Grimmjow curled up on the couch, icy blue eyes closed, listened as the door opened and closed. "Grimmy-chan" a playful, sing-song voice called.

Grimmjow sighed, raising his head. "What is it Gin" he growled, opening his eyes to narrowed slits.

Gin smirked, setting a small basket on the floor. Grimmjow's eyes open to their normal size as his curiosity nipped at his annoyance to his 'owner'. "Does Grimmy-chan want to see the surprise?" Gin purred.

"Did you kidnap another Neko" Grimmjow growled.

"Adopted" Gin sighed.

"Adopted, kidnapped…same thing" Grimmjow rolled his eyes.

"So you don't want to meet him?" Gin asked.

Grimmjow sighed again, getting up off the couch. He pulled the blanket off the basket. Chocolate eyes met his ocean colored eyes. Orange and black ears flatten on the slightly lighter orange hair as Grimmjow stared at the half naked Neko. "Mommy?" the kitten asked.

Grimmjow blinked at the kitten. "I am not a mommy" he growled.

"…Mommy?" the kitten repeated.

"Are you deaf?" Grimmjow snarled.

"You said you aren't a mommy" the Kitten responded.

"So you can HEAR at least" Grimmjow sighed.

"…Yes" the kitten replied.

"Grimmjow you are his new mommy" Gin stated.

"HELL NO, I AM NOT A FUCKING MOM…I AM A GUY" Grimmjow snapped.

"…Daddy?" Ichigo asked.

"Be his dad then…I don't care, but I don't know how to care for a baby Neko and you at least have the parently instincts right?" Gin asked.

"Yeah" Grimmjow replied, scowling at Gin.

The kitten, Ichigo climbed out of the box, his pants nearly falling off. He sort of hopped around to Grimmjow, his left leg just hung limply. He grabbed a hold of Grimmjow's pant. Then he looked up at Grimmjow. "Daddy?" he asked.

"…Yeah" Grimmjow sighed.

Ichigo smiled before nuzzling his head into Grimmjow's crotch. Grimmjow's eyes widen. He picked up Ichigo. His eyes narrowed and Ichigo giggled. He wrapped his arms around Grimmjow's neck, nuzzling him. Grimmjow didn't dare coo the younger male in front of Gin, though he really wanted to. Ichigo smiled, kissing Grimmjow's cheek before letting out an adorable yawn. Grimmjow let a soft smile slip.

It was the late hours of that cold spring. A Neko sat on the roof of Gin and Grimmjow's apartment. His girlish lithe figure was a mere shadow to anyone on the ground. He had bright orange hair that brushed his shoulders. His chocolaty brown eyes were closed in focus. His left leg hung limply while he kicked the right one up and down. His sunkissed skin was flawless except for a small hickey on his forehead, covered by his hair and cinnamon colored freckles over the bridge of his small, soft nose. He had pure black ears and a tiger striped orange and black tail. He was dressed simply in a pair of dark blue jeans and a pink t-shirt that said "Bitches love me cuz I am one of them" in black writing. He started to sing softly, his voice of angel echoed over the buildings.

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I'd pray
I could break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jetplane
Far away
And break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging with revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep movin on movin on
Fly away
Break away

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
Take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away
Break away

He opened his eyes, nearly jumping upon seeing the blonde Neko before him. "Ichigo" the blonde Neko chirped.

"Shinji" Ichigo replied, running his fingers through his hair.

"Still got your amazing voice I see" Shinji teased.

"Yeah…what are you doing here? Should you be with that bean pole you call a master?" Ichigo snapped back.

"HEY…he is a great master…you are just jealous since you haven't found your master yet" Shinji snorted.

"Yeah totally jealous I don't have an ass giving me orders and fucking me senseless…I would love a life like that" Ichigo snapped.

"Touchy Vizard" Shinji chuckled.

Ichigo growled, turning away so his good eye, his left one away from Shinji. "I am not touchy" Ichigo pouted.

"You may have had to give up an eye, your sense of smell, and one of your legs….but you, unlike most Vizards, make friends and lovers easily…you look however you want…you are the shapeshifter" Shinji sighed, trying to build up the youngest of the Vizards up.

"Yeah…but everyone see the image around me…I want people to know me…I want a guy who loves ME…not my shape…not my power…but ME" Ichigo sighed.

"Good luck with that when you refuse to open up to anyone but me, Renji, and Rukia" Shinji snickered.

"I opened up to Shiro too" Ichigo sighed.

"He is your adopted brother…of course you did" Shinji chuckled.

Ichigo sighed, turning his good eye back to Shinji. "…You found your master…but how did you know he was it?" Ichigo asked.

"…you just feel it, you just know…little things like tingling skin, your heart bubbling…like that" Shinji explained.

"…All of my supposing master did that" Ichigo sighed.

"You will know it when it happens Ichigo…anyway…I heard you got sold YET AGAIN in hopes of you finding your master" Shinji giggled.

"…I have known the two guys about 2 hours…don't expect results that fast" Ichigo snapped.

"The fox looking one doesn't seem great…I heard he has a panther Neko though" Shinji smirked. Ichigo blushed. "Is he really that hot?" Shinji chuckled.

"I don't want to talk about it" Ichigo muttered.

"Tell me about him" Shinji purred.

"He is a sex god…he has sky blue hair in a sexy mess, ocean blue eyes, skin tanned to perfection, greenish blue marking on the corners of his eyes that only add to his smexy ness…his voice is like rough and smooth at the same time, like a living sin…his ears and tail are slightly a darker blue than his hair…he was wearing a red plain shirt, unbuttoned so I could see his tight muscled chest…he was the perfect height too" Ichigo squealed.

"Right height? You nuzzled your face in his crotch?" Shinji asked.

Ichigo blushed deeper. "…Maybe" he muttered.

Shinji laughed.

I found this in my piles of crap xD So here my readers…the ending is my fave part "Maybe" YOU DID ICHI xD Oh and just in case any of you get confused

Vizards are pretty much the witch's cat...all Vizards have ability to use magic plus all Vizards have one talent they can do...but their power is a price, they are all born missing something like a sense or unable to use it
Ichigo was born with one leg unuseable, his nose unable to smell, and blind in one eye...but he can shapeshifter into anyone, anything, though his fave form is 5/6 year him (the little Neko Gin bought home)
All vizards have a master...pretty their witch or warlock...though that person or neko can't use magic at all...that is what their Vizard is for...

Review or die *takes out a gun* xD