++++++ Okay I know I have life eight other stories as of right now but this idea has been in my head for literally weeks. You know what I'm talking about fellow authors. It has consumed my every waking thought, when I'm asleep, it's like write me or I'll never leave you alone!

It could could possibly be slow to update or not-depending where my muse is at. She's like a cat, she sees something shiny and goes oh meow.

Disclaimer-I do not own Harry Potter, that pleasure belongs to our beloved JK-as the Doctor says-GOOD OLD JK!

Please remember I am Australian so my words may be spelt differently and I do not have a beta.

Enjoy and tell me what you think. I'd like to know as I've not stumbled across many stories like this.

If you know of something similar, please let me know as I would LOVE to read it.


MosterSlut ++++++

Full Summery (Cause there is never enough room):

Christmas Eve, 1985 Vernon Dursley is killed in a fire, Petunia and her son were saved by her niece forcing the new widow to reevaluate her treatment of the girl. Harleen Potter grows up loved and cared for, and is inseparable from her cousin. At the age of seven, Dudley has his own bought of accidental magic. Both children will soon be heading to Hogwarts and neither will be messed with. Fem!Harry/Nice!Dudley/Parental!Snape/Good!Draco/Neutral!Harry Slight Weasley Bashing. Some Dumbledore Bashing.


For Petunia Dursley, life hadn't gone exactly to plan.

She had a perfect husband, a perfect son and a perfect house in a perfect neighbourhood with perfect friends and perfect curtains. Yes, life was perfect.

When the daughter of her deceased sister and her husband came to live with them, Petunia Dursley had become consumed with fear that her perfect life was shattered beyond repair. Her sister and her freakish husband had produced a freakish daughter that had been shoved into their perfect lives where she didn't belong.

It was fear that forced Petunia Durlsey to take custody of her freakish niece, fear of a powerful, yet dark entity that had ended the lives of many respectable normal people such as herself and thousands more freaks like her niece. Although she feared the unnatural freakishness her niece possessed and feared she would infect her beloved child, Petunia Dursley feared death even more.

For five years, the Dursley's tolerated the unnaturalness that was Harleen Potter, trying to see if they could punish the freakishness out and make her into a respectable, normal person. One night though, everything changed.

On Christmas Eve, 1985, a candle caught alight on the perfect kitchen curtains as Petunia readied breakfast for Christmas morning, causing flames to consume the house, killing Petunia's husband, Vernon whilst he slept and trapping Petunia and her precious Dudley in the lounge room. In a truly selfless, and somewhat odd act, a skinny, mistreated Harleen Potter saved both Petunia and Dudley with her unnatural freakishness.

From that moment, Petunia Dursley became a different person.

Being forced to live in a hotel whilst her house was fixed, a week after the event that took her husband, Petunia witnessed her freakish niece comforting Dudley for the loss of his father and his home. That night, she revaluated her treatment of her freakish niece that looked too much like her once beloved, little sister. The cousins fell asleep hugging each other on the couch, Dudley's tears long since gone and a somewhat small smile on his face.

She sat up all night, firmly determined to treat both Dudley and Harleen exactly the same. Petunia couldn't believe how she had allowed her jealousy and husbands fear to corrupt her treatment of her niece. Lily Potter, nee Evans, would be turning in her grave. If it had been her and Vernon that were brutally murdered, Lily would have taken Dudley in and cared for him as her own, because that was the nature of Lily Potter. She was kind and forgiving and Petunia used to be like that.

She would be again.

When Dudley and Harleen awoke the next morning, Petunia was fixing breakfast. She turned the TV on and told the young children with a smile, that they were to enjoy their Sunday morning cartoons. Dudley dove into an explanation of his favourite shows, Harleen glued on the item she had never been allowed to watch before.

That night, Petunia Dursley slept better than she had in her whole life.

She awoke the next morning to find herself in the middle of a chubby blonde boy and a flaming red head girl with a lightning bolt scar on her head. Petunia found herself smiling her first true smile as her heart was consumed with love for these two children-her two children.

Things became easier for the three once Petunia tearfully buried her husband. The insurance money came in, she sold her husband's land at Number Four Private Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, and moved to London to get away from the memories.

The three moved into a three bedroom apartment, laughter rang from the rooms of her children as they attempted to paint their bedrooms. Watching Harleen laugh always made Petunia think of Lily, the little girl had seen so many photos of her mothers and aunt as children.

Petunia had gotten a job in the same school Dudley and Harleen attended. She worked in the administration building as the principal's secretary and she found she thoroughly loved the work. Even though it stressed her at some points.

After the three had moved to London, Petunia sat both her children down and explained about magic and wizards and witches and told Harleen how her mother had died bravely at the hands of an evil wizard. She explained how she was the Girl Who Lived and was famous in the hidden community and when she turned eleven, Harleen would be going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn to control her magic.

Well, Petunia thought it would just be Harleen.

After Dudley's seventh birthday, the boy did his first bought of accidental magic, turning Petunia's hair green by accident in a fit of anger. Harleen melted in a fit of giggles, soon turning into big laughs as she pointed at her aunt's hair. Petunia could have had a heart attack when she saw her hair, seeing Dudley and Harleen so happy, she soon joined them in their laughter.

Petunia was happy, somewhat jealous, but happy that her son had what she didn't. Both Harleen and Dudley would be going to Hogwarts together.

As Dudley got older, Petunia cracked down on his food consumption, he was stocky but not a whale. His blonde hair was growing darker each day but he didn't look an inch like his father, more like Petunia's father. He was a kind, caring child who although had a sneaky streak, did as he was told as much as a kid would.

Harleen was exactly like her mother. She was lean and tall, her long legs made her the perfect soccer player at school and an excellent runner. She had decided that she wanted to be called Harley so she and Dudley could be similar in names. Her flaming red curls grew darker with age but the spark in her emerald eyes never left. She looked exactly like her mother and nothing like her father. Harley was smart, she always stuck by her cousin even when they both got in trouble at home or at school.

Thick as thieves were Harley Potter and Dudley Dursley. Petunia often imagined what things would be like if Vernon hadn't died and they still lived as they used to. She often forced those images into the back of her mind, not wanting to think those thoughts.

The moment came quicker than she thought it would.

In July, after both Dudley and Harley turned eleven, two letters came in the post. One addressed to Dudley and the other addressed to Harley. The two ran through the house, screaming with excitement, frighting Petunia awake on a Friday morning when it was her day off.

Before their letters could be opened, there was a knock at the door. Petunia pulled on her fluffy, pink robe and opened the door to find a witch in black robes standing there. "Mrs Durlsey? My name is Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, may I come in?" she questioned over two screaming children.

Petunia remembered that she had heard Lily mention the woman several times in her youth. She smiled. "Come in, Ms McGonagall. I think we have much to talk about."