![]() Author has written 9 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Inuyasha, and Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール. A little about Me So I'm a aspiring author... who has a really unhealthy addiction to Ultimate Banana Milkshakes (literally) My hobbies are reading- big surprise there huh? ;), Cosplaying and sewing, Writing, and Video Games. Thanks to my former (long story...very unpleasant) job Im now getting into making home made candy. I read mostly romantic stuff. Anything from cute teeny books, to Harlequin Romance and even a few of those monsters we like to call classic lit. I admit with little to no shame that I lean more towards the trashy romance novels in my down time. Especially if it has anything to do with olden day Scottish warfare in the plot. I know, I know, Trashy romance with a plot?! *le gasp* but it exists! As for Video games I'm an RPG addict. Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Persona... That kinda thing. Though Im also a fan of the Sims and Harvest Moon. Ah Harvest Moon: the game that encourages you to be a creepy stalker. Nothing quite like it. And Dynasty Warriors. I just bought a PS3 (late I know hahaha...ha...ha) and got Dynasty Warriors 7. Is there anything better than beating sexy men senseless on a battlefiel?!...*ahem* Haha I've also become sickly addicted to Skyrim Elder Scrolls V. I can be a female Legalos!! *Tolkien nerd* I'll ship any pairing at least once. My motto is "As long as it's well written, I'll give it a shot" So As I get more stories uploaded you'll probably start noticing that I'll show a tendency for "crack" pairings... :) News Pen-name change - formerly Tomi-Tenshi. I've had that pen name since I signed up for fanfiction.net in 2006. I felt it no longer fit me, and wanted a change. I think I'll be sticking with this new pen name for the rest of my stay at fanfiction; After all I don't want to confuse any one with constant name changes. Live-Journal - Officially joined LJ and am now participating in several communities. Mostly for Inuyasha though. I'll post what I've written here after judging is over. Here's a link to my LJ page for anyone who's curious, http:/// Book Covers: So a friend of mine sent me a link to this really neat site that lets you manipulate photo files. So I'm going to start making Covers for my stories =) The files seem pretty small here so if you wanna see a big version I'll be posting that on my live journal which is linked above. Collaboration Piece Never Turn Your Back
About: [Naruto - Itachi x Sakura - AU]. "After the discovery of dead bodies in a refuse bin, Haruno Sakura’s life starts to drastically change. She is sent to investigate a connection between the criminal organizations, Akatsuki and the Sound Syndicate. However, her interference unveils more than she thought possible and fosters a love she had never expected." If anyone's interested I highly recommend you go read it. We poured a lot of work into twisting the plot from an origional idea she had. We're having a lot of fun co-authoring it together :D Link: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9008900/1/Never-Turn-Your-Back |