Author has written 11 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hello, Earthlings, this is, obviously. Yes, I was obsessed with Zutara at the time that I chose my penname and I'm too lazy to change it. Yes, ~drowninflames on deviantART is me (hello, same stories). This shall be an entirely-Hetalia account if I can make it so, which shouldn't be hard since that's all I ever write anymore. Pairings (be warned, I'm very, very picky): AusHun, America/Belarus, PolLiet, FrUK, France/Jeanne, RoChu, Japan/Taiwan, SuFin, DenNor, GerIta, Spamano, Chibitalia/HRE, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, Canada/Ukraine, Poland/America, EngPol Pairings I Cannot Stand (PICS, haha): PruAus, PruHun, PruAus, PruPol, PruAus, China/Japan, PruAus, Spain/Austria, PruAus, TurkHun, PruAus, ANYTHING INVOLVING INCEST (well, overly involving incest). Get the point? I can't deal with PruAus, it makes me bash my head into walls. Characters: Poland, Austria, Hungary, America, Belarus, Russia, France, England, China, etc Characters I Do Not Like (CIDNL, doesn't sound as cool): Prussia (although I'm kinda getting used to him), Turkey (just seems incredibly mean), um... Estonia kinda bugs me STORIES: All complete. Because I don't write multichapters, because I know I'll never finish them. Other: If it matters or is interesting in any way, I RP Poland on a forum somewhere. Feliks has totally ascended my scale of favorite characters to steal the number one spot away from Roderich and Elizaveta (who previously shared it). So like, it's kind of ironic that I talk like him in real life. I totally always have, but it's like, gotten worse. Sorry, my procrastinating with school work has gotten me really really far behind, so I can't write as much. :/ |