Guess who?! I'm back, buckos! Now I'll shut up and let you read...

Elsa's P.O.V

"Elsa?" I heard my younger sister, Anna, open the door.

It's been 2 years since I froze her heart, and I'm still not over it. I can't believe I did that to Anna. Sweet, perky, dorky, Anna. I looked up at her.

"Well, Kristoff and I were wondering... will Arendelle ever have a king?" Anna refused to meet my gaze.

"I-uh- Why do you ask?" I asked, taken aback.

"Elsa, Arendelle needs a king! Other kingdoms are planning to go at war with ours with no king leading our army!" Anna cried out.

I sighed, looking down. Truth is, I'm a sucker for love like Anna. I don't want to marry just for the good of the kingdom, I want to marry for love.

"Listen Anna... We will find a suitor, okay?" I looked up at Anna.

"Elsa, I know you want to marry for love." Anna whispered.

"Anna, that's ridiculous." I began rummaging for an imaginary paper.

"Elsa, please. Don't shut me out." She pleaded.

I suddenly felt guilty. It's not my fault I shut her out, I've been shutting others out for years, and when I finally opened the door I froze my own sister's heart!

"Anna, please." I began walking towards the door.

"No Elsa!" Anna suddenly blocked the door.

"Please, tell me. What do you want?" She asked.

"I-I don't know." I turned around, and Anna walked in front of me.

"You promised you wouldn't shut me out again. You promised the gates will always be opened. What about the gate between us?" She asked.

"Anna, don't be ridiculous." I said. I hated fighting with her. I don't even know the difference between shutting out and opening it seems like.

Jack's P.O.V

"You called for me?" I stepped towards North.

He was flashing the Northern lights like there was no tomorrow!

"Ah, Jack! So glad you could join us." The large man greeted in a Russian accent as thick as him.

"Yeah, yeah. Get to the point." Aster, or Bunny, said in his Australian accent.

"Jack!" Tooth began fingering my teeth.

"MPH! MMPH!" I began pushing her away.

Bunny snickered. Though I won't admit it, Tooth isn't my crush like Bunny thinks she is. Tooth is more like a mother to me, with North as the father and Bunny as the brother. Sandy then came into view. He was like my little brother. He formed a sand question mark over his head.

"Yeah, Sandy's right. Why are we here?" Tooth asked.

North pointed towards Manny, the moon.

"We going to have new guardian. I can feel it in my belly!" He shook his belly.

"Mate, it's probably indigestion." Bunny groaned.

"No! I positive we going to have a new guardian!" North said angrily.

Sandy shrugged. All of a sudden the giant thing which I don't know what the heck is came up, and it showed a girl. Her head was down, but you could see that she had a dress that clung to her like a newborn clinging to the mother. Her hair was in a side braid, and a snowflake appeared next to her.

"No way..." Tooth breathed.

"What?" I asked.

"Jack," North began.

"This is the Snow Queen of Arendelle. She is now what you call a 'partner'." North said.

"What?" I asked.

"You see mate, I got eggs helping me, North has elves and those giant furry things, and Tooth has those little hummingbirds." Bunny said, and Baby Tooth hummed in protest.

"Now, you have a helper." North said.

He threw a burlap sack at me, and threw the globe onto the ground. A faint image of Arendelle appeared.

"Go get her!" Bunny pushed me into the image, and I grabbed the globe trying to stay, but taking it with me. I heard a whoosh and I was suddenly standing in a large room, seeing two sisters bicker. The room was frosted over, but it wasn't me.

I was in Arendelle.

"Elsa, you need a suitor, but I want you to love him!" I heard the girl, whom I assumed was the younger sister, say.

She had strawberry blonde hair that was braid on each side of her head.

The older sister, who I guess is Elsa, seems to be about my age. Her hair was a fair blonde. So fair you could even call it white. I saw the dress that clung to her and then realized it was made of ice, snowflakes, and maybe even frost.

"Anna, please!" Elsa said exasperatedly.

The girl who I now could identify as Anna stopped and stared at me.

"Elsa..." She said, and whirled the other girl around.

Woah, she is gorgeous! Her baby blue eyes were so mesmerizing, and those lips! Gosh, those lips! They were almost calling to me... wait what?!

"Uh, hi." I lamely said, holding the burlap sack.

"Who are you?" Elsa asked.

"Um, Jack... Jack Frost."

Anna was hiding behind Elsa. I then remembered the burlap sack. I couldn't just kidnap Elsa, Anna was here too and she would stop me.

"Well, Ja-" I cut Elsa off, throwing the burlap sack over her and Anna.

I threw the snow globe on the ground, seeing the faint image of North's workshop. I heard the muffled cries of the girls. I give the snow globe one last glance, then fly out the window, considering the fact that flying is more efficient in my opinion. Forgetting about leaving the snow globe opened, I fly to North's workshop.

Well, there ya have it! Don't forget to review!