a very short story but u hope you'll enjoy it

To the guilds we cannot hate


I didn't NEED their sympathy,

I didn't WANT their sympathy,

I just wanted to be needed, to be wanted by them,

But was all truly pathetic really.


Who would have thought that one simple word could bring everything down,

And frankly all I did was help a fellow mage, even if this mage had killed a dragon,

Only a few people in the guild would talk to me,

But it was always out of sympathy.


Turns out his guild was the same, they had found out about his almost failing a mission,

They found out a Fairy Tail mage had saved him, that I had even nursed him back to health,

They turned their back on him, only his closest friends being by his side,

But they gave him the same look my friends gave me.


We didn't need this, everyone has a bad day, and isn't it the fairy tail way to help someone in need,

He didn't want this, any of it; he told me all his past, and was glad that someone came to his aid,

We became friends, allies, it truly was nirvana in our minds, and soon our worlds became black,

But through this our newfound friendship there was at least some light, our light.


He had escaped being made to "disappear" from his guild; I on the other hand left without a notice,

We had gone AWOL, rogue mages, branded by our guilds, our stamps making us easy pickings,

It was fun, in a sense running together from place to place, hiding from the packs of vultures,

But in the end we just got bored,


We were happy; we had good memories, both with our guilds, and with each other,

There were no regrets; we wouldn't change a thing, not even the way things turned out between us,

To our guilds, we don't blame you, we are content with how things became, and we thank you for it,

But now we are too tired to continue,

All in all, we will always be your precious Nakama; you will always be in our hearts,

To our guilds we cannot hate

We love you.

Lucy and Sting

well what did you think?

Edit 26/7/12 : thank you Guest1341999 for correcting me, it is good memories not god ^^' i've changed it now, sorry about that :D