At the end of the day Wendy dragged her feet to her locker. She was worried about Kyle. He stormed off during lunch and she didn't see him since. He looked pretty pi$$ed. It was obvious that Cartman said something again to make him that way. She hated it when Cartman made Kyle act this way. Kyle didn't seem like Kyle when he was pi$$ed.
As Wendy opened her locker, a small folded piece of paper fell out. She picked it up and unfolded it. The paper revealed a poem written in Kyle's handwriting. It started with:
"Kyle isn't crying
Because cupid is lying"
Wendy finished reading the poem and smiled. Kyle really did care. Reading the poem got rid of all her negatives just for the moment. She looked at Kyle's locker, but he was gone. She looked at the clock on the wall. She missed the bus. Wendy refolded the poem and put it in her pocket. She packed her backpack and walked home. On the way, she saw four familiar people talking by Stark's Pond. They were Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Bebe. Wendy ran down towards them.
"Wendy?" Bebe asked, surprised to see her friend.
"What's going on?" Wendy asked back.
"Wendy, I am so sorry about not believing you and Kyle about Cartman this whole time. I should've known better. I don't know why I believed him over you guys," Bebe said, obviously being truthful with them.
Wendy smiled and replied, "It's okay, Bebe. At least I have my friend back."
Bebe smiled back.
"Well you know what this means, don't you?" Stan asked Bebe.
"I know," she replied.
"You have to break up with Cartman," Kyle said, just to make sure.
"Ya," Bebe said proudly now that she knew the truth. "Well, I need to be getting home now."
"Yeah, me too," Stan said.
"Mph mph," Kenny added, holding up three fingers. So everybody except for Wendy and Kyle left for home.
They were silent for a while. Then Wendy broke the silence.
"Kyle, I'm sorry about adding to your stress this week."
"Oh, that's okay, dude. I should be the one apologizing for not showing you enough that I care. So, well, I was hoping I could make up for it."
"What do you mean?"
"Wendy, you see, I've been in your position for a while now." He pulled out a heart shaped locket with W K carved into it. He gave it to Wendy.
"Kyle, I-"
"Wendy, I've carried this in my pocket everyday for a few weeks. I've been wanting to give it to you, but I was always afraid of what you'd do. I thought the same thing you did about me: That you don't really care for that stuff. I would've given it to you yesterday after our fight, but It didn't seem right."
Wendy then smiled. So did Kyle. That's when they said they're goodbyes for the day and went to their homes.
The End.
I think you can pretty much figure out the ending anyways. Cartman will obviously get all P.O.ed and Wendy and Kyle: Happily Ever After.