![]() Author has written 2 stories for Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy VII. Hello Mates; Welcome to my fanfiction profile, nice to meet you! If you have cookies i will freakin' love u forever! o.k...i'm just going to keep this simple: Psuedonym: Black-Cl0thed-Angel. or just BCA for short. Real name: Cat Hair color: Cool brown with highlights eyes: they change color. Usually they're a dark chocolate/or honey brown with faint blue rings around them, other times they'll lighten to a honey-hazel, or if i'm in a bad mood change to black-grey, redish, or pure jet black. height: 5'7 weight: YOU KNOW NOT TO ASK A GIRL THAT! XP *smack* ethnicity: caucasian with Greek-Italian-German-English-Swedish-French background. ;p I'm a heinz 57 baby essentially. blood type: i think it's either AB- or B- negative...not so sure though... style: I'm a Gothic-punk lolita/ J-rock fan and proud of it! likes/hobbies: The GazettE, Versailles, Girugamesh, Helena Paparizou, Dima Bilan, Miyavi. art, music, animals, manga, fanfiction (of course! ), anime, gardening, reading, the colors black, white, blue, light grey, purple, crimson, singing, dancing, soccer, volleyball, running, swimming, tennis, cosplay, yoga, Martial arts, motorcycles, Japanese pop, fashion, sleeping in, fire, POCKY & CANDY!! horror movies, musicals, ballet, shopping for shoes, Parties, being a spazz, Tarot cards, collecting funny icons and KLEPTOMANIA. XDDD dislikes: Siblings, red meat (i was a vegetarian for over 6 1/2 years...so yeah ; I'll eat turkey now since I became anemic but most other types of meat's (with the exception of Tempura shrimp!) peanuts (allergies), math, bugs, and getting woken up early. Favorite Authors: Ann Rice, Anne Bishop, Edgar Allen Poe, the original author of Alice in Wonderland, Tite Kubo, Thomas Harris, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, and many others. Favorite foods: Strawberry sundaes, pocky, sushi, Greek/italian, Veggie pizza's, Chinese. Caffeine! Favorite music: I have too many bands I like, mostly I'll listen to about anything weather it be techno, classicals, rock, heavy/death metal, Euro-anything is fine really. Favorite movies: ...I honestly don't watch a lot of TV, when i do it's usually just anime or Horror flicks, or the odd soap opera...;;; I am however super fond of Alice in Wonderland (The Tim Burton one, NOT the Disney one! Disney is Capital EEEEEEVVVVIIIIIIIILLLL!!) the Dracula with Belli Lugosine, Nightmare on Elmstreet, Beetlejuice, Blood and Chocolate, Anything with Johnny Depp, Corpse Bride, Chocolate, Dead Like Me, Dexter, Sweeny Todd, Final Fantasy: Advent Children, and the Pink Panther. And i find Classical horrors like "le morte Vivante" FUNNY!! XD Favorite Anime/mangaka: Bleach, Vampire Knight, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Ai Yori Aoshi, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia, DN Angel, Full Metal Alchemist, PetShop of Horrors, XXX Holic, Tsubasa, Angel Sanctuary, The Devil and her lovesongs, Furuba (Fruits basket! 0 Kyo-Kyooooo! Glomps Kyo) Her Majesty's Dog, Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, Lolita Fashion Magazine, Blood Trinity, Ouron High Host Club, Ayakashi: Classical Japanese Horror myths, Pretear, YuYu Hakusho, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Deathnote, Chobits, Mythical Detective Loki Ragnaroke, Fushigi Yuugi, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Claymore, Black Cat, Elfein Leid, Blue Exorcist. Sports and activities: music, singing, learning the guitar (accoustic) soccer, football, martial arts, dancing, volleyball, tennis, horseback riding, snowboarding, snowmachining, swimming, yoga, tai chi, and just about everything in between. :) and now an apology: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not updating any stories yet- most of the things i have written are on my deviantart accound (and I've been BAAAAAAAAAD about updating that 2 recently. :'( ) i'm currently working and going 2 college and hopefully starting a second part-time job soon, and there's been some drama (yay u just GOTTA love that now right?) with my family the past couple of months. It's almost over now fortunately but until i'm sure everyones over it (and I'm over my damn writer's block) I'll be happy to critic/review other's stories but I will be taking just a little bit more time before I upload any stories. Please bear with me here. BCA. |