Title : Finding Family
By : ElvinaPotter aka Elvina P.
Chapter : Chapter 22.
Warning : This chapter is un-betaed.
. . . . . . .
Things have never been so tense at Covenant Castle. The atmosphere was so paramount with anxiety. The castle was so quiet; with muted, muffled voice and stifled noise. The hallways were deserted. Uncertainty was heavy in the air. Everyone was walking on eggshells as a result.
They all had heard Lady Celi's sleepless nights. It was all over the castle within the hour. Servants talked and soldiers had been extra attentive, hoping to ease the burdens of their masters. They've seen how – worried for the previous Queen – her sons had been strained and distracted. So the soldiers, out of loyalty to their Captains and love for their Benevolent King, vowed to be on their best behaviour. The servants, having caught on, strive to do the same. It was a good thing that they did when words reached them that Lady Celi's plague is getting frequent and more worrisome.
They nearly went up in arms when the most heart-wrenching screams echoed throughout the whole castle. Instantly, everyone was aware of Lady Celi's distress.
But they can do nothing. The King and his retainers have everything well in hand. All they can do is hope and wish that everything will turn out well again.
. . . . . . .
King Yuuri was nursing a tremendous headache. He had been ever since the hypnosis. He had hoped that the hypnosis would help to find out what troubles his predecessor. Well, they got that alright, and they also got more than they bargain for.
He had never thought things could be much more severe.
He wasn't the only one. Around him, everyone was feeling sombre. Gwendal had been staring out the window, Wolfram was lying back unresponsive on the settee, and Conrad had been sitting dejectedly on one of the arm-chairs. All of them had been in a tremendous shock.
So now, here they all are, in the privacy of his office, each and every one of them was nursing a no small amount of strong wine. They certainly needed it after what happened and the revelation that follows.
Yuuri drowns another glass, then later, sighed heavily. He was not ashamed to admit that he had panicked during the hypnosis. He was told the possibility that things could get ugly and was warned firmly by Doctor Rodriguez that Lady Celi might not be ready for it. But being told and seeing it unfold was entirely different. He was not prepared for such drastic reaction.
The hypnosis had started off well. Lady Celi had shown positive signs under Murata's watchful eyes. Annisina's invention was created solely to unrepressed the subconscious. Like any hypnosis machine, it thinkers with the brain waves of the patient. Unlike the usual hypnosis methods, it doesn't require much guidance from outside force, only during kick-off and the invention will deal with the rest.
Lady Celi had been laying peacefully for a good hour before her reaction started. At first, it was in a small scale of jerking movements. Then she began to thrash, mumbling incoherently and breathing irregularly. Murata had tried to snap her out of it to no avail. She was in too deep.
Once she was awake and lucid, things went downhill and sour very, very fast. Lady Celi went into hysterics, crying uncontrollably and let out the most soulful and heartbreaking piercing shriek ever. Whatever she was saying make no sense then as she was sobbing so hard and was hyperventilating. Gwendal roared furiously for someone to do something when Lady Celi keeps on screaming. In the end, Gisela had to sedate her.
Needless to say, none of them got anything done for the day, or any sleep later that night. They were too troubled, too worried over this new development. In fact, all three of the brothers had chosen to spend the night in their mother's apartment, keeping guard and watching over her as she slept through the night and all morning the next day.
When she was feeling slightly better, it was then the revelation happened. This revelation stunned the three Lords to their very core and they had been dismayed ever since.
They have two other brothers.
It seems that he and Conrad weren't the only ones to cross a portal. Lady Celi had once crossover too and had another life there. Lady Celi had explained to them that it happened long before her tenure as Queen and shortly before she met Wolfram's father and had Wolfram; she somehow found herself in the other world. There she had led another life. And after a time found herself back home. Except this time, something happened and her memories, while in that other realm, was erased. It didn't help matters that upon her return, hardly a day had passed. The only clue they had that something had transpired was Stoffle; who found her unconscious. Now that the hypnosis was a success, she now knew why she had that selective amnesia.
What had transpired, coupled with the emotion trauma and the notion that she had completely forgotten and practically abandoned her two other sons, makes her fallen ill. Guilt tore into her and she can't cope with the fact that she was separated from her sons especially when one of them was an infant at the time. It devastated her.
Lady Celi had been a crying mess since then on. And her three demon sons did not know what to do.
A knock sounded on Yuuri's door. "Come in!"
Murata entered, looking like he didn't sleep in days and his expression was very, very grim.
Yuuri, feared for the worst, quickly asked, "How is she?"
"Lady Celi is well – as well as she can be," Murata assured the young monarch. "She's in a depression state right now, too grief-stricken of leaving behind her two other sons."
Yuuri sighed tiredly. That news was nothing new to him now. "Tell me if she's eating, at least. Gwendal is up the wall with worry, and Wolfram is just downright snappish at everyone."
"She's eating, but barely. She's just… not feeling up to it."
Yuuri groaned frustratingly and rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Not feeling up to it? Murata, she hasn't been well in weeks! If she's not getting better soon, I may have to think up drastic measures!"
Murata did not respond to that. Instead, he brought up something else. "We have another problem."
Yuuri eyed his double black like he'd grown two heads, secretly feeling dismayed. Problems just keep on coming and frankly, even he was at the end of his tether. "What's the problem?"
"Lord Stoffle Von Spitzveg," Murata told him solemnly. "He found out about Lady Celi. He is on his way here."
Yuuri cursed and bang his head on the table. "Who the hell go and tell him?" Yuuri mumbled pathetically. He took several deep breaths to compose himself. Straightening himself up, Yuuri said clearly. "There's nothing stopping him from worrying about his sister. He's welcome here so long as that is the only reason he came. Impress upon him that I do not want to be disturb otherwise, and that if he upset Lady Celi – he is to leave for his estate immediately. I have a lot of things on my plate right now. I have no time to deal with him."
Murata bowed in acknowledgement. "As you wish, Shibuya."
Once Murata left, Yuuri hands massage his eyes tiredly. His headache is threatening to turn into a full blown migraine. He wishes dearly for a reprieve. But unfortunately for him, his paperwork will not sign on itself and the affairs of his kingdom needed his attention.
Maybe I should take a leaf out of Gwendal's book. Yuuri thought dryly. Maybe I should get some ice on my head. If only I had a Tylenol…
. . . . . . .
Leon look around as the realtor was showing him the show-house unit for a luxury apartment. It used to be an industrial building, but it was recently renovated into a condo.
The unit is a one bedroom; with a spacious and open space concept, a loft bedroom on the upper floor, two bathrooms, a built-in storage space, and a huge balcony.
Leon inspects the whole unit thoroughly with calculating eyes. The stage decoration is really helpful for him to imagine how he can decorate the condo should he decide to purchase one. It has a potential, he admit. It was a nice size, the location is great, it will have the best amenities from what the agent said, and the apartment came with a personal parking space.
There is another unit with two bedrooms he was eyeing. It doesn't have a loft bedroom, but the size of the bedrooms is really spacious.
Leon practically beamed. Purchasing a unit on this on-the-rise area is a great investment.
. . . . . . .
Junrei skipped happily, humming merrily to herself. When she saw that her father had returned, she smiled and went to greet him. She skidded to a stop when she saw the mess on the table. "Daddy, why is there a lot of papers on house purchasing?"
Leon briefly glanced at her before he refocused to the catalogue that he was reading. "Business opportunity," was all he said.
Junrei blinked and she looked down to the pamphlets, sceptically. "We already have renting business and now we are into Property selling?"
Leon eyed her from underneath his eyelashes before setting his catalogue aside, smiling at her expectantly. "How did you guess?"
Junrei gave her daddy a deadpan look. "We are living in a penthouse. A penthouse that could make big money if you keep renting or if you sell it. Since we've moved in and the food is always on the table, Kanan and I figured that you might have side incomes. Logically, if you are looking at more houses to buy, it's either renting or selling," Junrei gave her father a flat stare. "To be frank, daddy, we do have too many rental properties," Junrei paused. "Plus, it's not hard to figure it out. You accidentally left the papers on the table once."
Leon looked at her concrete. "I only have a few rental properties scattered about."
"Maintenance doesn't come cheap," Junrei commented dryly before a bright smile break out and she hopped beside him. "So what are we looking at?" Junrei picked up the catalogue and gave a cursory glance.
Leon smiled softly and show her the unit he was interested in. "I'm thinking of purchasing a few of these. Once I furnish it up, I can easily sell it for," Leon paused, thinking. "Two to four million per unit, depending on how high-end I furnish it."
Junrei read that particular unit, impressed. "Are you going to resell all of them?"
"It makes good bucks."
"Why not find something more affordable? Two million is very risky. Especially for an apartment."
"It all boils down to the neighbourhood. Plus, the investment will be worth it."
Junrei stared at her father piercingly. Then she slowly eyed the catalogue with a thoughtful look on her face before she set them down. "Daddy, are you bored?" asked Junrei solemnly.
Leon stared at her as he think of the question. Then, sheepishly, he admitted. "Maybe I am."
Junrei sweat dropped. "I think, we better stick to the renting business," Junrei shared her opinion. "If the investment is worth it as you say, won't it be better to rent in the long run?"
Leon smiled softly and run his hand through her hair, fingers curling tenderly down her hair. "It's an option. But I'm tired of the same old thing. I just want to try something new."
There is nothing Junrei can say to that.
. . . . . . .
Chris grumble unhappily as he shifted the weight of the books he carried. "Must you borrow some thick hard-cover books? What is it? Science encyclopaedia? " he groused to Kanan as they walk home on their way back from the library.
Kanan's eyes rolled. "It's just some fantasy novels that I've been itching to get my hands on.
"Yeah… but it's…" Chris peered at the titles. His eyes widened before he stared blandly at Kanan. "Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist and David Copperfield? You even have complete work of Shakespeare. You know we can get these anywhere, right? In paperback!"
Kanan glanced at him haughtily. "I appreciate the authentic-ness of a book. Hardcovers are less likely to tear before I finished reading them. Besides, there is no harm in wanting to read a complete work of Shakespeare."
"Oh please… you even have a complete set of," Chris looked at the titled of the aforementioned books; a box set that Kanan insisted in borrowing. "Adventures of some demigods… Why are you borrowing this?"
Kanan actually looked insulted. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to read your version of mythology interpretation."
"Mythology interpretation? Mythological fantasy you mean. It didn't hold a candle to all those knowledge you can acquire from the Pet Shop. Plus – do I want to know what voodoo you cast? Libraries have their limitation on number of books borrowed at the same time. And I'm pretty sure we exceeded the limit!"
While Chris and Kanan were bickering away, they were oblivious to a camera snapping pictures of them from afar.
. . . . . . .
Leon sighed heavily, bored out of his mind. With a binocular hung on his neck and a takeaway Chinese food for supper; he prepared himself for a long night. Not far from him, his colleague was equally grousing his displeasure. They were both in a middle of a stakeout and none of them was quite ecstatic about it.
Leon had his eye on a drug cartel guy. While his target was not the kingpin, he was quite high up in the cartel. There was a trade going down and somehow, the location chosen is in Chinatown. Personally, Leon thought the target was an idiot or maybe the particular cartel is just asking for it. Chinatown has their own Triad. And they are not going to be happy someone else poaching on their turf. Once they find out, there are going to retaliations.
"Fuck! This is boring," said colleague complained.
Leon snorted. "Shut it. It ain't that bad."
"Maybe not for you but it is to me," The officer, a detective from another department that Leon has yet to get to know but was collaborating with due to a case, muttered. "I always got a headache trying to navigate my way in Chinatown. The people are just bustling and half the time, they are just… rude."
Leon glanced at the guy briefly with a look of exasperation on his face. Apparently, the officer was still miffed by an incident happened earlier when they were buying their dinner. He didn't get what started his ire, having sent his colleague in to buy for them both, but after a long time and said colleague was still not done, Leon went into the store and saw his colleague snapping at the cashier for a wrong order of something. The poor boy behind the counter was trying his best to placate the irate officer and was conversing back in broken English. Leon actually smacked his forehead before intervene, apologising politely to the boy and to the manager on his colleague's behalf. Since he did it according to their ways, the incident was forgiven. Lucky for him, Chinatown was used to him. "They aren't rude… you just not used to their culture."
"I got no idea if I offended their custom or whatever. They're not in China, they're here in the U.S. Why are they talk back at me in Chinese when I'm buying?"
"You just need to be courteous and respectful. There is no harm in greeting them in their native tongue. Saying 'hello' in Chinese is not that difficult. But that's not what irks you is it?"
His colleague looked down in embarrassment. "I ask for Spicy. He comes back with Barbeque. I tried correcting the order but he just doesn't get it," he admitted sheepishly.
"And you yell his head off?" Leon exclaimed incredulously. "Dude, the boy is barely out of school. He might not know English much but that is no excuse for your misplace ire. You could have pointed out from the menu."
"Yeah, yeah… sorry," The officer looked thoroughly chastised. "Lucky you were there, huh."
"Yeah, lucky. But I'm not going to be there to placate a group of an angry mob if you don't learn to be polite."
. . . . . . .
While Leon was on a stakeout, Jill volunteered to look after the kids. She was still sceptical for their safety since Leon still haven't got a babysitter to watch over them while he was working, even if the kids was old enough to look after themselves. But Chris is no older than nine. So she offered for her peace of mind.
They had a blast. She cooked dinner for them and had helped them with homework. Once that done, they settle down for a movie. While the movie was playing, she had asked them about mundane things and somehow, that talk turn to Leon's latest obsession, and Junrei was babbling her disagreement towards Leon newest pet project. "I'm telling you aunty… Daddy needs to have some criminal to apprehend. A big case. Daddy is bored!"
Jill sweatdropped. She knew well that if Leon is bored means he was up to something. The way Junrei phrased it makes it sound so severe, however. "It's not that bad. I'm sure it's fine trying out new things," Jill said placatively.
Junrei glowered at her. "He wanted to refurbish and re-selling an apartment with a ridiculous high amount."
"I'm sure it's not going to be that over-price…"
Junrei took out the apartment's pamphlet. "It's a one bedroom apartment!"
Jill took the pamphlet and gave a cursive glance, basically reading the location and pay particular detail to the square footage. She also saw the base price for the re-purposed apartment. "It's a lofted one bedroom apartment. This high-end condo actually sells out very well. Given the location, your dad might re-sell it to a certain clientele."
"He want to re-sell it between two to four million."
"It also jolted here that he is interested in purchasing a two bedroom unit, maybe also three bedrooms," Jill folded the pamphlet and put it down on the nearby table. She stared at Junrei solemnly. "Honestly speaking, from what I can see, the potential turnover profit is huge. Very huge if he is buying units on higher floors with million dollar view. I'm sure your dad will decorate it fabulously. I notice he has impeccable taste."
Junrei actually smacked her forehead, "Miss Jill, it's one bedroom!" she said exasperatedly.
It was Jill's turn to stare down at Junrei, blandly. "Have you looked at your surroundings? Trust me, with this kind of décor and the location, two to four million is a good price. Plus, I have a feeling the way Leon is going to design it, isn't going to be cheap."
"That's exactly my point!" Junrei exclaimed tiredly. "It's expensive. We have more than enough rental property to last us a few lifetimes. But still, it is expensive."
Jill patted her head, comfortingly. "There, there now. I'm sure Leon can afford it. If he plan it right, it won't make a dent in your accounts. It will turn out alright. You'll see."
. . . . . . .
The doorbell sounded and Leon went to answer the door. Who he saw on the other side nearly makes him wanted to slam the door shut on his unexpected visitor.
"Dorian!" Leon exclaimed in alarm. He looked over his shoulder towards the second floor as Dorian sauntered in casually. "What the hell are you doing here? My kids are upstairs. I thought I made in clear I don't want them to know about you?"
"Well hello to you too, Leontius." Dorian drawled unperturbed. "I was in the neighbourhood so I thought I'll drop by. May I come in?"
Leon eyebrow arched. "You could just phone me if you want to meet."
Dorian smiled cheekily. "And miss the chance to vex you? No way!"
Leon actually growled at him. "We agreed…"
"I know. I'm not staying. Just dropping these off," said Dorian, handing him a huge paper bag with fancy boxes inside. "It's a gift for you," Dorian said playfully.
"Father?" a voice sounded from the above.
Leon looked up and sighed in resignation. Kanan and Junrei were standing on the railing, looking down to them from above. Kanan stood silently, her eyes bore down to them heavily.
Before Leon got the chance to say anything, Dorian beat him to it, cheerfully introducing himself. "Hello there, little ladies. My name is Dorian Vandetti. I'm a friend of your father."
Kanan stared at them wordlessly while Junrei gave them a curious glance. "Katherine Serafina," Kanan introduced herself with Junrei chipped-in right after, "Juliana Raylene."
Dorian grinned and gave an elaborate bow. "Charmed."
Junrei giggled at the display and Kanan smirked, their eyes glinted in amusement.
Leon sighed, running his hand through his hair. He inwardly berated Dorian for being so free-spirited. That guy always does whatever he wants. It was tiresome dealing with him at times. No wonder Richard insists that his payment tripled with dealings involving Dorian. To be fair, Richard avoided getting involve with Dorian's business as a rule. But he took up some task once or twice and Dorian only goes to Richard as a last resort. However, the headache that Dorian and his ilk cause him is enough for Richard to demand triple the original amount. "Girls, why don't you join Chris and help him with homework. I'll be with you in a minute."
Kanan took her eyes away from their visitor and nodded once to Leon, before turning around with her sister to do as they were bid. Junrei intertwined her fingers with Kanan, smiling mysteriously. Their eyes briefly glowed luminously before fading. 'So that is Uncle Dorian,' Junrei mused to her sister. Kanan merely smiled at her.
Once the girls disappeared from their view, Leon briefly peered down at the bag he's holding. "Is this it?"
Dorian shook his head. "That's your side order. Your other order won't be ready for a while yet. It's a painstaking process from what I'm told. The slightly larger box, open it," Dorian instructed.
Leon glared at him pointedly before heading toward the living room. Putting the bag down on the table, he took out the larger box and opened it.
Inside the box, nestled on the velvet underlay, is gold twin necklaces and a matching cuff bracelet. Both necklaces had a large oval pendant, bearing his chosen crest. The bracelet was of similar style; with a simple thin band that has knitted carving, a smaller pendant, also bearing his crest, perched at the centre. His bronze dragon and deep red shield stood out prominently against the gold background. Leon was enthralled.
"The necklaces and the bracelets are for the kids. The other box is for you. I figured since you are sparing no expenses in claiming your kids, I thought you might like something of your own. They are your regalia," Dorian explained.
Leon took out the other box. He stared wide-eyed at Dorian's generous gift. Inside the box was a similar necklace like his daughters, only slightly longer, a brooch and a gauge looking ring. All three bears his insignia.
"You overdid yourself," Leon murmured.
"Wasn't me who wanted to do things all the way," Dorian replied casually. "I wanted to add earrings and armband to complete the set. But Richard vetoed the idea."
"At least one of you is being sensible," Leon muttered quietly before he continued louder. "It's a nice gift, Dorian. The ring alone would have sufficed. What's the occasion?"
Dorian shrugged, smiling at him. "I just thought you might like it."
Leon hummed at him, not believing for one second it was freely given. "This won't make me forgive you for not respecting my wishes."
"You are really against the kids knowing about me?" Dorian asked, sounding affronted.
"It's not so much about you. It's what you are connected with." Leon remarked.
Dorian sighed. "At this point, Leon, it might no longer matter. Your children are old enough to understand. Secrets can only go so far. Even if it is for their own safety."
Leon gazed at the Don, warningly. He knew full well where Leon stand in this.
"They don't have to get involve, or be in the know. I'm not that reckless. All I'm saying is, let me help protect them too, just like how I protected you," said Dorian.
"No!" Leon told Dorian firmly.
Dorian sighed again and this time, he sighed heavily. "Think about what I said, will you?" Dorian make his way to the door and Leon followed him. Before he left, Dorian turn to Leon and told him quietly. "Your case is starting to get the underworld's attention. If something isn't done, things could get very ugly." Pausing slightly, Dorian continued, this time sounding very tired and worried. "For your mother's sake, think about my offer. I've been having this feeling... I don't want anything to happen to you or your kids." With that, Dorian opened the door and then he was gone.
Leon stared at the closed door, pale as a ghost. His eyes expressed his inner turmoil. Him too?
There was no answer to his troubling thoughts.
. . . . . . .
Review on your way out!
-Elvina P.