TFA: Prowl's Resurrection

by: TransformerTard

Title: Prowl's Resirrection

series: Tansformers animated

Pairings: none

Rating: K

Warnings: none

Summary: A few hours after Prowls death his friends mourn for him, but then a fascinating miracle happens.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. I do not make profit from this.

Ratchet smiled, as he slowly got stood up " never in my whole life have i ever seen such a thing!" ratchet light died down and Prowls grey body filled up with his black and gold colours once again. Optimus stepped forward, " Prowl..?" Optimus all started to walk over to the berth. Prowls visor lit up, everyone gasped as he sat up slowly, shaking he head. Prowl rubbed the back of his helm, " i im.. back." Prowl said cracking a cheered. " Your back!" Bumblebee said happily." yeah" Prowl said, smiling. Sari hugged Prowls leg, " i missed you!" Sari said, sniffling. Prowl smiled even more, picking her up. " i missed you too.. i missed all of you.." Prowl said smiled, with relief, " good to have you back, kid" Ratchet said happily. Bumblebee laughed, " looks like ratchet got less grumpier !" Bumblebee of ratchet snapping back he just rolled his eyes, and chuckled a bit, " he should have some rest" Ratchet said, walking away to the other room.

Optimus smiled, "right." Optimus said, nodding, "thanks for everything Prowl... i don't know what we would do without you.." Optimus said. Prowl sat there for a moment, shocked, then he nodded, "Its.. not a problem." Prowl said,suddenly looking very tired. " we should let him rest" Optimus said, smiling, walking out of the room with the rest of the laid back down on the berth, smiling, " its good to be back.." he thought, falling into recharge,.

Later, the autobots said goodbye to the elite guard as they were heading back to earth. Seeing how planet earth grew to be their home, Ultra magnus agreed that they could stay there, as long as they would come back if they needed them.

They all got back to their base late, so they were all really walked to his quarters, taking off his samurai armour, it was rather heavy, plus he didn't really need it at the sighed, looking at the samurai helmet, " thank you master Yoketron.. " Prowl said bowing, and he turned around and walked away.

( after this is kinda random and stupid.. kinda ruins the sweet story, hehe sorry i just wanted to add a random cute moment. read if you want )

Bumblebee sighed, slumping onto the couch inside the base," its good to be home.." He said. Bulkhead sat next to him " yeah.. i was starting to get home sick.." Bulkhead said, smiling, Bumblebee turned to Bulkhead," you wanna watch a movie? " i don't really feel like going to bed yet.." Bulkhead nodded,sleepily " sure.. hopfully i wont fall into recharge during it..".Ratchet yawned, stretching, " well.. I'm going to go recharge.." Ratchet said, going down the followed " same here.." Optimus said.

Prowl came and sat down beside Bumblebee, " You wanna watch a movie too Prowl?" Prowl thought for a moment, " alright.. fine.. what are we watching?" Bumblebee turned to Bulkhead, " what do you wanna watch?" Bumblebee asked.

Bulkhead shrugged, " uuuh...oh hey! we should watch that awesome superhero movie!" Bulkhead said. Bumblebee scratched his helm, " what superhero movie?" Bumblebee said. " That one Sair brought over a while ago... he was dressed in a red suit.. and he had white eyes and stuff." Bulkhead said. "oh! Spiderman? Sure, why not?" Bumblebee said, getting up to go get the movie. " is that okay with you prowl?" Bee asked from the other room. Prowl crossed his arms, he was kinda surprised Bee was being so polite." uh. sure, sounds good" Prowl replied.

Bee came back into the room, and went over to the tv to put the dvd in. " okay" Bee said sitting back onto the couch, as the movie movie

passed by and they were all enjoying it, untill the part came when spiderman kissed marie jane in a upside down position in the dark rainy blushed, crossing his arms, " thats rather beautiful.. " he smiled, " aaaw..' Bulkhead said nudging Bee a bit. Bee chuckled nervously, " hehe stop.." Bee said, blushing. His embaressed face turned into a glanced to his side, he couldent help but laugh a bit when he saw Bee's face. bee looked at prowl shocked, " what?" Bee said. Bullhead laughed too. " your face, thats what!" Prowl said pointing at Bee's face. They laughed louder. " what! " Bee said again, he started to laugh too. " look who got a sense of humor!" Bee said. Prowl smiled, and looked back at the movie.

The movie ended and they were all really tired, Bee yawned and stretched, " aaah, good movie.." Bee said, was already asleep on the couch.. Bee looked back at bulkhead, chuckling sofly. Prowl laughed quietly too. " look who's tired.." Prowl said, walking slowly to the doorway. " that was a pretty good movie.. i enjoyed it" Prowl said, looking back at Bee. " yeah.." Bee replied. " well goodnight.." Prowl said started to walk down the hall. " hey, Prowl wait." Bee came back into the living room with a confused face " what.." Prowl said, walked up to Prowl, smiling. " Bee?" Prowl Bee ran up and hugged Prowl tightly,

Prowl blushed slightly looking around with a shocked face, he wasent used to such he smiled and hugged back. " sorry.. i just missed you a lot.." Bee said. " no need to appolagize.. i am sorry...but im here now.. and im not going anywhere" Prowl said. Bee smiled, steping back. " thanks...uh... well.. goodnight.." Bee said, scratching his helm nerviously." Night" Prowl said, smiling. Bee walked down the hall to his chuckled, " wow.. someones grown up.." Prowl said, walking down to his quarters, " it is good to be home... and its good to be back with me teammates.. my family.." Prowl said, settling down for his nightly meditation.