Author has written 64 stories for Animorphs, Parodies and Spoofs, Misc. Books, Everworld, Powerpuff Girls, Fearless, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Forlay's 18 and at college this now, woo hoo! I know I can hardly believe it. So far school hasn't completely overtaken my life, but I don't promise anything. I'm working on a fic or two now, but my school schedule's really going to dictate how much I write as the year goes on.My fics have evolved greatly over the last couple years. Back in the day when I first started, I was writing exclusively Rachel/Tobias over in Animorphs. Now I'm writing exclusively unconventional couples, most of which are femmeslash, with a random sprinkling of m/m slash and just a pinch of incest now. Gotta love diversity! I have some fics that are just done, no matter how much people beg: "Happy Reunion" is finished. It was a one-shot for me. As is "Out of the Darkness, Into the Light" The whole point of that fic is to be mysterious. Otherwise, everything's pretty much fair game. Leave me a review; I might end up in a discussion with you about the fic and life in general and eventually a sequel will be written. That's how most of them have gotten started, just ask the friendly people at my favorite Yahoo! group, anirarepair. |
Kay the Cricketed (232) Oedipal Kat (3) | Rhi Marzano (0) Utah (0) |