Author has written 16 stories for Naruto, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師. want to know me? XDD HERE! *points down* Willing to do FF for people who ask...w A - Age: 22 - Annoyance: times of the month, people that don’t like yaoi - Allergic: nothing that I know of - Animal: wolf! *growls* mainly sergal - Actor: Jackie Chan B - Birthday/Birthplace: December 28, 1990, butler memorial hospital - Best Friends: my kois they know who they are! KITTY! ITA! GAARA-CHAN! - Body Part on opposite sex: eyes and piercing - Best feeling in the world: butterflies - Blind or Deaf: blind…I think? - Best weather: HOT! - Bi?: yes - Been in Love: yes I have and I still am. - Been bitched out?: yup but I don’t take it to heart - Been on stage?: yes…scariest thing over… - Believe in yourself?: meh…kind of? 0_o - Believe in life on other planets: YES! - Believe in miracles: depends - Believe in Magic: yes - Believe in God: yes - Believe in Satan: yes - Believe in Santa: hmm….Madara-santa? YES PLEASE! - Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yup - Believe in Evolution: yes. C - Candy: warheads and jolly ranchers - Color: blacks and reds - Cried in school: no one knows or has ever seen - Chocolate/Vanilla: French vanilla - Chinese/Mexican: JAPANESE! - Cake or pie: pie - Countries to visit: japan and the rest of Asia! D - Dream vehicle: corvette - Danced: no…can’t dance - Dance in the rain?: don’t dance but I like standing in the rain - Dance in the middle of the street?: still no dancy - Do the splits?: tried and failed miserably E - Eyes: blue - Everyone has: YAOI! - Ever failed a class?: exploratory French with a 10% F - Full name: Madara Uchiha - First thoughts waking up: bathroom, computer, fan fiction, RP... - Food: SUSHI AND SHASHIMI !!!!! G - Giver or taker: if they take from me I will give them a nice punch in the face. - Goals: finish collage and pass get a good job and have a family - Gum: big red - Get along with your parents?: sometimes - Good luck charms: yes H - Height: 5'9" - Happy: only around my friends and boyfriend - Holidays: Christmas… and three days later my birthday! XDD - How do you want to die: die? I'm going to live far so good! but...if I had to chose. in my sleep. - Health freak?: sort of - Hate: arrogant pricks that think they know everything, bible thumpers, and Yaoi/Yuri haters I - Hair Colour: brown, black, or blonde - Height: shorter than me ( girl) as tall or taller than me ( guy) - Clothing Style: my own...cargo pants and normally a loose shirt...when I'm feeling it cargo pants and a form fitting halter top. w - Characteristics: rough around the edges but I'm really loveable once you get past that... - Ice Cream: French vanilla - Instrument: pan flute and piano ( I play the Saxophone...=w=) J - Job: I work in a hole in the ground! K - Kickboxing or karate: karate but haven't taken either. - Keep a journal?: used too. then figured out other people read it...=_=" L - Love: doesn’t mater what gender - Letter: send them occasionally - Laughed so hard you cried: yup ( friend fell down the steps but they were ok) - Love at first sight: it’s called a crush. but yes. M - Movies: mostly horror, and scifi - Mooned anyone?: Lol..sisters and friends…but not on purpose my belt fails hard. - Marriage: I hope soon - Motion sickness?: only if I’m not in the driver or passenger seat...yes. - McD's or BK: if I had to chose….McD’s N - Number of Piercings: 4, three in the ear and one in my tongue - Numbers: huh? 0_0? O - One wish: to go to japan - One phobia: altophobia / fear of high places P - Pepsi/Coke: both! Q - Questionnaires: use them to pass the time R - Reality T.V.: ehh… depends. job wise. yes. toddlers in tiaras. FUCK NOQ! and Honey boo boo. WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! - Radio Station: listen to iPod and hot 101.1 - Roll your tongue in a circle?: hmm? 0.0 S - Song: Safe and sound - Shoe size: 9 in women's. but I either wear sandals or go barefoot. - Sushi: yes please! - Skipped school: once but not on purpose - Slept outside: yes...a's one of my favorite things to do! XDD - Seen a dead body?: ... Yes…*slinks away* - Smoked?: once and it was nasty! - Skinny dipped?: kind of. - Shower daily: yes - Sing well?: when no one is around I think I do kind of. -the shower?: yes... - Swear?: yeah kind of but not near as bad as Hidan…*cough* fuck! *cough* - Stuffed Animals??Yup! I collect them.._ 63 of them…XDD - Single/Group dates: single - Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries! both - Scientists need to invent: lots of…uhh…stuff? T - Thunderstorms: *runs outside* were?!!! - Touch your tongue to your nose?: TT no… U - Under the influence?: NO! ARE YOU ON SOMETHING?! 0A0 - Understanding?: yes… V - Vegetable you love: carrots and anything else! - Vacation spot: Kyoto, Japan W - When you grow up: hmm…Biology major - Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Hannah - Who makes you laugh the most: my friends Kitty and Ita - Worst feeling: guilt and sadness - Wanted to be a model?: did…but not anymore too many people tell you what you can and can't do, what you can and can't eat. - Where do we go when we die: uhh…in the ground in a box? then to heaven maybe? - Worst weather: sunshine *gets blinded easily* - Walk with a book on your head?: yup! 4 to be precise X Y -Yellow: no…only yellow I like is when it's an eye color. Z - Zodiac sign: Sagittarius |
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