The med bay was still, the silence only broken by the soft beeping of the monitors and the near silent pede steps of the medical staff. A solitary mech occupied the bay, but the medics were as on edge as if they were deep in a multi-casualty trauma. Starscream has made is perfectly clear that if this particular mech offlined then they would be lucky to only be demoted back down to D-rank cadet. Perhaps more terrifying than Starscream's not-so-idle threats were the two small bodies that kept watch over the mech. The tiny seekerlings had climbed up on the berth the moment they had sensed their adopted creator was out of danger and refused to move. The unnamed mechs were wrapped around each other, and settled on the Autobot's chest plates, over his spark, as though they were guarding it. They were fearless, hissing and growling at anyone who came too close for their liking. Their mech had protected them, and they would do the same for him.
Starscream watched from a distance, torn between amusement and anger. How dare those filthy Autobots harm his people?! To lay a servo on a sparkling, no matter the race, was grounds for execution in the seeker culture. Starscream would track down every putrid being that had laid a hand on the twins.
The twins had not tolerated being separated from the Autobot well. They kicked and screamed, trashed and tried to flee. They had only calmed when brought into the same room, even though they could not touch him. Their own scans had shown a substantial history of neglect, but no immediate concerns. They would have to undergo further testing once they were calm enough to sit through it. The pediatric healer had been concerned that too much stress co9ulf have a negative impact on their sparks. Unfortunately, that would have to wait for the Autobot to online. The twins had made it clear they were going nowhere. Starscream dearly wanted to know what had happened to make the younglings so loyal to the former Earth Commander.
The seeker did remember the mech from his escapades on that backwards mudball. The smaller mech had been a thorn in Mighty Megatron's side. Starscream had found it hilarious that such an inexperienced mech could lead an equally inexperienced team against the greatest Decepticon in recent history and, more often than not, win. He had not interacted with the mech with much frequency, but he'd had grudging respect for the small truckformer who was so adept at fragging Megatron off. Still, the mech was an Autobot. Starscream, to put it mildly, despised his kind.
The prince was pulled from his musings by one of the twins swiping at a tech who had gotten to close to the Autobot's berth. The mech leaped back as though he had been struck by a mech ten times the seekerling's size. Five faint claw marks were visible on the white plating. Starscream stepped forward. Immediately four red optics focused on him. They watched his progress intently, harmonics kicking on in a surprisingly fierce growl once he had crossed their invisible line. The one nearest to him took a swipe, recoiling in surprise when the older seeker simply caught his servo. Determined to scar the intruder, the youngling pulled one digit into his mouth. Tiny denta clamped down, the challenge visible in burning optics. The other twin curled tighter around his brother, cooing in delight. Starscream merely raised a brow ridge.
"I am not so easily intimidated, little one." Said little one only bit down harder. The Second in Command pulled his finger free, idly examining the bite. Hmm, almost deep enough to draw energon. A soft groan pulled his attention back to the Autobot. Soft blue optics stared at him uncomprehendingly.
"Hello, Optimus Prime. Welcome to the Nemesis."
Shockwave had kept a close watch on the comings and goings of the Autobot spaceports. The new Magnus was preparing for war; he had been sending out calls for all Autobots from the Outer Rim who were of appropriate age to report to Cybertron for military training. It had been interesting to see the kind of mechs and femmes who answered the call. It was not his primary focus, however, so besides taking note of the more dangerous characters, he did not interfere. It had come as a surprise when one of his underlings reported a small cargo ship that Lockdown liked to use when trying for stealth was on approach.
Since it was not yet late enough to rouse suspicion if he took a casual stroll down by the dock the spy decided to investigate.
The small ship had landed without difficulty. A heavily disguised Lockdown barreled down the ramp, almost slamming into Shockwave. The undercover Decepticon merely grasped the unruly mech as though to stabilize him. Lockdown shot him a gruff "thanks" before continuing on his way. Their true conversation was hidden under multiple layers of encryptions less than a joor later; Shockwave had slipped Lockdown his secure frequency during their brief interaction.
"He had been contacted by an anonymous source that demanded his presence immediately. The source reportedly had urgent packages requiring the care of a seeker. Given the rushed nature of the conversation Lockdown was unable to obtain more information before the caller became spooked and disconnected. The source did give him a pick-up location and time but made no mention of payment. Lockdown was curious enough, or 'bored out of my slagging mind' as he put it, that he accepted the job on a temporary basis."
Anything that needed the care of a seeker was something Shockkwave had to investigate. If it was another of Starscream's plots then he needed to stop it before it truly began. The spy truly could not think of another matter that would require a seeker that could possibly be under control of the Autobots. The seeker prince, while a massive threat to the Chain of Command, would have raised Pitfire if any of his precious seekers had been taken.
Taking care to be seen completing his usual nightly routine the currently drab Decepticon shifted into another 'former before leaving the apartment block. Sticking to the shadows he made his way down to Lockdown's ship. The bounty hunter appeared to be passed out drunk on the ramp of his ship. Shockwave did not approach him.
It wasn't long before the Head of Intelligence heard the sound of pounding pedesteps running for the dock. The gait was unsteady, and accompanied by heavy gasping. Underneath those sounds were the tiny, frightened chirps of young Seekers. The mech rounded the corner a moment later. The mech's formerly bright plating was dull and stained with energon. Two small bundles with red optics were cradled securely to the runner's chestplates.
"I was unable to get the full story due to his condition, but Optimus apparently was the Autobot who was the janitor I was going to replace in the lab. He found the twins earlier in the day and snuck back in during the night cycle to free them. It was he who contacted Lockdown, though I am not sure how. At some point he was discovered by security and they attacked him. He sustained several wounds to his back and legs, and was nearly offline when he reached us. He also had this with him." Shockwave handed his lover a datapad. Scrolling through it quickly, the Decepticon warlord found crude copies of several of the labs developments, mostly relating to the younglings. There were a few weapon specs in the mix as well.
"Interesting," Megatron said softly. "How does a young mech, perhaps the most loyal and determined Autobot alive, go from being a hero of Cyberton to stealing classified information with intent to pass it to the enemy?"
"Optimus is loyal, but he is not blind," Blurr piped up. "He is very dedicated to his friends and his cause, but he is a good mech. If they were torturing younglings there is no way he would have stood by and let it happen."
"How well did you know him?" Megatron asked.
"Not well. I only every really saw him in passing. He was always very courteous, but he wouldn't back down from a cause he believed in. I think he is the only one who ever really disagreed with Sentinel Prime. Well, at least in public."
"Perhaps Blurr should speak with him once he onlines. A friendly face might put him at ease enough to get the full story." Blurr shot Shockwave a disbelieving look.
"One: he thinks I am dead. Two: my upgrades are definitely Decepticon in nature," here both of the other mechs ran an appreciative optic over the sleek, deadly frame, "and three: I have this," he gestured proudly at the prominent brand on his chassis. "None of those scream 'confide in me!'"
"Perhaps not, but the information he carries is valuable. We need to know if he is a threat, and, unlikely though it is, if he has forsaken the Autobots what he can tell us about their future plans. Starscream, contrary beast that he is, is not going to let the two of us into the seekers' domain without issue. He is more likely to let a teammate, former or not, visit. Seekers take their Trines and Families very seriously." Blurr nodded his understanding.
"Yes sir."
"The two of you are dismissed. You may retire for the rest of the cycle. The Autobot is unlikely to online for the next several joors."
"Thank you, Lord Megatron." Bowling slightly to their leader the pair turned and left. Blurr barely made it to the sanctuary of their rooms before launching himself at his lover. Shockwave caught him easily. In two strides he carried his prize to the berth. The smaller mech smirked coyly, pulling the purple mech down on top of him. He was glad his lover was home, and they had lots of catching up to do. That would have to wait for a while, however. They had some other, more pressing matters, to see to first.