan tomorrow during the game he can be on top homecoming night" said Kyle
"ok guys why do u guys only think of sex why cant we just have a good time" I asked
"what are you and Stan not having sex Saturday night" asked bebe
"yes we are but we are not focused on that we are trying to have a good time and then we can have sex I mean sex is supposed to be romantic and we are going to make it that way" I said
"well that's you but me and cartman have romance in our sex we talk a bit then we make out he sometimes rubs my back and kissed my neck he is so gentle sometimes when I want him to be but hey were not always gentle sometimes we are rough and man I have the marks to prove it" said Kyle
"ekk let me see" said bebe
Kyle then took his shirt off and his surprisingly tone body reveled some bite marks and scratches I swear I went wet right then cause bebe stared at me
"you ok Wendy" asked bebe
"uhh" I said
"Kyle put your shirt on sexy bodies is Wendy kryptonite" said bebe
"haha well Wendy I'm sure Stans body is hotter then mine, his junk bigger and him kissing you" said Kyle
I then started rubbing myself
"uhh Wendy as hot as that is please think about where your hand is" said bebe
I blushed
"I am so sorry" I said
"its cool Wendy your just horny when's the last time you got laid" asked Kyle
"I think 4 months maybe 5" I said
"man no wonder you are so horny Stan needs to satisfy his women" said bebe
"yeah come on lets by some sexy cloths for you" said Kyle
I was then dragged to the nearest Spencers and I browsed through the leather bras and thongs but I eventually found a sexy bra
"hey Wendy this bra doesn't have a matching pair of panties" said bebe
"who said anything about panties?" I said
"that's the spirit Wendy" said Kyle
we all giggled bebe tried on some underwear I got a few pics of her ass and we bought a pretzel. And then we ran into the biggest douche bag in the school Clyde
"hey sexy" said Clyde
"look asshole we broke up 8 months ago stop pasturing me you cheating prick" said bebe
"aww babe that hurt but how can you say that to your first" said Clyde
"easy plus you sucked the first time I faked" said bebe
"oh ouch man that hurt my wittle heart" said Clyde
"get out of here" said Kyle
"shut up fag before I make you bleed your boyfriend Stan isn't here to protect you oh does cartman know you have been screwing Stan behind his back I mean Wendy knows sense she hasn't been touched in what a year well if you want a real man I'm right here" said Clyde
I decided to have some fun
"oh really well maybe I should give you a handy for being such a real man" I said
I went and grabbed his junk and felt him up
"what are you jealous" said Clyde
then I pulled his pants down and…..PUNCHED HIM AS HARD AS I COULD IN THE JUNK
"wow you bitch" said Clyde in a high pitch girly voice
"woops I though you liked it rough Clyde oh by the way nice penis I'm sure the whole mall would love too see it" I said
we then left the mall and went to Kyles house to try on our new dresses when Mrs. brofloski came in
"oh hello ladies I ordered some pizzas for you all if you are hungry" said Mrs. brofloski
"yeah that would be great veggies for me" I said
"meat lovers for me and bebe" said Kyle
30 minutes later the pizza came and with it 2 boys came free with the pizza
"hello sexy hungry" I asked
"what for pizza or that body cause I am sore and I don't want sex" said Stan
"haha don't worry big man I have the hands for that" I said
I took his shirt off and rubbed his sexy back and Kyle did the same for cartman
"so are you mad that we haven't had sex" I asked
"you are very cautious with sex I understand plus your so amazing I can wait" said Stan
"man you 2 are perfect for each other it hurts if you 2 don't win homecoming kind I will eat this hat" said Kyle
"ha they aint going to win I will" said bebe
"want to bet on it" said Kyle
"ok what the bet" said bebe
"if Wendy and Stan are homecoming king and queen then you must streak after homecoming" said Kyle
"oh fun and if I win you must shake that dick in my direction and eat that hat of yours" said bebe
"deal" said bebe
oh boy I don't want bebe to be taken advantage of naked also I don't want to see her naked body
Well that is the first of many chapters and my goal is to have this story finished and NOT REMOVED LIKE REUNION so review and make guesses on what will happen if your right you get a cameo also any fan artist I could use one show me your work and get an entire chapter dedicated to you