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![]() Author has written 18 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Fairy Tail, and Pokémon. Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. -Matthew 5:9 Gender: Female Birthday: September 14 Major Policy Update: Due to unsolicited non-reviews being reviewed onto my stories, I am changing a policy of mine. If a person leaves a review that is not relevant to the story being reviewed, then they will be immediately blocked. No questions asked. They clutter a review section and make it look like a social mob site rather than a place for people to leave their opinions on the review or, in the cases I say it is okay, they can say hi to me if they can't think of anything to review but want to leave something. Sincerely, DragonScouter IMPORTANT NOTICE: I do birthday requests for stories. If you would like a chapter of any of my stories that are in progress updated then just drop me a P.M. stating when your birthday is and which story you would like updated. Please give me a couple of days notice so I can get in the mindset of the story and type the chapter. However, I will not start any story in my future story spot or any completed story so please don't ask. That is just so when I finish one story that I have a pool to maybe work with (and completed stories are...well...completed). Websites I want you to find me on: XD Favorite quotes: "Peace always comes with a price"-Jetfire-Transformers Energon(Episode 7 Megatron Raid) "What's the point of a man working his whole life if all he's gonna do is wind up equal?"-Archie Bunker-All in the Family-Season 5 episode 6 Other quotes: "Oo! I wanna see him turn into a fire truck! Can I, can I, huh, huh, can I?"-Random Blitzwing (Transformers Animated) "Never give up, never surrender... never mind!"-Blitzwing (Transformers Animated) "Hang on, everybody - I wanna try something I saw in a cartoon once!" -Capt. 'Howling Mad' Murdock (The A-Team) "Rule #51 Sometimes...You're wrong"- Gibbs Jack, please, I'm only an elected an official here, I can't make decisions by myself. Jack, answer me!!- MAYOR (with worried face) (Nightmare Before Christmas) Favorite Transformers Character: Animated: Blitzwing *Looks around at everyone* My Blitzwing... Prime: Knockout Cybertron: Override Energon: Jetfire Armada: Starscream G1: Blaster 07'-11' Movies: Sideswipe AN: I know I don't have every version of Transformers on here, if it is not on here, I am not familiar enough with it to have a favorite character from it. Top 10 Fairy Tail Characters: 1: Bickslow 2: Freed 3: Rufus 4: Laxus 5: Gajeel 6: Levy 7: Evergreen 8: Mira 9: Midnight/ Macbeth 10: Cobra/ Erik Future Stories: *some might not be officially named* (Transformers Animated) The Life of a Guardian: Tana's dreams have come true. She is now officially a member of the Guardians. But is it really all that she thought that it would be? (Transformers Animated) A Medic's Life: Balm is now an assistant to one of the most famous medics in Cybertronian history; Ratchet. But, it is going to be full of hard work and Balm will have to come out of her shell and work with Ratchet better if she is to achieve her dreams. (Transformers Animated) Scout Academy: Even with his high scores on his entrance exam, Zarron is still required to go through one stellar cycle at the Scout Academy before he can be placed as a full scout and be able to teach with backing from the Scouting Association. Zarron will have to learn to make new friends and overcome many challenges to complete his dream. (Transformers Animated) Information is Key: Remcy is excited to be starting at the CIA, or the Cybertron Intelligence Agency. But, he is quick to learn that everyone has a secondary motive and he has to stay on his pedes to make sure he is not taken advantage of. But, just when he starts to give up, he starts assisting a veteran CIA agent. Just who is this old bot and why has he taken an interest in Remcy? (Fairy Tail) The Mythic Connection: A search for lost family members, fighting to survive, and a mission with unforeseen routes. This is the tale of how members of a family find each other, and how they come to call the guild of Jackal Fang home. (Fairy Tail) Homeward Bound: On a request from the vampire king, Team Dark Angel travels to the far-off kingdom of Mynthril. A dark force there is on the rise and it is up to our Jackal Fang mages to solve the mystery of this kingdom before it falls into anarchy. Completed Stories: The Journey of a Strange Femme The Path Less Taken The End of the Path The Resurrection of Journey Guardians, The Beginning (Transformers Animated) The Power of One (Transformers Prime) Knockout Meets the Wal-Mart Parking Lot Remembrance (Transformers Prime) The Dragonian Revolution (Transformers Prime) Hey everyone! My friend Shadow Katakura (check out her stories because they are really good) and I are working on a self-insert story together. And as a final note, please read our stories because we work hard on them and they are awesome! 07-15-20: First note: Well, this has not bee updated in a while. Just to let you all know, I am still here, just slammed with work due to all of this COVID stuff. XP I am trying to work on chapters but finding the time hasn't been easy. But, I will keep working on it. Second note: Added onto the first note, while I am going to try and be working on chapters, I think that will be helped by mainly focusing on one story for the time being. So, unless there is a birthday request that someone sends out to me, I will be focusing on The Resolve of One for the time being. This could change. I am a human (I think) and do tend to change my mind about things. For now, though, that is the main objective. Third note: Please stay safe everyone. Whether that be from COVID or anything else in this world that may have you worried, just remember to stay safe. Also, remember that everyone has their own beliefs about what is going o in the world, and please remember to respect that, even if you don't necessarily agree with another person's beliefs. If you ever want to through me a PM to ask me anything, or just chitchat, don't hesitate. I may not respond right away but I will respond! I probably won't give you details about the stories that I am working on or that are planned, but I will discuss them with you. I find it quite fun to talk about my stories. Plus, who knows? If you keep me talking enough, I might just slip a small detail or two. XD Sincerely, DragonScouter |