Reviews for We're going to Disney World
Maci chapter 13 . 4/4/2013
Is there going to be another chapter or is this is? It's amuses me greatly reading this. I've come to the conclusion that if they were real and we were friends, I would either run and hide, or join in the fun! Please continue the story!
The-Blue-Tailed-Alchemist11052 chapter 13 . 1/24/2013
Friggin' chlorine.
The-Blue-Tailed-Alchemist11052 chapter 6 . 1/24/2013
$50 Disney gift card this time.
The-Blue-Tailed-Alchemist11052 chapter 3 . 1/24/2013
I just thought you should know, I went to read this chapter and the ad was for Disney World coupons.
aisuru-hondoo chapter 13 . 8/15/2012
You've been doing amazing keep writing on this story I'd hate to see good talent not used! Write On!
She Dictator chapter 13 . 4/18/2012
Very hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing! I just love how you characterized all of the guys, especially Shishi. This is definitely going onto my Favorites.


x3sYellowie chapter 13 . 10/22/2011
HAHAHAHAHA omg I'm literally crying with laughter.

I'm SOOO surprised that the hotel staff hadn't kicked the six of them out yet. AND OH MY, they still have like 3 days left to go?

They're creating havoc everywhere they go. E!

Omg please update this soon, this is literally the most hilarious thing I've read in awhile
Forged in Melancholy chapter 13 . 4/13/2011
haha I love the randomness! I can't wait for the next chapter, even if it's short!
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 13 . 3/18/2011
So sad the story is over, it was so good. I enjoyed reading this. Your details following Chu's jump are excellent. So much damage caused by one cannon ball; I was laughing so hard. In all this has been one odd, yet fun trip for the guys. In regards to your author's note, I think the guys going to a movie theatre is a good idea for a story. Excellent work with this story.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 12 . 3/18/2011
Awesome work with this chapter. The part at the end with Chu on the diving board put me in a fit of laughs. I can just imagine him standing there as you described him. The fact that he thought he was still in the bowling alley makes it even better. This story is just too good.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 10 . 3/18/2011
Suzuka and Shishi, both are so arrogant, but hilarious. Suzuka actually named the chainsaw...I'm not surprised. So no more misadventures at the parks? Of course now I'm curious as to what trouble the guys can get into at the hotel. Good work with this chapter.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 8 . 3/18/2011
Chu and Jin strike again. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to let the two of them drink without a chaperone? All the trouble they can get into. As for Rinku, how cruel of him to do that to Shishi. Then again Shishi has always been a jerk to Rinku, so it's good revenge for him. Good work with this chapter.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 7 . 3/18/2011
Jin and Chu together, that just spells disaster. The humor in this story is amazing.

"Fine." Shishi replied already taking off. "I'll be in Japan."

"Shishi we live in Japan, why not see the other places first?"

"…Fine maybe I'll visit France and practice it's lovely custom." The samurai grinned taking off.

"What custom is that?" the yo-yo child asked.

"They're language." Touya spoke quickly, before Jin or Chu could answer. "Beautiful language."

and "I'm going to check out the science side first. You're welcome to come unless you'd rather be on drunken patrol."

"Hey Toy, come on the first round's on the Aussie!"

"Lead the way." Touya sighed, following the blonde demon into the giant golf ball."

Poor Touya, I don't know how he has been able to put up with Jin all this time. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 6 . 3/18/2011
Oh, Chu, way to get yourself kicked out an amusement park. What's funny is that Suzuka knew exactly why. This story is really good. You have done an excellent job with the dialogue, the way the characters feed off the previous line to bring the humor with the next. Good work with this chapter.
Gothic-Romantic99 chapter 5 . 3/18/2011
Poor Rinku, poor, poor Rinku. Also nice job with Shishi's reaction to Jasmine. What's funny is that I can see something like that happening. Good work with this chapter.
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