![]() Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Appleseed, Rise of the Guardians, Ender's Game series, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Lord of the Rings, Misc. Books, Dragon Ball Z, and Frozen. Hi i finally figured out how to use this thing! So the thing is, I can't come up with anything for No Ordinary Girl, and I had this other great idea for a story. Seamstress to Star. Please check it out, and if anyone, ANYONE at ALL has any idea what to do for No Ordinar Girl, pm me please! Bye! Hey everyone. I just wanted to tell you, i might not be on for another long while. School kills, and this time its like four essays and another project. I also have midterms and finals to think about. If easter gives me a chance to update, and I can think of something, I will update. Still, its nice to hear from you. Till later, ja ne! HAPPY EASTER BREAK! I AM FINALLY OFF! All of you are reading this and are like "what?" My break starts today, Thursday March 28, 2013. And as promised, a new chapter for all of you people. I still don't know what to do for No Ordinary Girl. But people seem to love Seamstress to Star, so I updated that. It's kind of long because there are like three songs in it. BUT WHO CARES? HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! Hi again! I'm back, and I should be updating soon. Finals are soon, and I just turned 15, so now my parents have added on extra "chores" to do with all of my insane homework. Sorry for seeming like I've ignored you guys for so long. But like I said, I should have a new chapter out for Seamstress to Star, and I am trying to finish the next chapter of No Ordinary Girl. Laters! I AM SO SORRY! I have an acctual excuse. Somehow, Microsoft Word got deleted from my laptop, and as my laptop is the only computer i am allowed to use, i could do absolutely nothing. But thatk God for Daddy, he got Microsoft Word and all of my stuff back! YAY! So now, to get back on track with writing. Love to you all!!! Ja Ne! Does anyone know what it is like to go on an unexpected road trip... ... on short notice... ...you think you'll only be gone for like a week... ...and you dont bother to bring your computer... ...and you end up gone the entire summer? No? Lucky. Very lucky. Well, that pretty mych sums up where I was the entire summer. Not that I didnt enjoy it or anything. I loved every minuit of it. But all of my pre-written chapters were here on my laptop, so... yeah... If you are at all interested in what I did this summer, here's a basic list of where I went. -Cousins upstate New York, 1 week -Niagara Falls, 3 days -Older brother Virgina (I now have a step sister!!! \(_)/), 4 days -Hershey Park, 4 days -Disney World Florida, 5 days -Family in Costa Rica, 1 1/2 weeks (I have never been there before, and my family is huge. Nuff said.) -Tokyo Japan, 2 days (connecting flight to...) -Family in Phillipines, 1 1/2 weeks ...and then we came home, I crashed on the couch, and now my mom is telling me to unpack. Yeah... So as soon as i finish unpacking... and the house is clean... and the laundry is washed... and all of the food is checked... ALRIGHT MOM!!! -_- I will come back and post some of those chapters. Ugh, work... Ja ne! Okay. I know. I've been away for a long while. And I truly am sorry. Jesus, the last time I was on here to write, it was 2012. That was four years ago. See, this is the thing. I've lost a lot of motivation to write. School got in the way, I've had some really close deaths in the family, and I've been dealing with recurring bouts of depression. It's been rough these past few years, and writing hasn't been on my mind, and more often than not, when I did have the time, it would be hard to get motivated to think up plots for the two unfinished stories I have. So here I am, almost at the end of my senior year of high school, and finally in control of my life somewhat. I've changed a lot, at least I think so, and that's reflected in my writing that I do now. I look back at the two things that I've left behind, and I cringe when I read them. Twelve-year-old me writes a whole lot differently than seventeen-year-old me. Just scroll up a bit to see what I mean. Did I really put in an emoticon in my last update from eons ago? Anyway. So here is my deal. I'm going to try and rewrite the stories I have. Clean them up, make them sound more like seventeen-year-old me, and attempt to finish them. I am also going to start a couple of new stories under a larger umbrella of themes. Not just Naruto, and not just the quintessential high school romance. There's going to be a lot more drama, and more darker themes. Again, they'll sound like seventeen-year-old me, and I will do my best to finish these as well. I cannot promise consistent updates. I was never really good with things like 'get this done for Tuesday, and this is due next week Wednesday' etc. And aside from that, I can very easily lose focus on the story. I don't want to write some bullshit the night before I'm supposed to update just because I'm supposed to update. That isn't fair to my readers, because you all want my best, or to me, because I want to present my best. And although yes, I do have a cache of chapters for a lot of stories already made, I don't want to be consistently updating until I run out of chapters and then am stressing because you all are expecting something in 48 hours. My private inbox is always open if you just want to chat. It doesn't just have to be reviews. You need advice? Ask away. You want an opinion on something? Let me know. I make that offer to anyone and everyone I meet, and now I make it to you, if only because who knows if there's another me out there? I'd rather no one else have to go through the shit life throws at us alone. It's not fun, trust me. That's really all I have to say. See you all soon, and stay safe. So this is just a quick announcement. My boyfriend has discovered the world of FanFiction, and is stoked to get started. I expect to see one of his shorter stories uploaded in a week or two, so I will be doing advertisement for him and vice versa. Stay tuned for Rayfe.the.Dragon's first work people, and keep an eye out for my updates! And as usual, stay safe! That is all. End Transmission. More updates! A. Rayfe.the.Dragon has now uploaded a new chapter to his first story! It's a post-war semi-AU, because certain people live through it, and other characters are added in. Go check it out! B. I've also uploaded a new chapter of No Ordinary Girl, but the URL was giving me hell. So this is it: Hopefully it works. If not, just Google The Armenian Dagger and it should be the first link that pops up. C. I have fully set up my Beta profile! I am open to reviewing work! It definitely won't take me as long to Beta as it does for me to write, mostly because creative bursts come and go with me. I can edit someone's work in a day or two, maximum a week if life feels like getting in my way. But yes, I am a Beta! Feel free to send me stuff! Anyway, that is all for right now, so stay safe everyone! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Yes, May 1, 2016. I have turned 18. I feel as though I've climbed a mountain. And that concludes my waxing poetic about growing older. In more exciting news (I know - what's more exciting than a birthday?), I've updated Let Her Go, Let It Go and Partners, and added a few new stories: Secrets and The Things She Carried. Take a look! And yes, I've shamelessly copied the birthday notice on every single one. But I digress. Love you all, like, share, and review, and stay safe everyone! And now college. Yes, by this upcoming Friday I will be in my college dorm, meeting my roommates and getting ready for classes next Monday. So as a heads up, expect a delay in any and everything. I'm most likely going to need a few days to get into the swing of my classes. In reality, my classes aren't that bad. They start at 10am every day, and if my last class ends late in the evening I have a few hours in between. I'm probably going to be getting a job on the side, though, so I don't know where all that supposed "free time" is going to go. We shall see. Still, I plan on writing. So please bear with me. Thanks for all the ongoing support, no matter what it is you read. I love you all! You know the drill, review, favorite, follow, all that good stuff, and of course, stay safe! Okay, all of the wow. Been a while since I updated this profile. My apologies for that, you few and beloved diligent followers. College has been interesting. My classes are (for the most part) fun, and I'm surprisingly not doing to bad. I'm registering for next semester's classes this week, so things will be interesting. But in any case, I am slowly making progress through the projects I have active at the moment. A Compendium of Inspired Activity is making wonderful progress, and I encourage you all to review and suggest themes for poetry and short stores of all walks. Also, I have started making this collection a visual album on my DeviantArt account as well. Swing is already up, and you can find that here. I hope to get at least another out before the new semester. Each of my Compendium pieces will be up for sale, as an artwork/poem combination. I'm debating on whether or not to also put up just the picture and poem as separate prints as well. Let me know in a PM! Partners is also developing a lot, so go check that out if you're into futuristic action/romance/drama. The edits on Seamstress to Star and No Ordinary Girl are taking a good portion of my writing time, when I have the time to write at all, but they are coming. And, of course, look for other free-standing one-shots from time to time. I love writing, and hope to do more of it as time goes on. All in all, I thank you for staying with me for as long as you have. I know I'm not the best at keeping consistent updates, but I do try. If you all need anything, hit me up! Review me, favorite and follow, PM, all of it! See you all later, and stay safe! STORY TIME!!! So today was my last day of finals. I had missed the past two nights of sleep to study for it, since it was a memory-based class. And I'm not the best at memorizing facts. But I finished the test, and took the train back home. Now I blame the past ten days of little sleep and full-time studying for my now-liquefied brain, but i took a wrong turn as I got of the train, and instead of finding the bus I needed to get home, I was standing over a highway. With three bags. In the dead of night. In the cold. Let me tell you how NOT fun that was. But someone was looking out for me, since a cab was turning the corner, and the driver was the nicest man alive. Gave me his contact info and a promise to come help if I ever need it. See, it's people like him that make me incredibly happy. He didn't care for the money, he cared about getting someone else's daughter home safe and sound. This is a lovely thing to see during the Christmas season. On a slightly unrelated note, Merry Christmas! Do enjoy the little postcard I made on the train ride home! |