Awesome Advice
Prussia hummed happily to himself as he posted a rather large and colourful poster on the wall of the meeting room. Even though he [technically] wasn't a nation anymore, he still had access to the room. So instead of taking the opportunity of sleeping in without Germany harassing him to get up for 'training', Prussia decided to set forth on his newest, awesomest idea.
Checking his watch, Gilbert realized that the nations would soon be filing in for the start of the meeting, England being the first one. He needed to make his escape before he was caught. He ran out of the exit, just as Arthur Kirkland came walking in.
"Early as usual," he said to himself in amusement. He rather liked coming in early – gave him a chance to think without Sealand running around with his damn Power Rangers [it was his turn to take care of the boy while Finland and Sweden were off going to the sauna]. And besides, he was never really alone.
"Oooh Arthur what's that?" a little violet fairy, named Scarlett [it seemed appropriate to Arthur at the time ok?] said above the nation's head. Arthur looked in the direction she was pointing in. A large poster had been taped to the wall.
"This looks like something America would do," Arthur said, walking over to the brightly coloured poster.
"What seems like something I would do?" America asked, joining his former father-figure by the poster. Arthur glared at him in greeting. "This thing? Nah, not my style at all – is it yours?"
"If it was mine do you think I would be wondering who created it in the first place?" Arthur asked. Alfred shrugged.
"Maybe. Never do know what's going on in your head," Alfred replied, walking away to sit in his seat at the head of the table [apparently that's where the heroes sit].
"But dear America, who does?" France said, prancing [yes you read that right] into the room. Arthur glowered at the newcomer. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" he asked, joining the Englishman at the poster.
"Some blasphemous thing I found when coming here today," Arthur replied briskly.
Alfred laughed. "Blasphemous? Who actually says that?" he teased. Arthur flushed and stomped towards his seat.
"I do," he muttered, sinking into the faux-leather chair.
As other nations came walking in, they too all noticed the odd poster hanging on the wall. Nobody seemed to know who created it – not China, nor Denmark, nor Russia – nobody!
When the meeting adjourned for the day [with England strangling France and America complaining about how hungry he was], the poster's words lingered in the brains of all the nations.
Email me at: ..
So you see that email at the end of the story right? Well guess what! It's an actual email! Yup that's right, you can actually email it.
And why would you want to do that?
Because I need ideas for chapters ._. and that's where you come in!
So basically all I want you to do is email Prussia while posing as a nation [via ..], asking for advice! Sorry, only canon characters since I can't write OCs
Still confused? [yea i know, i can't explain for shit] here's an example!
Subject: Sealand
Dear Awesome Advice,
No one seems to recognize me as the super cool nation that I am! It's all jerk England's fault! What do I do to get recognized as a country?
Super Cool Power Ranger
A few minutes/hours later...
Me: *reads email* *thinks of best Prussia-like response* *writes chapter about it* *posts on *
AND VOILA. A CHAPTER HAS BEEN MADE. [you know, if you don't want to do it through email, you can always send your 'problems' via reviews!]
Make sense now? Since I'm not actually sure if any of y'all actually do this [though i really really really would love you right down to the end of the world if you do], I've written two chapters already. Hopefully that inspires you to send me some emails! :)
Hope to hear from y'all soon~~~~