*Hi! This is a Fishy Story! :D

Warnings: This IS slash, BatFlash :D Enjoy!*


The red haired woman ran as fast as she could from her childhood home. Well, it had never really been a home. It had been the place where she grew- there was a difference.

Father had taken her as a toddler and used her as an experiment. She wondered what had crossed his mind when he took her from her world. Let's see what the mortals are like! Let's learn all about them!

Now she was running from the only world she had ever known.

She was conflicted... she didn't know what to feel. Happy? She was happy to leave this place, that's for sure. Scared? As hell? Maybe a little sad. ...

She stopped running and looked back. She could see a bit of red in the distance. A blur of red, that blur was saving her. Saving her life. Giving her time to escape - No matter what would happen to him. She felt like a coward, she also knew she was powerless to the evil coming after her. She'd be killed and then no one could save her little angel.

She would come back for him, she would save him. As soon as she could. She turned and ran faster than she had ran in her life, tears rolling down her checks.

Oh, Wally. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.