Fairy Tail mess up

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and what if Lucy was born several years later? Born the day her mom dies and with not just Celestial magic but also an eye based magic that she can't control? Running away at six instead of sixteen she meets Natsu and is taken to the guild. AU OOC some bashing)

"Hey I made it back alive and I brought someone with me!" Natsu called as he opened the doors to the guild, for once not kicking them, and walked in holding the hand of a small girl. She was tiny, barely coming up to Natsu's hip, and skinny to the point of half-starved. Her hair was short and matted with dirt and what they hoped wasn't blood, her face covered in dirt, her cloths tattered and ripped, and he eyes firmly closed.

"A new member you say? Hello little one. My name is Makarov Drayer and I'm the master here. What's your name and magic?" Makarov asked the girl as he sat on top of the bar and looked at her. Natsu gently removed his hand from hers and went to start a fight with Gray, leaving the girl by the bar with Mirajane, Master and Cana.

"Lucy sir and I use Celestial magic." Lucy said almost timidly making Mirajane squeal over how cute the small blond was.

"Why aren't you opening your eyes kid?" Cana asked around her keg of beer.

"I… anytime I look at someone something bad happens." Lucy said softly making the master frown slightly at her.

"Don't worry kid. There are plenty of powerful mages around here who can handle themselves. Open your eyes, we'll be fine. Guild master guarantee." Makarov said with a funny tone to his voice as if he were striking a pose. Lucy gave a small giggle and slowly cracked her eyes open.

Squinting against the light shining into her eyes, Lucy looked up at Makarov who was striking a pose… as soon as he locked eyes with the little blond, Makarov turned into complete stone.

"Master!" Mira yelped alarmed causing Lucy to yelp in panic and shut her eyes while the guild went dead silent as Cana dropped her keg of beer.

"What the hell?" Natsu was the one to ask as he stared wide eyed at the stone statue of the master, still stuck in his silly pose.

"The kid opened her eyes to look at him and he just turned to stone!" Mirajane said near panicked and making one mage tense and turn to look at the little girl.

"Was there a magic circle or were her eyes normal?" A brunette woman asked her voice betraying nothing as she stood up and began walking over staring at the quietly crying child with worried eyes.

"There wasn't any magic circle." Mirajane said trying to calm herself at the sight of the crying child who kept her yes squeezed shut.

"I was afraid of that." The woman muttered softly before kneeling down beside Lucy and laying a gentle hand on her dirty blond hair.

"Little one? Listen to me okay? I know what kind of magic you are using by accident. It's okay. It's not your fault and don't worry. He'll be okay. It'll wear off soon." The woman said softly to the little girl who sniffled and wiped her tears away.

"R-really?" Lucy asked tearfully as the woman smiled sadly and softly at the little girl.

"Yes it's alright. Now I want you to trust me okay? I want you to open your eyes and look at me okay? I promise you I won't turn to stone." The woman with the soft and warm voice said making Lucy freeze slightly and wipe her eyes again.

"Promise? You can't break a promise." Lucy said softly making the woman chuckle a bit as she placed a gentle kiss on Lucy's forehead.

"That's right. I promise. Open your eyes and look at me little one. I will not turn to stone." The warm voice said making Lucy tremble a bit but slowly open her eyes.

The lights stung her eyes again but she pushed past it and noticed a green dress and lightly tan skin.

"That's it little one. Look up in my eyes. I promise I won't get all stiff on you." The warm voice encouraged making Lucy look up, her rather pale chocolate eyes looking upwards and meeting a pair of green eyes that were looking at her softly.

The warm voice and soft green eyes belonged to a woman with long brown hair, a pretty smile, and lightly tanned skin who was wearing a simple pair of glasses.

"There see. I'm not effected. It's alright. Your Stone Eyes won't effect me." The woman said smiling softly down at Lucy who was staring at her awestruck before she was forced to shield her eyes from the painful glare of the lights.

"Easy there little one. How long have you kept your eyes closed?" The woman asked pulling the girl close when she staggered slightly under the pain of the lights hitting her sensitive eyes.

"Um…I'm…I wasn't allowed to ever open them. I…I only opened them when the animals attack me." Lucy said covering her eyes with her hands and making the woman frown but nod.

"Your eyes are very sensitive little one. They aren't used to the light so it will take a while to adjust. For now I'm going to put my glasses on you okay? Freed grab my spare set of glasses, I know you have them with you." The woman said softly to Lucy before calling to another person who came walking over as the lady slipped something up Lucy's nose.

"These will make it so you can see without turning anyone to stone but they're a bit big on you." The lady said gently coaxing Lucy to open her eyes again, only a little bit and making Lucy nod and squint her eyes open.

"Okay now will you look at Freed and Mirajane for me please? I promise they won't turn to stone." The nice lady said making Lucy open her eyes wider and look at the two the lady motioned to with her hand, one was a man in a red coat with green hair and the other was a pretty white haired lady. Neither of them turned to stone.

"How?" Lucy asked staring up at the nice lady wide eyed and awestruck.

"You aren't the only one with Stone Eyes little one. Having something in between your eyes and everyone elses will keep you from using it by accident, and with some training you'll be able to reverse the transformation or seal it completely. My name is Evergreen little one and right now I'm going to take you to get cleaned up and then me and you are going to get you a pair of sunglasses and regular glasses." Evergreen said smiling softly down at the little girl whose eyes watered before she launched herself at Evergreen who didn't even care about the completely silent guild around her as they stared at her. She just focused on this tiny much too thin girl in her arms and soothed and rocked her until she stopped crying and fell asleep in Evergreen's arms.

"Ever?" Laxus asked as he and Bixlow walked over to stand near their female teammate who was smiling softly down at the girl in her arms before smiling up at them sadly.

"Am I the only one having De-ja-vu?" Evergreen asked them softly, her voice quiet to keep from waking the girl in her arms.

"Nah. The half-pint is like a blond version of you when the four of us met. Complete with turning Dreyar men to stone." Laxus said amused more than anything as he glanced at his grandfathers statue, causing Bixlow to snicker while Evergreen gave a sheepish smile.

"Hey I apologized for that more than a hundred times." Evergreen said making Freed snicker slightly while Laxus reached down to gentle mess up Evergreen's hair. Everyone not in the Thunder God Tribe was even more shocked when Evergreen just gave a small giggle and swatted his hand away, careful not to jostle the girl in her lap.

"Yeah more than two hundred. Now come on sis. The half-pint is bringing back memories and needs food, a bath, and a place to sleep not necessarily in that order." Laxus said making Evergreen frown for a second. She looked down at the little girl and bit her lip for a moment before looking back up at the males of the team.

"…Would it be okay if-"

"We're going to set one of the spare rooms at the house up for her as soon as we get there Ever and when she's awake and Porlyuscia checks her over then we'll take her shopping for cloths and decorations and such for her room." Freed interrupted Evergreen making her smile up at them as she stood up with the little girl held tightly too her.

"Aww look at Evergreen being such a mommy." Bixlow teased as his babies floated around chanting 'mommy mommy' and Evergreen looked at him before blushing and scowling at him.

"Oh shut up Bixlow! Even with a kid in my arms I can kick your ass so don't start with me."

Evergreen was still blushing brightly as she stormed out of the guild her boys snickering behind her.

"Really Bix? You had to go and get her riled up? You know Ever hates showing her girly side around us." Laxus said shaking his head at his teammate who gave a small snort.

The guild was dead silent still as the boys of the Thunder Tribe followed their female teammate out of the doors, Bixlow's laugh and remark echoing behind him.

"Oh please. She mother-hens us when no one is around. Did you see her last week when Freed was sick in bed? I swear she all but had frantic mother written above her head!"