Hello all of my dear readers!

As you are aware I haven't been updating this in aaaages (forgive me! *bows*). For my own reasons I have decided not to continue this fanfiction. When I first started writing "To Love a Fox" I liked where it was going and how I wrote it, however after lack of motivation, not liking some of my story developments and struggling with where to go with "Living with a Fox" I've decided to call it quits.

BUT DO NOT FRET! I have not abandoned this story! *avoids Aizen's glares*
Instead of giving up and leaving this I've decided to re-write it. Of course there will be similarities as I enjoyed some aspects of the original too much to throw them away, but others I started to feel were a bit too much for my poor Amaya.

Amaya: What are you talking about?! I was just about to kick some serious ass and show my son how awesome his mother is!

Gin: Not ta mention I only just got my arm back *pouts*

*waves them away*

I like to think that I've been improving my fanfiction writing as I go, and at the minute "To Love a Fox" and "Living with a Fox" sort of feel like a story I've written to try things out with my character. But I hope you all understand and I do hope you will all check out the new version once it's up (I'll probably upload the first chapter soon just to get it out of the way lol). I want to know what you guys think of it!

Once again sorry for taking so long to even get around to posting something like this (I could rattle off a list of reasons but it half boils down to my amazing procrastination skills). Thank you all for reading/reviewing etc this story, I'm hoping to get as far as the new manga chapters with this new fic (with possibly some of the side arcs/movies depending on which I think I can work with). Already I have a generous amount of chapters written with more on the way but I'm going to keep it steady and slow (A; to see what people think and B; because knowing me I'll end up having a break in writing that never ends!) I will be back at University soon so most of the pre-written chapters will hopefully make up for any that I haven't yet written (I'll be in my final year so I'm gonna be pretty busy!)

From myself, Amaya and the Bleach characters that I do not own… THANK YOU AND HOPE YOU ENJOY!

The new fanfiction: Mirror Flower Water Moon.