Love is a Lake
(A 'TFA' fan fic romance)
The silence and tranquility of the warm summer's night was rudely disturbed. Roars of engines sliced through the air. Soft and pallid moonlight from a crescent moon shone on the bodies of two worthy-looking aerial vehicles. They glistened with a lovely and flawless luster and they seemed to rival the luminosity of the stars above. They were flying away from the city of Detroit, making their way to a small, wooded park situated a few miles away from the bustling metropolis.
"Here," one of the vehicles suddenly spoke, "land here. Hopefully, zhey will not detect us from zhis range. Ve can scan for any energy signals."
"This better be a fruitful mission," the other muttered. "I do not want to fail our grand and glorious leader!"
They alighted slowly and gracefully, looking for a perfect patch of woodland to land on. As they descended, the vehicles, one a sleek and formidable fighter jet and the other a bulky and intimidating troop carrier, suddenly transformed. They landed with a thud on their feet, sending a slight tremor through the earth.
One of the inorganic beings narrowed his ruby red optics, briefly scanning the area for any nearby lifeforms who would potentially spy on him and his accomplice. He bore a slight scowl on his blue face as he looked around. His arms were folded across his chest, partially concealing a purple and white insignia on it. The beige, black and purple colors that graced his armor seemed specked as stray beams of moonlight shone through the treetops that rivaled his own height.
The other immense robot stood motionlessly, paying no attention to nothing else around him. His hulking form stood out boldly, presenting the trees with a challenge to provide some, if any, cover for him. A single red optic was focused on the horizon and he almost stared out mindlessly. Faint traces of green, purple and black could be seen that comprised of his armor color. Unlike his teammate, the crest on his chest was completely visible.
"Good," the icy face said, "zhere appear to be no organics running around zhis area. Ve may have some peace during zhis."
"Silence, Blitzwing!" the other hissed. "We do not want to attract any attention. Must you always talk so much and cause a ruckus? We must not fail in our quest for the shards! Megatron demands perfection!"
With a mechanical sounding whir, Blitzwing's blue face rotated and a red, angry looking face took the front. He bore a hostile sneer, displaying a gap-tooth.
"I vouldn't talk, Lugnut!" he boomed. "You're so clumsy and cantankerous the city vould think there'd be an earthquake! Now shut up or I vill punch you offline!"
Lugnut only shook his head and ignored his accomplice. There were many times when he felt like killing Blitzwing but at the same time, he knew it would be hurtful to the Decepticon cause if he did such a thing. Despite his obvious instability, the triple changer was a valuable asset and warrior who was deployed in Megatron's service. He also feared that possibly the wrath and disfavor of the Decepticon overlord would rain down in him if Lugnut did kill him.
Hothead then was promptly replaced. The third face revealed itself. It was a jet-black face with red eyes and a mouth that sported jagged teeth. If a Human saw it, they would instantly be reminded of the common design etched on a pumpkin during Halloween.
"Once again, may I offer up dancing lessons to you?" Blitzwing cackled. "It's not all zhat hard at all!"
He began to dance, only to stomp on a garbage can, crunching it completely. The contents gushed out and stuck to the bottom of his foot. Lugnut only ignored and walked away from him, deciding to go off on his own. He just hoped he would be able to detect an Allspark fragment: it would make the evening worth it.
"Vhere are you going?" Blitzwing called. "It's all good!"
Random hobbled on one leg as he lifted up the other to observe the grime and filth plastered to the bottom of his foot. He collapsed onto his rump. Lugnut groaned in exasperation and pretended he was someplace else.
"Oh, zhis grime!" Icy snapped. "Filthy beasts…"
With disdain written all over his face, the seeker scraped all the trash off from underneath his foot with a finger. Rotten food hid in the crevices and came out as a strange hybridization of a liquid and solid when Blitzwing managed to fish it out with his fingertip. Fast food bags sodden with precipitation and other unpleasant substances stuck to the sole stubbornly. They often disintegrated or tore when he managed to peel them away. If he could smell, Blitzwing would be on the verge of vomiting since the stench was so powerful.
"Zhat's all of it I zhink…"
He glanced at the flattened garbage can he sat next to. A freshly discarded newspaper that survived the destruction of its fellow housemates lay sprawled beside him. The jack-o-lantern face took over.
"Vhat's zhis?" he gushed. "Is zhis vhat the Humans read: a newspaper? Yes!"
"Ve have no time to read zhis pathetic thing!" Hothead raged. "If it is trash to zhe Humans, vhat vorth is it to us?"
Hothead was dethroned by Icy. He placed a finger on his chin and looked at the newspaper. Despite the fact it was probably a trivial matter to read it, Blitzwing felt compelled to see what exactly the contents were. The Humans repulsed him but they intrigued him as well. He had some degree of curiosity with their ways and customs.
"Vell, let's just see vhat some of zhe material is," he said.
Blitzwing picked up the newspaper. His optics focused as he perused the sections for anything that might catch his attention. The sports section didn't appeal to him. He couldn't bear to read about the Human's economic affairs which he thought was very boring and dull.
"Nonsense!" the angrier side manifested. "Zhey are scum and not vorth anyzhing!"
"Vhat about the comics?" Random pondered.
The blue-faced personality took control, forcing the others to silence themselves while he explored more. His patience with them faltered at times but what could he do? They probably had the same thoughts about the other and him. They all shared the same body and the only thing they could do was to learn how to get along. Countless cycles insured such a bond could be established but like any bond, it was never fool-proof.
Just then, he found something. It was a tiny box situated in the bottom right corner of the paper. There was a title in italics and a series of lines below it in the same font. The title alone captured his attention until he was finished investigating it further. It was a poem called: 'The Blue Mirror'. Blitzwing brought the newspaper up closer to his face and he began to read it in earnest.
'The Blue Mirror'
The blue mirror is so simple yet complex.
You see yourself and wonder what makes it vex.
The outside and the inside are laid out to the light.
Waters do not betray what has come to your sight.
As you look, you wonder, who are you truly?
You may never see the answer could be answered fully.
All your victories, defeats and dreams are laid bare.
The question of the true meaning and mystery of life,
Suddenly becomes so prevalent and aware.
Ripples distort your vision.
Do not despair and give up on your mission.
Blitzwing reread it, genuinely intrigued by the work. He could sense the passion and intelligence of the poet and he began to assume this human must be an interesting soul. Then he wondered who the name of this verbal artist was. Upon further investigation, he saw a small line beneath the poem itself that read: 'By: Cynthia Preston'.
"It is nothing but pretty words all thrown together!" Hothead growled. "It means nothing! I do not even know vhy zhou vould bother to read it… But zhen again, knowing zhou, I am not so surprised."
"I zhought it was pretty!" Random admitted. "Cynthia Preston… Who is zhat?"
"It doesn't matter for now," Icy said. "Our mission is to scan for Allspark fragments and ve vill do it now. Ve vill vorry about it later."
He tore the poem's section out of the newspaper. Blitzwing used the rest of it for wiping the bottom of his once-filthy stabilizing servo, making sure it was truly spotless. Then he tossed it aside. After reading it a third time, the Decepticon stood back up onto his feet. He gently cradled the miniscule section in his hand as he walked off to find Lugnut.