Disclaimer: Everyone except Harley, Winchester, Tempest, Wyndham and Raker belong to SquareEnix I just brought them out to play.


Sephiroth opened his eyes to a very pleasant sight. The beautiful lean body of Zack Fair, fast asleep next to him. It was made even more pleasant by the fact that Zack was now truly his, and he himself belonged to Zack.

Some years back when he, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack had all been one collected love affair, or "one big happy Orgy," as Genesis had put it, Sephiroth had always kept Zack at an arm's length. It was one thing for the boy to have a relationship with his mentor, by that point people had almost come to expect it and with Genesis' reputation for a promiscuous nature it too was almost expected of him to pursue a pretty young thing like Zack.

However, being the highest command of SOLDIER and the supposedly untouchable god made Sephiroth a little different. He knew his position would threaten Zack's chances of raising himself to prominence in his own right, independent of Sephiroth's shadow.

Things were different now in the present, since the loss of both Angeal and Genesis, Zack had become one of the mightiest warriors in all of SOLDIER on his own two feet. No one could deny him that now.

Sephiroth ran a hand through the raven locks of his new lover and wondered briefly if he should wake him. He wanted so much to see those loving aquamarine eyes looking back at him.

However, quiet moments like this were a rarity for people in their position and he wanted it to last, so he let the younger man sleep on, and he remained just staring at him, carefully tracing every line and curve of Zack's face. He ran a gentle finger down Zack's nose, which twitched in the manner of a bunny rabbit in response, eliciting an involuntary chuckle from the older man.

What was it about Zack that conjured up these involuntary responses of laughing and smiling without even trying? Not even Genesis or Angeal had been able to do that, at least not consistently.

He wanted to do something for Zack, something to thank his young lover for reminding him how good being happy felt. A light bulb went on his head. As much as he did not want to leave the warm comfort of being next to Zack, he wanted the element of surprise…


Zack awoke with his arms drifting out in search of his silver haired lover. He awoke even more when he found nothing, but cold, empty sheets in his grasp. He sat up with a start, frantically scanning the room for Sephiroth. Had it all been just a dream?

The soreness in his bottom and the pungent smell of his and Sephiroth's musk said differently. But where was Sephiroth?

Zack let out an irritated huff. If Sephiroth had gone off and left him for official business or a meeting, then general or no general Zack was going to smack him upside the head.

However, all anger irritation left when his keen hearing picked up clattering sounds coming from Sephiroth's kitchen and the faint, but lovely smell of something baking.

It was then he remembered the time-honored tradition of the "morning after" breakfast. Whenever there was a "first time" with anyone of them, one lover would cook breakfast for the other. Usually whoever woke up first.

Genesis had made crepes for Sephiroth after the first time they had bedded together. Sephiroth's first time with Angeal had been a little more unexpected and had a limited supply in the fridge at the time, so they ended up eating eggs on a slice of ham.

With Zack, Angeal had made pancakes. It had taken a couple of tries since pancakes were not Angeal's forte, but in Zack's point of view they were the best pancakes he would ever have.

And finally Kalmish style toast had been Genesis' treat to Zack since they were on a mission in Kalm at the time.

However, the one that would always hold a special place in Zack's heart no matter what, was with Angeal. Angeal had been the first person that Zack had ever willingly given himself to and nothing not even Sephiroth would ever replace it.

But that did not mean his time with Sephiroth would not be special in its own right. He and Sephiroth would make new memories to go hand in hand with the old and drown out the previous unhappiness. It would be a new relationship, a new beginning for them both.

He hopped into the shower just enough to wash off the residual stickiness from last night's activities, and hopped out again to quickly dry his hair. He was just bursting to see what Sephiroth had in store for him.

He just prayed Sephiroth wasn't making pancakes.

After toweling off quickly, he threw on his clothes and made his way out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen. As soon as the door opened, his nose identified the heavenly aroma that had been drifting into the bedroom in small doses.


He dashed down the hallway, his mouth practically drooling not only at the thought of waffles, but of Sephiroth as well.

Sephiroth AND waffles? This morning couldn't get any better.

Zack slowed down as he neared he doorway to the kitchen and poked his head around the corner. Sure enough, there was Sephiroth just flipping over the waffle maker, with a huge plate of waffles ready to eat sitting next to him.

"Oh boy, morning after waffles," Zack called out in the most lusty voice he could muster.

A small chuckle came from Sephiroth. "Right on time."

"You were expecting me right now?" Zack raised an eyebrow as he sat down at the kitchen table. Though he was easily distracted from the question by the nice spread Sephiroth had laid out for him. Butter of course, three kinds of syrup, and… chocolate?

"Approximately," Sephiroth said as he dished out the last waffle. "I knew the scent of the few practice waffles I made, would wake you. I estimated that it would take you approximately fifteen minutes for you to shower and get dressed. So I began the waffles five minutes ago so they would be hot when you came out. And I estimated correctly."

Zack couldn't keep from laughing a little, even something as simple as making waffles his lover would turn it into an exercise of strategy. "You're just too awesome. But you know I wouldn't have minded helping you."

"I know," Sephiroth said, placing the plate of waffles down on the table. "But it is not the tradition."

"Yeah well --" Zack began, but stopped and his face fell a little when he noticed the shirt Sephiroth was wearing. It was a plain black tee-shirt with white lettering that read, "How about them dumbapples?"

Angeal's shirt. It had been a gift from Genesis as a birthday present. He resented it at the time as a bad joke, but he always wore it on the rare days he was off duty and had the freedom to be casual in his own apartment or working in his garden. Angeal had worn it the morning after he and Zack had had their first time together.

Sephiroth noticed Zack's change in expression and followed his gaze to look down at the shirt. "Oh Alpha Dog, left this to me before…" He hesitated, choosing his words carefully so as to not upset Zack anymore than he seemed to be already. "I found it in my room before we left for Wutai on that fateful mission. Have I displeased you by wearing it?"

A sad, but fond smile crossed Zack's face and he shook his head. "There's no one else alive I'd rather see wearing it now."

Sephiroth managed a smile back and sat down. He motioned toward the waffles. "Let us partake before they get cold."

"Yes sir!" Zack exclaimed perking up a bit before grabbing two waffles for his own plate. He put the usual butter and maple syrup on one, but for the other he decided on something a little different.

"Songbird's idea." Sephiroth said simply when he saw Zack reaching for the chocolate

"As usual a good one," Zack said pouring on the chocolate, before cutting himself a piece and eating it.

Bliss. Where Sephiroth had learned to cook so well was beyond Zack, but the waffles were perfect, a light crunch on the outside while soft and fluffy on the inside.

"These are awesome Seph!" He said digging into his food with even more vigor.

Sephiroth chuckled. "Songbird taught me well then. He said I should learn just in case you and I came together."

"Leave it to Songbird to tell the future," Zack rolled his eyes, but then followed with a warm smile. "But I'm glad he was right in this case."

"Indeed," Sephiroth murmured. He paused taking another bite of his waffles, before speaking again. "There's been something I have been meaning to ask you, Zack?"

"Mm?" Zack said his mouth full of waffles.

"How long were you with Tempest before you were with me?"

Zack coughed almost choking on his waffles at the shock of the sudden question. With some effort, he managed to swallow the mouthful of waffles and looked at Sephiroth quizzically. "Me and Tempest?"

"At The winter solstice ball two years ago, I saw you and him doing shall we say the tonsil tango?" Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at Zack.

"Oh that," Zack blushed and absently rubbed the back of his head, looking like a child who had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. "Let's just say the two of us were very bored, very lonely, and very intoxicated. You know they have heavy pours at that event."

In his heart, Sephiroth believed Zack, but his logical mind demanded confirmation to this inquest. "So... just intoxicated kissing...?"

"Mostly," Zack said honestly, his face turning a little sad, making Sephiroth regret pressing the question. "I was missing Angeal something awful, and Anton was pining for Winchester, but was too afraid of being rejected to make a move. So we were both pretty miserable, I guess."

Zack paused for a moment, looking thoughtful before murmuring. "Almost turned into something more."

That caught Sephiroth's attention again. Now his mind began racing, with ideas about what Zack felt for Tempest, would Zack regret his decision to commit to Sephiroth. He kept telling himself that was stupid, and Zack was not one to commit to anything hastily, but still he wanted Zack so much he could not stand any thought that Zack would want someone else, he had to be assured. "Almost?"

Zack blinked a few times then blushed even more, sinking a little into his chair, clearly showing he had not meant to say the previous statement aloud. "It's a funny story actually...."

"Do tell…" Sephiroth said evenly.

"Well it's kinda fuzzy," Zack began trying to find his words. "But after the make-out session you saw and a couple more drinks we ended up in Anton's apartment, and…?"

"And…?" Sephiroth prompted, his jaw growing noticeably tight, which was Sephiroth-speak for "I am not liking what I am hearing at all," and Zack suddenly felt himself worrying for Anton's wellbeing.

"Well we started making out again, and we were trying to get each other's clothes off which really, surprisingly hard when you're completely plastered," Zack explained as quickly as he could before anything lethal happened. He felt a tiny bit of relief when Sephiroth's jaw slacken ever so slightly at the rather amusing mental image Zack's words brought up.

"And we lost our balance and fell over onto Anton's coffee table...." Zack continued. "And broke it... and hit our heads really hard."

Sephiroth winced, picturing the event, but the tension in his body eased considerably.

"And we ended up in the emergency room the rest of the night." Zack explained, laughing softly.

Sephiroth let out a soft chuckle the last breath of any kind of jealousy or worry leaving him with it. "Not very romantic."

"Nah," Zack shook his head. "We got the idea fate was trying to tell us something."

There was another pregnant pause as Zack twiddled his fingers deciding whether to finish the issue or quit while he was ahead with Sephiroth appeased for the moment.

In his usual Zack way, he decided to lay everything out on the table. "But if he and I had, would you have been angry?"

Now it was Sephiroth's turn to be caught off guard. "Well… Not so much angry as…" With Zack being so honest Sephiroth couldn't help but lay out his cards as well. "Worried that you might still have serious feelings for him and you might leave me in pursuit of those feelings."

Zack's expression softened at realizing Sephiroth was interrogating him out of fear rather than jealousy, he placed a hand on top of Sephiroth's and looked him straight in the eye. "Seph I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't have gotten serious with you if I wasn't sure. I wouldn't toy with your heart like that. I don't play that game. You know that."

"I know," Sephiroth said softly. " You say nothing happened and I believe you. Besides." A sly smile crossed his face. "You're here. Eating MY waffles."

"Amen, to that." Zack cheered and stuffed another good forkful into his mouth.

They ate in comfortable silence for while, tossing each other winks and smiles between chews, until they had each finished their plates.

"I can make some more if you want," Sephiroth offered. "I could make you some to take to your friend Kunsel. I owe him a great deal for shall we say "getting the ball rolling" these last few days."

Zack squeaked as he nearly choked on his glass of juice. He had completely forgotten about Kunsel! "Aw man! I totally screwed him over last night."

"What happened?"

"Well I was really in strung out shape, missing you like crazy and mad and freaked out and when he told me he gave you my necklace, it all came out, and I kinda punched him in the face." Zack groaned and sank even lower in his seat.

"Not exactly the best reception for help offered." Sephiroth stated evenly.

"Yeah," Zack murmured, pulling out his cell phone. "And I'd better start eating some crow along with my waffles."

He dialed Kunsel's number and waited more than the usual rings, before his friend's groggy voice came on the line.


"Hey Kuns, look about last night—" Zack began, but was caught off when the other phone line hung up without a word in response. "He hung up. He's never done that." Zack said glumly.

Both Sephiroth's eyebrows raised considerably and he nodded thoughtfully before turning back to the waffle ingredients. "I best make some damn good waffles then."


Zack took a deep breath as he stood in the front of Kunsel's apartment door. He knocked on the door hoping Kunsel was in a semi-good mood or at least wouldn't kill him for decking him in the face last night.

Zack stood there shifting from one foot to the other anxiously. He gripped the platter of waffles covered in foil until the knuckles of his hands turned white. He waited a few more minutes before setting down the plate of waffles before knocking on Kunsel's door again, this time with both hands. It wasn't that early in the morning, Kunsel should be up by now. He breathed a sigh of relief he heard the soft patter of footsteps staggering toward the door.

Worry entered Zack's mind as he wondered why Kunsel's gait was so off. He must have hit his friend harder than he thought, if he was still feeling it the next morning. SOLDIER healing should have taken care of that.

Finally Kunsel opened the door. Zack's jaw almost dropped when he saw his friend's condition. Kunsel looked pale with a green tinge to it, his eyes drooped, drawn in and pulled down by the weight of the bags under them, and he wore the biggest, angriest frown Zack had ever seen on him.

"What do you want?" Kunsel grumbled, sounding like a dragon that had just been woken from a 1000-year sleep.

Zack couldn't keep from taking a step back, but plunged ahead with his words. "Listen Kuns... I'm so, so sorry! I was just so frustrated and sad and upset and... are you okay?"

"Am I Okay?' Kunsel said dryly, raising an eyebrow. If Zack had not touched a nerve before, he certainly did it now with his last statement, for Kunsel's teeth and fists, in fact his whole body clenched up in anger. "Am I okay?! You punched me in the fucking face! I had to drag myself down to the fucking infirmary with a fucking headache the size of fucking Wutai! Just my fucking luck, it turns out there's something wrong with the fucking CT scanner so they have to send me to the fucking MRI to check for fucking blood on my fucking brain. They inject me with this fucking contrast crap for the fucking MRI, oh and guess what, more fucking luck! turns out I'm fuckin' allegic to MRI contrast. so I fucking throw up inside the fucking MRI and spend most of the fucking night in the fucking recovery unit for observation just in case I went into fucking anaphylatic shock and I spent most of that time puking up my fucking guts. Finally, the fucking CT starts working so they throw me in there. Finally at five fucking am they let me go with an even bigger fucking headache than before from the fucking contrast."

Zack stood there dumbstruck. Sure Kunsel was no prude towards swearing. But he rarely ever went off in a tirade like this, and never directed at Zack himself. Still after that awful night, Zack couldn't blame him one bit.

"Oh and I almost forgot! You fucking fractured my Zygomatic arch! Dammit Zack, my cheekbones are the best thing on my fucking face!"

"I'M SORRY!!" Zack blurted out, but couldn't help smiling, and without warning wrapped his arms around his startled friend. "Thank you!

Kunsel was a little caught off guard to say the least, forgetting his anger he stuttered out. "What for?"

Zack beamed at him, his eyes gleaming from unformed tears of pure emotion. "For being the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for."

"Uh, well…" Kunsel stuttered, his anger quickly leaving him.

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gone to talk to Seph, and everything wouldn't have worked out." Zack said hugging Kunsel even tighter.

Kunsel softened considerably and patted Zack's head. "Yeah well you know I try. How'd things go with Sephiroth?"

It seemed impossible, but Zack's smile grew even brighter. "... how insensitive would it be to say incredible?"

It took a few seconds, but the realization finally clicked in Kunsel's head at the implications of Zack's statement. His jaw dropped and he pulled away from Zack a little just to get a full look at him. Yes, the raven-haired lieutenant was indeed glowing. "Sweet Gaia! You two did -- I mean actually -- The full monty?"

A sly smirk crossed Zack's face and he wobbled his eyebrows suggestively. "All the way." Then Zack's expression turned a little sad, feeling bad that his night had been so terrific, while his friend had been suffering. "Sounds like you had a crappy night. I can fill you in later. For right now... anything I can do?"

"Oh no you don't I want all the dirty details," Kunsel prodded Zack's chest pointedly, when suddenly his tummy rumbled. "Though now that my stomach has settled, I am kind of hungry."

Zack snapped his fingers and grabbed the plate of waffles he'd brought. "Think you can handle these?" He said peeling back the foil over the waffles."

Kunsel's eyes widened as bigger as saucers at the beautifully golden-brown discs of pastry. "You made waffles for me?"

"Even better, Sephiroth made them," Zack smiled proudly.

Kunsel looked like he might faint. "I love you."

Zack chuckled, placing the plate in Kunsel's hands. "I love you too man. Now eat up and get some sleep. I'll tell you all the naughty details when you feeling better. Who knows maybe I will have more to tell by then…"

"Then what are you waiting for? Get back up there." Kunsel shooed him away.

"Will do!" Zack saluted his friend before trotting off…


Hojo smiled like a cat who'd been licking the cream as he knocked on the door to President ShinRa's office. Though he did not know why the President had called him, he figured it was about the transference of the medical records, which mad him very happy indeed. With control over such things, he could hide certain side projects on soldiers he had in mind.

"Ah, Dr." ShinRa greeted the chief scientist as he entered the room. "Good, I just wanted to let you know of a decision I made yesterday, actually last night, regarding your experiments with General Sephiroth."

Ah, yes," The thin line that was Hojo's mouth stretched its self even further across his face, in a sinister mockery of a smile. "I had intended on moving Sephiroth's next appointment date forward, we must find out how a being such as himself was still susceptible to a poultry strep infection."

ShinRa sat back in his chair, his hands folded over his rather large abdomen, with his head tilted up so slightly in a manner that he could look down his nose at Hojo even though he was sitting down. It was a good posture to take for the bomb he was about to drop on the scientist.

"I'm afraid that's a no go Dr. I can't have our army's general out of commission over something as obvious as him falling through the ice."

Hojo's face went blank and he blinked a few times and shook his head as if he were drunk and had misunderstood the President's words. "Excuse me?"

ShinRa let out a sigh, but otherwise remained calm. "You just completed a round of experiments yes?"

"Yes," Hojo answered automatically.

"That put his mission behind for two weeks..." ShinRa continued. "Every month for more than a week the army is without its best General. And I no longer see the need for it... Now I know the experiments on Sephiroth are necessary, hence I am not pulling him out completely, I think it would be much for efficient for SOLDIER if Sephiroth returned to the experiment schedule he had during our war with Wutai."

Hojo's jaw dropped and the rest of his face looked as if the President had gotten up and slapped him across the face. After a few more blinks and shakes of the head, Hojo finally spoke again, though his tongue stuttered from the shock.

"But that's only three times a year! This is... This is inconceivable!"

ShinRa raised an eyebrow, rarely had he ever seen the Chief Scientist lose control of his demeanor in anger. "SOLDIER and the empire needs Sephiroth more then the labs right now, particularly after the unfortunate business with Rhapsodos and Hewley. Perhaps in time, I'll change my mind. But for now, this is my decision."

In panicked anger, Hojo banged his fist down on the President's desk. The idea of reduced time and control over Sephiroth was incomprehensible. Sephiroth belong to him! "Three times a year is not enough! Mr. President as a fellow board member I must protest this decision! For the sake of my project! Sephiroth is my project!"

The President frowned darkly and his voice grew cold. "Then if you want to keep the project I suggest you stop arguing and accept my decision, else I shall find a new Chief scientist that is more cooperative. Don't make the same mistake Hollander did. Do I make myself clear?"

At the crystal clear threat of being removed from the project and having Sephiroth ripped away from him completely, Hojo managed to reign in his anger and resume his usual countenance, though his face still remained sour as if he were sucking on a lemon. "Very clear Mr. President. Forgive my outburst Mr. President, it is only out of deep passion for my work that I speak in this way."

ShinRa nodded, the coldness leaving his voice. "You've given much to ShinRa, Dr. Hojo. That is the only reason I'm willing to give you a second chance."

Hojo let out soft growl under his breath, he was defeated and he knew it. ShinRa was the only person with the power to stand in his way and now he had. He could only hope that he could convince the President to reverse his decision at a later date. For now the best choice was to rollover and obey, for ShinRa was a fickle and temperamental man when provoked.

"Thank you Mr. President," Hojo said bowing his head a little. "Is there anything else?"

"No Thank you Dr. Hojo. You may go." The President waved him off as if he were a trifle, which made the Dr. grip the sides of his coat so tightly that knuckles turned white. But that was the only indication of the angry turmoil going on inside.

However as soon as he was outside and the office door was closed, he hit the wall, literally. He gazed down his nose at his own, bruised fist. Though it made him feel a bit better it was a stupid thing to do, to let his anger over rule his logic. Only animals, SOLDIERs and other normal humans did that.

He straightened his glasses and coat and continued down the hall towards the elevator. This was a fine state of affairs, Sephiroth was slowly being pulled away from him first by the wretched boy and now ShinRa himself, and worst of all he couldn't do anything about it. Perhaps he could console himself with trying out a few ideas on the development of his three new subjects. Sure they were not Sephiroth, but the remnants would keep him occupied for another four months until the real object of his desire was back in his grasp.


Sephiroth felt a strange jolt run down his spine, but it was a good one. He felt happy and for some reason relieved as well. He looked to his left and easily reasoned why. Zack's head was gently resting on his shoulder, his lover's face soft with contentment.

After breakfast, they had both desired some closeness, but Zack had felt too loaded with waffles to do anything as strenuous as sex. So they settled for cuddling on Sephiroth's couch while they digested. Apparently, a full stomach had also made Zack a bit sleepy after only sitting down for five minutes.

Not that Sephiroth minded much. He was perfectly content to have these rare quiet moments between the two of them. For tomorrow, they would have to resume their duties and responsibilities of high office.

He raised a hand to stroke Zack's hair, but stopped when his hand pressed against the side of Zack's head. Strange, Zack was still quite warm, when he had noticed Zack's above normal temperature at breakfast he attributed it to the hot shower Zack had taken earlier. However, it should have long since passed by now, he moved a hand to Zack's forehead. It was definitely warmer than it was supposed to be.

Zack stirred at the touch and slowly opened his pale blue eyes, looking innocently up at him, even though a bit droopy. "'sup?"

"Open your mouth." Sephiroth commanded softly.

Zack smirked tiredly, but wobbled his eyebrows as he complied. However, instead of feeling Sephiroth's warm lips on his, he felt his lover's finger on his tongue, propping his mouth open even more. He opened his eyes to find Sephiroth staring into his mouth.

"Your throat is red, like mine was." Sephiroth said solemnly letting go of Zack mouth.

"It's fine," Zack insisted though he had to admit it had been a bit achy with he woke up, but it wasn't that bad.

"You rest the rest of the day, and tomorrow if it doesn't clear up, you're going to see the doctor." Sephiroth said firmly.

"Only if you rest with me," Zack grinned leaning into him.

"Alright, but rest only," Sephiroth chided. "If you recall last night, our activities though pleasurable, were quite demanding physically."

"Okay," Zack conceded, leaning even more into Seph. "But I can't wait till we do it again."

Sephiroth's hand slid down his back and slipped down the back of Zack's pants and gently brushed against Zack's entrance, eliciting a moan from the raven-haired lieutenant.

"Fuck the rest. Just fuck me," Zack hissed in Sephiroth's ear, flicking his tongue out as well. "While I'm still healthy."

How could Sephiroth refuse? Zack seemed well enough, besides they may not get another opportunity until much later.

"As you wish." Sephiroth said softly, picking up Zack bridal style and carrying him toward the bedroom, with the younger man giving a whoop of joy as they went.

Zack could rest later, all they had was this moment, and they were going to take it.


Aww, this was a nice chapter to write! Zack and Kunsel make up, ShinRa finally sticks it to Hojo, and lots of Seph and Zack cuteness!

This is the second to last chapter I hope you have enjoyed this little ride with me, Zack, Seph and gang.