Slowly Axel slid his tongue over the blondes' neck.
"Ahhh... I... I don't think we should be doing this..."
Axel breathed out hard.
"Why not?"
Demyx was flushed and panting slightly.
"Uhm well... You're my boss... And... And..."
Axel slid his hand up his cute employees' thigh...
Demyx's heart was beating hard against his chest...
"Because... They could get it working..."
He gulped hard.
"Again at any minute..."
Axel shoved him against the side of the elevator pinning him there with his arms raised above his head...
"But... But..."
"Then we better stop wasting time hadn't we?"
Axel's lips ravaged his neck again making him cry out in desire.
"And do you still think we shouldn't be doing this...?"
Demyx let a sigh of pleasure escape his lips as Axel used one hand to gently grope him through his trousers.
"I'll take that as a no..."
That morning:
"I'll be right back... I just gotta drop this paper work off to the third floor and then I'll be with you okay?"
His blue haired colleague nodded.
"Yeah sure... Take your time dude... No rush."
Demyx made his way through the office quickly.
/I can still get these in by the deadline if I move fast!/
Nearly crashing into the doors at the end of the office he looked towards the elevator and then looked towards the stairs...
/The lift would probably be quicker.../
With that he pressed the button several times and willed it to stop for no one...
But of course like the irritating contraptions that elevators are it did stop...
And there's only six in the place...
Before getting to his one...
Finally the doors opened and he stepped inside...
/Come on... Come on.../
The elevator was crowded and he was pressed between two men who were a lot bigger than him...
Being sandwiched between two men in most other situations would have been a more than welcome situation to him, but his stress levels were through the roof and he needed to get this article in on time...
His boss was already pissed at him for handing the last one in past deadline...
He was not going to let that happen again...
Silently he prayed that the elevator would empty out soon.
/Come on... Come on! 7 minutes till deadline.../
The elevator dinged open at yet another floor and Demyx near growled with frustration until the entire elevator emptied out...
And his boss walked in...
"Hey Demyx..."
"Uhm... Hi Axel..."
He walked into the lift and stood near the back.
"How are you?"
"Not bad... H-How are you?"
Axel sighed.
"Stressed... As always..."
Demyx nodded trying to avoid his gaze...
/Just keep calm you can still make the deadline.../
And a panic attack...
They were almost at the 3rd floor and Demyx still had about 3 and a half minutes to hand in his article...
/I can make it!/
Just before the lift reached his floor however... It creaked and slowed to a halt...
/You've got to be fucking kidding me.../
Axel looked around himself as the lights flickered and dimmed...
Axel walked over to the help button and pressed it a couple of times...
The redhead shrugged.
"No answer... I guess we're gonna be here for a bit..."
Demyx was wide eyed.
"We're... We're stuck?"
Axel nodded slowly.
"Sure looks that way..."
Demyx backed into a corner and sat down on the floor...
He was beginning to hyperventilate.
The redhead crouched down beside him.
"What's wrong?"
Gasping for air he just managed to get out the word 'claustrophobic'...
Axel nodded and tried to calm him down...
"Is there anything I should do or...?"
Demyx shook his head and continued to hyperventilate...
Axel laid his hand softly on Demyx's back...
His skin was hot through the shirt...
Mentally scolding himself for noticing this he took his hand away sharply.
"Are you okay?"
Demyx shook his head still breathing heavily.
The redhead was sitting cross legged on the floor wondering what to do...
He put his hands over his face and closed his eyes for a moment to concentrate...
Trying to keep his breath steady he tried to think of something...
/Why the hell didn't I bring my cell phone? Maybe Demyx has his with him?/
While concentrating on Demyx's presence he couldn't help but notice how he was breathing...
His mind flashed images through his mind of what kind of activities could bring about that kind of breathing...
Behind his eyelids he saw flashes of Demyx's naked body... Him causing the slender blondes back to arch in absolute ecstasy...
The redhead uncovered his eyes Demyx's breathing was beginning to go back to normal...
"Hey your breathing is slowing down again..."
The blonde man nodded.
"Sometimes being distracted is enough to end the panic attacks..."
"I see..."
Demyx unfastened the top few buttons of his white shirt...
"I feel kind of woozy..."
Axel seeing the pale exposed skin of Demyx's chest and making up new sexual scenarios in his head every minute was becoming desperately aroused...
"So being distracted helps you huh?"
"Yeah... It does..."
The redhead got up and sat down next to Demyx...
"Wanna know a secret?"
The blondes' ears perked up.
Axel slowly looked the blonde up and down seductively...
"I've always wanted to have sex in an elevator..."
The air that Axel exhaled met Demyx's ear making him shudder slightly.
Axel smiled to himself seeing a possible solution to both of their problems...
But he would have to be sly...
"Hey what's that paperwork you have there anyway?"
"This weeks article... Which is now late... Demyx let his head drop between his knees... Go ahead let me have it about another late article..."
"Demyx Demyx Demyx... You need to relax... This lift getting stuck wasn't anyone's fault... I'll just extend your deadline..."
The blonde sighed and felt himself visibly relax.
"Do you feel better now?"
Demyx nodded.
"Yeah a little..."
Axel started softly to rub Demyx's back again.
Seeing that Demyx was becoming more and more relaxed...
Axel sat behind him and started to rub his shoulders...
/Is he... Rubbing my shoulders? I guess I must've gave him a scare when I had the panic attack.../
Slowly Axel lowered his lips to Demyx's neck...
This made Demyx jump on contact...
"What... What's going on?"
"Shhh... Just enjoy it..."
Demyx moved away across the floor.
"Uhm... I don't think..."
Axel crawled after him pinning him into the opposite corner of the lift.
Slowly his lips found Demyx's neck again.
The blondes' heart started racing and his breath hitched in his throat.
/This isn't right... What is he playing at?/
Slowly Axel slid his tongue over the blondes' neck.
"Ahhh... I... I don't think we should be doing this..."
Axel breathed out hard.
"Why not?"
Demyx was flushed and panting slightly.
"Uhm well... You're my boss... And... And..."
Axel slid his hand up his cute employees' thigh...
Demyx's heart was beating hard against his chest...
"Because... They could get it working..."
He gulped hard.
"Again at any minute..."
Axel shoved him against the side of the elevator pinning him there with his arms raised above his head...
"But... But..."
"Then we better stop wasting time hadn't we?"
Axel's lips ravaged his neck again making Demyx cry out.
"And do you still think we shouldn't be doing this...?"
Demyx let a sigh of pleasure escape his lips as Axel used one hand to gently grope him through his trousers.
"I'll take that as a no..."
Demyx could feel his will slipping away from him...
/You're letting your boss feel you up in the lift in work... Come on Demyx!/
"No... We can't do this..."
Axel kept Demyx's hands pinned.
"If I believed you didn't WANT this I would stop... But all I'm hearing is we 'shouldn't' and 'can't'..."
The blondes face was flushed red his breath escaped his lips in a shuddering rasp.
"I just... Afterwards... Will be... Weird..."
His eyes caught Axel's and he snapped back to reality.
"I shouldn't be doing this..."
Axel shook his head.
"Why because I'm your boss? Forget it... Forget everything... Just enjoy it..."
He started kissing his neck again...
"You find me attractive right?"
Demyx's breath caught in his throat.
"Doesn't everyone?"
Axel raised an eyebrow.
"I was unaware of that..."
"Yeah so now you can go find someone cuter to fuck..."
/He's so headstrong and determined.../
Axel released Demyx's hands and put one hand on the side of his face softly.
"Cuter than you? I wouldn't want to be in this situation with anyone else..."
The blonde was losing control fast.
"Ah... Uhm..."
Axel unbuttoned Demyx's shirt slowly and kissed down his chest...
Blue eyes fell closed...
He was hard...
So hard it was becoming uncomfortable...
His shirt was fully unbuttoned now and Axel was getting to work on opening his trousers.
"This... Is crazy... You know that..."
Axel grinned up at Demyx as he unbuttoned his trousers...
"Still gonna fight me?"
Demyx shook his head as Axel released his painfully hard cock from his restrictive blue boxer shorts.
Slowly and deliberately Axel licked the top of Demyx's cock making him moan involuntarily.
Axel was grinning now.
"Does that feel good?"
Demyx's head was thrown back against the side of the elevator and his eyes were shut as if he needed to keep them shut to keep himself from losing control.
"Yes... Don't stop..."
Axel took his full length in his mouth in one swift motion making Demyx cry out his hands gripped for something anything and wound up tangled in Axel's hair.
"Ahhh... Yes...!"
Axel pulled back for a moment.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Demyx teeth were clamped down onto his bottom lip.
"No... Please don't stop!"
His breath was coming in sighs, faster and faster now as Axel worked him with his hands and mouth.
"Axel! I'm gonna..."
His hands were gripping Axel's hair hard...
Suddenly the lights came back on to full power and the lift started moving.
Axel stood up and Demyx quickly pulled his boxer shorts and trousers up...
He managed to get his shirt buttoned back up just before the lift door slid open...
The redhead simply walked out of the lift without even a second glance in his direction and Demyx confused and horny as hell walked out of the lift holding his articles in his hand...
/Right gotta hand these in... What the hell just happened? He was just giving me a blowjob and now...? He said it wouldn't be awkward... Then why do I feel so damned awkward?/
He wandered through the 3rd floor office without even thinking and dropped his article to the secretary's desk without even saying anything...
Wandering back through the office he looked at the lift and decided to take the stairs this time...
/I think I've tempted fate enough for one day.../
Sighing realising he just made a pretty huge mistake he made his way back up to his office where Zexion was waiting...
"Dude when I said take your time I didn't mean take an hour... Hey... What happened to you anyway?"
Demyx sighed.
"How about we go for a coffee and I tell you all about it..."
At the entrance of the building Demyx sighed.
"Shit... I'm outta cigarettes... Zexion can I bum one until we get to the shop?"
Zexion raised an eyebrow and handed one over.
"Dude you only smoke when you're drunk... And when you're extremely stressed so what's up?"
Demyx looked left and right and then saw Axel having a cigarette not too far away from them...
"Uhm... Hey I'll be able to explain better when we're sitting down with something to eat..."
Zexion nodded.
"Okay well where do you wanna go then?"
"I don't care... Anywhere..."
The blue haired man shrugged and smiling dragged Demyx to the nearest cafe.
Axel's eyes followed them warily.
/Perhaps they're together?/
Zexion pulled him in through the door and sat them down in a booth.
"Okay, what's going on?"
Demyx took a deep breath.
"Okay... I was leaving my article down to floor 3 right?"
Zexion nodded curious.
"And the lift was packed..."
The blue haired man rolled his eyes.
"As always..."
"And I was in a rush..."
Zexion was getting impatient now.
"Okay so the lift empties out and Axel comes in..."
"Uh huh..."
Just then the waitress came to their table.
"What can I get you gentlemen today?"
Demyx smiled up at her.
"Uhm can I get the chicken soup?"
"Sure thing and for you?"
"Uhm... I'll have the pepperoni pizza please."
"Okay one chicken soup and one pepperoni pizza... Anything to drink?"
"I'll just have water please..."
"And for you?"
"Water too please."
"Sure thing guys two waters, okay so that'll just be a few minutes..."
"Thank you."
With that the waitress left their table and Zexion was leaning across staring at Demyx.
"Okay so Axel got into the lift? Then what? Was he horrible to you again?"
Demyx shook his head.
"Uhm no... We made awkward conversation... Oh so we're almost at the 3rd floor and next thing the lift stops..."
Zexion was wide eyed.
"What happened?"
Demyx rolled his eyes.
"Well I freak out and have one of the worst panic attacks of my life..."
"What did Axel do?"
Colour started to creep into Demyx's cheeks.
"Well he started to rub my back..."
Zexion leaned in.
"And then what?"
Demyx licked his lips slowly not fully believing what he was about to tell Zexion himself.
"So he asked me if I wanted to know a secret..."
Zexion's navy eyes lit up.
"Oh yeah? And what did you say?"
"I said maybe..."
"Then what happened?"
Demyx gulped.
"Here we go one pepperoni pizza, one chicken soup and two glasses of water. Enjoy!"
"Thank you."
"Thanks. Okay so what did he say?"
"I'll tell you if you absolutely swear on your life you will never tell another living soul what I'm about to tell you..."
"Okay okay! I promise! Now what did he say?"
"He looked me up and down and then said 'I've always wanted to have sex in an elevator...'"
Zexion almost exploded.
Demyx nodded blushing.
The blue haired man had completely lost interest in his lunch.
"Okay so then what happened?"
"Zex maybe quieten it down just a little... A lot of people from where we work probably eat here..."
Zexion nodded and lowered his voice.
"Okay... So then what happened?"
"He asked me about the article I had in my hand... And I said it was late..."
"Yeah yeah... Come on juicy stuff!"
"I'm getting to it!"
Zexion's face lit up.
"So there is more to this story than you're telling me?"
Demyx rolled his eyes.
"Well there WOULD be if you'd ever let me tell it!"
"Okay okay..."
Zexion motioned like he was zipping his lips closed and throwing away the zipper.
"So he extended my deadline saying that the fact we were stuck in a lift was no one's fault... Then he started massaging my shoulders..."
"Go on..."
Demyx shot him and look and Zexion pouted.
"Sorry I just can't help myself! So then what happened?"
Demyx sighed.
"He started kissing my neck..."
Zexion's mouth was agape and he was fanning himself with one of his hands and was nodding enthusiastically.
"So I felt awkward... And moved to the other corner of the lift... But he followed me and pinned me there and continued kissing my neck... Then he started licking it..."
Demyx shuddered slightly.
A smile creeped across Zexion's face.
"You enjoyed it!"
Demyx shook his head.
"No no!"
"Liar I saw you shudder relishing the details!"
"It's not like that!"
Zexion cocked his head to the side and looked at him.
"Oh come on... You can't fool me THAT easily..."
Demyx sighed.
"Okay okay... So I enjoyed it..."
"Is that all that happened?"
The blonde blushed.
"No... So he pinned me there and continued kissing and licking my neck then his hand slipped up my thigh..."
"No way! Did you tell him no?"
"Not exactly... During it he said to me 'If I believed you didn't WANT this I would stop... But all I'm hearing is we 'shouldn't' and 'can't'"
Zexion was absolutely enthralled.
"That's so hot... What happened next?"
"He started groping me through my trousers..."
Demyx nodded.
"Then he asked me if I found him attractive and I said 'doesn't everyone?' apparently he didn't know that everyone thinks he's a sex god... So I told him 'well now you can go find someone cuter to fuck...'"
"Ouch Demy jeez you're getting attention off a sex god isn't that good enough for you? So what did he say to that?"
Demyx looked down at his chicken soup dreamily.
"He said 'Cuter than you? I wouldn't want to be in this situation with anyone else'"
Demyx grinned across the table at Zexion.
"Oooh smooth..."
The blonde man nodded.
"What happened then come on I need to know now!"
Demyx's face was turning really red now.
"Well he unbuttoned my shirt and kissed all down my chest..."
Zexion's face was resting on his palm.
"Uh huh..."
Demyx took a deep breath and lowered his voice.
"Then he undid my trousers..."
Zexion was wide eyed.
"He sucked me off and just as I was about to cum..."
"Yeah, yeah?"
"The lift started up again and I had to get myself back in order..."
"No fucking way! So what did Axel do?"
Demyx shrugged.
"He just got up and acted like nothing had happened, didn't even shoot me a second glance when he was leaving the elevator..."
The blue haired man was wide eyed.
"What the fuck is with THAT?"
Demyx shrugged and spooned some soup into his mouth.
"You're either the luckiest little bastard... Or the unluckiest person I know... I mean getting head off Axel I know a few guys in there who would probably PAY for that to happen to them... On the other hand you're probably really sexually frustrated right now..."
Demyx sighed.
"Well you're not making this situation any worse..."
Zexion took a bite of his pizza.
"Sorry... Just trying to help..."
Demyx broke some bread and dipped it into his soup.
"What's worse is... I don't know what's going to happen now... Will he expect this to be a regular thing? Will he treat me like he did before? Or perhaps will he fire me?"
Zexion shook his head.
"He can't fire you... Not now that you have shit on him..."
The blonde man shook his head.
"You know I couldn't do that it's against my moral code... Anyways it's my word against his..."
Zexion nodded.
"True... You're too nice..."
Demyx sighed.
"Well I guess we better get back to work then..."
Zexion nodded.
"Well at least your Monday hasn't been boring eh? And lunch is on me..."
He laid money down on the bill and smiled up at Demyx.
Demyx shook his head.
"I would've preferred the boring Monday to this... And thanks for lunch that's probably the first good thing that's happened to me today..."
"Don't fucking lie... You loved it..."
"Okay fair enough but I don't love the consequences... I'm shitting myself about what's gonna happen now..."
"You know you're probably worrying for nothing..."
They left the cafe and started to walk back over to the building.
"Do you still want that cigarette?"
Demyx nodded.
"Yup I am stressed out to fuck..."
Zexion handed him a cigarette and lit it for him.
The blonde dragged deeply from the cigarette and exhaled white smoke.
Zexion smoothed over Demyx's shirt with his hands and fixed a few loose strands of hair...
"Now... You're all ready to go back into work! That and you're ruffled up enough to look like you might have gotten laid on your lunch break..."
Demyx rolled his eyes.
"What by you?"
Zexion shrugged.
"How many people really know me that well in there? I could be a raving little nymphomaniac for all THEY know..."
Then he winked.
"Use it to your advantage just in case you get called into his office today..."
Zexion winked.
"I am not going to try and make our boss jealous!"
Zexion grinned.
"At the end of the day Demyx, Axel is just another red blooded male... Push the right buttons and who knows what might happen!"
The blonde man laughed and put his cigarette out in the cigarette bin.
"Okay... I'm ready..."
Zexion grinned from ear to ear.
"That's my Demyx! Now let's go... And let's take the lift..."
Demyx shook his head.
"Uhm... I'd really rather take the stairs..."
"But Demy there are so many stairs... Plus I'll be there... He's not gonna try that when I'm around..."
Demyx shrugged.
"I guess you're right... Okay..."
Axel sat in his office thinking about what had happened earlier...
/Maybe he's with that... Zexion... I wonder if he told him what happened.../
He rested his feet up on his desk wondering what to do next.
/Maybe I should call him up here about that later deadline we talked about earlier...? Hmmm... I should probably figure him out further before taking any further action.../
With that he noticed Zexion and Demyx in the lift together on one of the security cameras...
/Wait... There's a camera in there...? Hmmm... /
Whilst watching Demyx and Zexion laugh and smile at each other in the lift he searched his computer for data from the lift from earlier that day... And much to his shock... There it was... Him going down on Demyx... And Demyx's face frozen in absolute ecstasy...
He sighed in frustration, looking at them leaving together sparked something in him...
/I've got to do something.../
Demyx returned to their office with a smile on his face.
/Maybe nothing will be said about it... He probably feels really embarrassed about it and doesn't wanna talk about it.../
"Stop worrying... I bet nothing will even come of it..."
Demyx nodded.
"I know you're right but..."
*Could Demyx from journalism on the fifth floor please come to Axel's office...*
Demyx's mouth dropped open and he looked over at Zexion.
"It's probably just a coincidence... But just in case it isn't... Good luck stud..."
The blue haired man winked and grinned.
"That is so not helpful..."
With that he left his office and went to the lift but decided to take the stairs instead...
/I am not getting in that lift on my own again today... It just seems to being doom in some way or another.../
He started to walk up the stairs and looked up to where they ended.
/Zexion was right... There are way too many stairs to walk up in here... But I am NOT going near that lift again.../
He tried running up as many of the stairs as he could but just wound up getting a stitch and slowing down again.
/God damn it... I only got up two floors... Okay three to go.../
Keeping a steady pace he made his way up the stairs and eventually got to Axel's office on the fifth floor, flushed and panting...
He walked up to his secretary's desk.
"Hey... I'm... Demyx... From... Fifth floor... Journalism... Axel..."
The blonde girl nodded.
"Of course go on ahead through..."
Breathing heavily Demyx pushed the doors of the office and started to walk to Axel's desk.
The redheads' mouth opened a little when he saw him.
/Flushed... Breathless... Oh God.../
"You... Wanted to see... Me?"
Axel looked him up and down.
"What's got you so... Breathless..."
Demyx looked momentarily shocked then took a deep breath.
"The stairs up here... And smoking I guess... Uhm... So what did you want to see me for?"
Axel nodded.
"Oh right... Yeah I just wanted you up here to talk about giving you a longer deadline..."
Demyx shrugged.
"It's okay... Once the lift *ahem* got working again I handed it in."
Demyx's cheeks turned red as he thought about what had happened earlier...
"Ah I see... Well you would've gotten it in if the lift hadn't broken down..."
Demyx was trying to look anywhere but at Axel...
"So I'll tell them to put it through as being on time..."
The paperweight on his desk...
"Is that okay with you?"
The view out of the window behind his desk.
The computer that had a stilled picture of him and Axel in the elevator from earlier.
His eyes widened momentarily and then he tried desperately to regain his composure.
"Is something wrong Demyx...?"
His eyes flicked momentarily to the stilled screen again and Axel followed his gaze...
Demyx took a deep breath.
"So if that's everything then... I think I should get back to work..."
Axel gazed from the screen to Demyx.
"I didn't realise there was a camera in there at the time... Trust me... I'll be deleting this... Unless you'd rather I didn't?"
The blondes face was getting redder by the second...
"Which brings me to the next point of this meeting... We didn't get to finish what we were doing... And I'm a man who hates not finishing what I start..."
"Ah... Uhm... I should... Probably... Go..."
Axel walked to the door of his office and locked it... With that he took the key and dropped into his briefcase and combination locked it.
The blonde stared at the brief case.
/Fuck fuck fuck!/
"We can't... Zexion... Is expecting me back..."
Axel leaned casually on the edge of his desk pulling his tie off.
"Oh there's another thing I meant to ask... You and Zexion, are you an item?"
"Uhm... No why?"
He pushed the protesting Demyx into a seat and pressed the intercom button to his secretary.
"Julie can you please tell anyone calling I'm busy and change any other meetings arranged for today to tomorrow?"
"Of course sir..."
"Thank you..."
"I-I was gonna go though... So I don't see why..."
Axel walked slowly around the desk smiling at him.
"Just relax Demyx..."
Walking behind him he placed his hands on Demyx's shoulders and slowly massaged them...
"Wow... You're really tense... Maybe I've been working you too hard huh?"
Demyx laughed nervously.
"No not at all... And speaking of work I'm still on the clock... And... Ahhhhhh..."
Demyx's eyelids fluttered closed as Axel worked pressure points in his shoulders.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks..."
"Mmmm... I... Need to get back to work..."
Axel slowly lowered his lips to Demyx's ear.
"I think you forget I'm the boss here... And I'll tell you when you need to get back to work... And I'll also tell you when I feel like paying you for chilling out and getting massages from me... And right now I say you need to chill out... I don't want any member of my staff taking panic attacks when the lift stops and they're stuck with me..."
Demyx's eyes closed and his thoughts were blank for a few moments...
Then they went back to earlier in the lift...
His hands gripping red hair and pushing himself harder and harder into Axel's mouth...
His blue eyes had been shut tight...
On the edge of oblivion...
His heart had started beating faster and faster...
And even worse he could feel himself getting hard...
/No! Think about... Nuns... Children... Cake!/
He swallowed hard trying to stifle the fact that he was getting aroused.
Axel leaned over Demyx's face from behind and kissed him softly on the lips...
Demyx's eyes shot open in surprise, he was staring at Axel's neck...
/What do I do? Do I kiss back or...?/
He could see Axel's pulse racing almost as fast as his own...
This game was dangerous and Axel knew it all too well...
Demyx couldn't deny the fact that he found Axel attractive...
The fact that he was his boss just made it that much more exciting...
Demyx opened his mouth slowly and let his eyes fall closed.
Axel's tongue was inside his mouth in an instant desperately searching every inch of it...
The blonde could feel Axel's fingers unfasten his shirt...
He gasped for air, but Axel kissed him mercilessly.
Slowly he felt Axel pull his hands behind his back...
He was so into the kiss however he barely paid it any heed...
When Axel finally pulled away, Demyx was breathing hard.
He tried to pull his hands forward...
Only to realise that Axel had tied them to the thin lower back of the chair he was sitting on with his own tie.
Axel grinned menacingly.
The blonde man pulled against his restraints.
"Is... Is this really necessary... For a massage...?"
"Demyx... Demyx... Demyx... How about we play a little game?"
Demyx struggled a little.
"I... I really think... I should get back to work now..."
Axel smiled as he brought another tie over from his desk.
"Not just yet..."
Slowly he tied the second tie over Demyx's eyes.
"Don't peek now..."
The blonde was breathing hard now.
"Axel... I'm... Please can I go?"
The redhead sighed.
"Don't you trust me Demyx?"
Demyx's breathing was getting harder by the second.
"I-I get nervous when I can't see..."
Slowly Axel lowered his lips to Demyx's neck and kissed it softly...
"Mmm... You taste good..."
The blonde shuddered as Axel blew air onto the spot he'd just kissed.
"How does that feel?"
Demyx was leaning forward in the chair with his mouth slightly open, breathing heavily.
His voice was a barely audible whisper.
"I can't take this..."
Axel walked around to the front of the chair and pushing Demyx gently back into the chair ran his hands up his bare chest...
"What did you say I couldn't hear you..."
Demyx sighed softly.
"I said... I can't... Take this..."
Axel ran his tongue slowly over his lips and gently kissed one of Demyx's hip bones...
"You can't take this? Well what can I do to make you feel better...?"
Demyx's mouth opened and closed again...
He shook his head and took a deep breath.
Axel unfastened the top button of Demyx's trousers making the blonde freeze.
"What... Are you doing?"
Demyx felt his trousers being pulled down.
"Uhm... Axel?"
The redhead could already see the blondes cheeks flush with colour.
"Wow... You're really hard Demyx..."
Axel stroked him softly through his boxer shorts provoking surprised moans from Demyx.
"You can moan as loud as you like... No one will hear you this place is 100% soundproofed..."
The blonde threw his head back in frustration.
"Why the hell would anyone get their office soundproofed?"
Axel shrugged.
"Well I can play music loudly... Scream when employees frustrate me... Throw shit around the place... Oh and bring you up here to sexually pleasure you..."
With that Axel pulled Demyx's boxer shorts down and took him in his mouth making Demyx arch up from the chair in surprised pleasure.
His head was hanging off the back of the chair and his back was arched up as much as his tied hands would let it...
The redhead slowly worked up and down his hard cock.
"Ugh... Axel... Untie me please!"
He moved a little faster at Demyx's protests...
Demyx's hands were balled so tightly into fists that his nails were biting into his palms.
"Axel! Axel... Please!"
Axel took Demyx's cock out of his mouth and continued to pleasure him with his hand as he removed the blindfold from the blondes face...
Demyx blinked his blue eyes open slowly...
His face was flushed across his cheekbones and nose...
Axel could see that his lips were trembling...
And the breaths that escaped them were small short sighs...
Those blue eyes caught his gaze...
Axel felt like a rabbit caught in headlights, Demyx's overtly sexual appearance caught him by surprise...
Demyx was sexy sure...
But Axel had never seen him look like this before...
He looked crazed...
"Axel... I want... You..."
The redhead felt a tightening in his groin and took a breath inwards at how restrictive his trousers suddenly felt.
Those blue eyes seemed to pierce right through him...
"Please fuck me!"
Axel stared into those blue eyes and without a second thought he untied the captive blonde who quickly taking off his shoes socks and shirt leaned over Axel's desk.
"I need you to fuck me!"
Axel couldn't believe his eyes...
Less than an hour ago Demyx had been shy reluctant and cute...
Now here he was looking more like a sex god leaning over his desk begging to be fucked...
Axel unbuttoned his shirt quickly and stepped out of his shoes...
He pulled off his socks and let his trousers fall to his ankles...
Without any hesitation Axel reached into his desk and pulled out a condom...
Slowly he rolled it now his painfully hard length and quickly lubed himself up...
Axel turned Demyx around to face him and sitting him on the very edge of the desk slowly entered him...
Demyx wrapped his legs around Axel's hips and threw his head back as Axel gripped his hips and fucked him hard...
"Ahhh yes! Yes! Yes!"
Demyx's member caught between their two grinding bodies was being stimulated effortlessly...
The redhead thrust harder and harder inside him causing the blonde to bite down on his lower lip...
"Axel! I'm gonna cum!"
His hands became tangled in red hair as Axel swept everything off the desk and laid Demyx down on it and kissed him hard...
He was no longer in control of his body...
He felt frenzied...
Like he needed this right now more than anything else...
More than he needed to breathe...
Demyx's back arched off the desk as he came over his stomach with a long moan...
Axel couldn't hold it in any longer...
Seeing Demyx lying there absolutely totalled from fucking and still saying his name was too much for him...
And with another thrust he came deep inside Demyx...
He bit down hard on his lip and let himself collapse on top of his blonde haired lover...
Demyx unlocked the door to his apartment and tried to sneak in hoping against hope that Zexion would be in bed.
But the blonde was apprehended before he'd even closed the door.
"Where the hell were you? I was worried sick!"
Zexion flipped on the hall light and took in Demyx's messy appearance...
His mouth dropped open.
"No... Fucking... Way!"
The blonde looked this way and that...
Zexion shook his head in disbelief...
"You were in Axel's office all day weren't you?"
"No... No that's not what happened at all..."
"Oh yeah? Then how come you're blushing?"
"I... I..."
Demyx's face got redder and redder.
"Zexion I don't know what to do! He tied me to a chair and blindfolded me and teased me until I was begging him to fuck me!"
Zexion stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"It's official..."
Demyx looked confused.
"What's official?"
"You got paid for a few hours work for fucking the boss... Congratulations you're a prostitute!"
A pout plastered itself over the young blondes face.
"Hey I'd be more than happy to get paid for fucking him! I have to say I'm rather jealous..."
Demyx looked confused.
"It was good... Really good... But..."
Zexion cocked his head in curiosity.
Demyx sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose quickly.
"I'm seriously screwing up this job for myself no top of that, I'm being used for sex... It's obvious... And I just don't want that..."
Zexion shrugged.
"I guess it is kind of an awkward situation."
The blonde shook his head.
"It's the worst bloody thing that could've happened in this situation..."
With that Demyx slumped past Zexion and locked himself into his bedroom.
"Awww Demy... Don't be like that... Come out and talk to me!"
Demyx laid down on his bed feeling frustrated.
/I didn't ask him to fuck me... Well actually I did... But I didn't ask for his attention... I think I liked him better when he was mad at me.../
Demyx sighed.
"Do you think if I started royally fucking up my deadlines he'd leave me alone?"
Zexion laughed.
"Honestly Demyx... If I were you I would go in tomorrow and act like nothing happened... Yesterday may have just been an enjoyable once off for both of you... If he calls you up again tomorrow and does stuff AGAINST your will then maybe we'll get around to filing a sexual harassment lawsuit..."
Demyx sighed.
"You know I wish I could just say no..."
Zexion was sitting outside Demyx's locked door with a cup of tea.
"Well you could..."
"But he's just so fucking hot... I can't say no to him... The look in his eyes when he's close to me is just irresistible... He just looks hungry and desire fuelled... It's just so hot..."
Demyx shuddered involuntarily thinking about him.
Zexion sighed.
"Well we could screw around and see how he reacts..."
"Yeah but then I might just look like a slut..."
"Or a nympho..."
"Is there really a difference?"
"YES! Nymphos are addicted to sex they NEED it... Sluts just do it because they can..."
"Wouldn't that make me the latter then?"
"Do you wanna screw with Axel's head or not?"
"I don't really see how this will benefit me... Or make anything better..."
Zexion laughed.
"Think about it... He won't take you for granted or treat you like his bitch if he thinks other guys are after you... In other words it makes HIM disposable..."
Demyx walked to his bedroom door unlocked and opened it.
"But can't he just fire me if I'm fooling around in work...?"
Zexion stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"He could... But he won't..."
"How do you know that?"
"He's too egotistical for that... He'll take another man as a challenge to be overcome..."
The blonde nodded thoughtfully.
"This sounds nuts... You know that right?"
"Plus he asked me if you and I were together today and I told him no..."
Zexion grinned.
"Good... Then he was already suspicious..."
"How is that good?"
Zexion winked.
"You may have lied to him... There may be more to his innocent little fuck buddy than he suspects..."
Demyx nodded suddenly smiling.
"Okay... I think I understand what you're getting at now..."
Zexion sat down on Demyx's bed.
"So where could we really expose ourselves to him without being too obvious?"
Demyx rested his chin on his hand.
"Uhmm... Oh! I got it! The elevator!"
Zexion raised an eyebrow.
"Uh... What you wanna get hot and heavy RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM in the elevator? That's not exactly discreet..."
"No... When I was in his office I noticed... *ahem* well there was a still screen of me and him..."
Zexion's face lit up.
"There's a security camera in the elevator?"
"Yup... But apparently he wasn't even aware that it was there..."
Zexion smiled.
"Which means it'll look like you don't give a fuck if he sees or not... And you're fresh blood so he doesn't know what to expect from you yet..."
The blue haired man giggled.
"But is it really a good idea to screw about with the boss when he's trying to have his way with me?"
"Only if you want this to go your way..."
Demyx grinned.
"Since when have you turned into such a little hell raiser?"
The blue haired man laughed.
"I've always been a hell raiser... Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'it's always the quiet ones'?"
Demyx smiled.
"Okay I can't believe I'm saying this, but when are we gonna do this?"
Zexion lay down across Demyx's bed.
"Hmmm... I say just as we're going on lunch... Then... We'll leave... Head to my car... Play up there... And come back here... That way more people will see us messing about and leaving together, gossip will spread and even if he doesn't SEE us, he'll certainly hear about it, you know the way gossip in that place has a way of getting out of hand."
The blonde man nodded.
"But is this really a good idea? I mean maybe he's not that interested... He'll probably pay me no heed and we'll both just wind up fired..."
Zexion shook his head.
"If this doesn't work I'll take you out for dinner in your favourite restaurant and pay for everything you order no matter how ridiculous!"
Zexion nodded.
"That's how sure I am that this plan will work!"
Demyx smiled and nodded.
"Okay I trust you..."
"Cool, now get some sleep, you're gonna need energy and balls for what we're gonna pull tomorrow."
"Night Zex..."
"Night Demy..."
With that Zexion pulled his door shut and grinned to himself.
/Tomorrow is gonna be fun.../