Author has written 1 story for Naruto. "ME" STUFF I'm 24 years old. I work full-time. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a 'Gamer' but I'm also a step up from your average casual gamer. I prefer PC to Console, although I do enjoy a little bit of couch co-op with my friends. I have a custom built PC that I am very proud of. My parents think it looks like something from an alien ship or Star Trek. I haven't named it yet but I'm leaning towards Sir Pete. I love all animals but have an especially strong love for cats. My friends tell me there's times I even unintentionally act like a cat (lying on top of important or expensive things, staring at people grudgingly or like I'm plotting their demise, prodding things with my hands, seeking elevated spaces to rest or sit and I have, embarrassingly, been known to hiss). I enjoy creative writing of any kind to the point that I must confess, I start more projects and pieces than I finish. I think I have some issues with following things through but I'm hoping to change that by completing my Hobbit Fanfiction, Guided Fates and my recent Naruto Fanfic, Civil Affairs. My interests are varied; you could say I know a little bit about a lot of things. I have the research skills (and the calling bullshit skills) to properly fill the gaps when it's needed (fanfiction wise). FANDOM CONFESSION STUFF My Interests or Lack-There-Of I've discovered that while I love The Hobbit and it's successor Lord of the Rings, I surprisingly have no love for Game of Thrones. I know, I'm shocked - I thought I'd like it too. I own and have read most of Tolkien's other works as well, although I struggled with the Silmarillion. That was one dry piece of work to drudge through (in my opinion). I did really like The Children of Hurin, though. I found it a little more interesting to read then his histories compilations. I love Pirates of the Caribbean, but I kind of feel like they should have let it die. That's all I'm going to say on that one. I like Supernatural, but it's long and not even close to being done which is nice but also a little discouraging. Truthfully, I get distracted by the time I get to about Season 6 and I stop. Then the next time the urge hits me I have to re-watch it all again so I can remember everything. Thus the cruel cycle continues. I must admit, I love Dean and Sam pisses me off way more than he probably should. I enjoy The Walking Dead, but my internet sucks so I'm still stuck in Season 6. I'm hoping to change that soon by purchasing the set on DVD. My favourite characters are Daryl and (R.I.P) Glen. I still have an unnecessarily strong hatred for Lori. I am addicted to Criminal Minds. It's one of the few series that I've managed to keep up with. Although, now that the series is both Morgan and Hotch-less, I'm not so sure I'll be into it much longer. I prefer Shounen, like Naruto and Bleach, in my Anime but I prefer Shojo or Josei, like Skip Beat and some of it's more mature associates, in my Manga. I'm not really into Manwha. I've tried reading it but there's just something about it I don't really care for - I can't describe it. I didn't get into One Piece: although I keep re-attempting. The farthest I've managed is episode 45. And no; I never got into Attack On Titan nor Sword Art Online. I haven't gotten around to them yet and so currently I have no opinion on them. The jury is out. To wrap things up: I like Harry Potter well enough. I've only managed to read half of the books and, for what it's worth (which I'm aware is not much) I have seen all of the movies many times. I own all the books, so I'm still working on getting through them. University completely ruined me for reading - I don't find it as fun as I used too. |