Ice and Sugar

By: DelightfulSmiles

Author's Note: Hello! This is truly my first ever multi-chaptered story and it's about Sasuke an Sakura, I was considering using this plot for Neji and Tenten but then I realised that this story line is better suited for Sasuke and annoying it is to admit that. But I must also say that if I don't a good response to this I probably will end up deleting this story. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: Sorry I don't own Naruto but I do own the plot line; and if ever you think I have copied another story please realise I didn't but if you really do think I did please contact me!

I sat in my office chair leaning my chin on my hands as I looked at the person opposite me, they were going on about a new business proposal, which I had to say was the worst thing have ever heard; the amount of faults I could see just from the opening lines of the introduction. I sighed to myself as I stared coldly at the man who stuttered to a stop when he caught the look on my face.

And I continued to stare at him until it was obvious that he was shaking in fear and slight annoyance, but I didn't care because I'm THE Great Uchiha Sasuke; the owner of Uchiha Incorporated, the top business company in Japan leading in exports and imports of different goods ranging from electronics to food to even gardening tools.

"No, that's the crappiest idea I've heard" I said in a dead panned voice.

He stared at me before grabbing his stand that held his pieces of presentation cardboard and walking out of my office slamming the door behind him.

I stared amused at the door before I leaned back and relaxed against the soft cushions. I thought about different things and about how boring everything was, and how uninspired everyone seemed to be.

'I'm paying useless people for a job they don't even deserve' I thought with a frown.

It's been a few months since Uchiha Incorporated had released a new product and this annoyed me, this meant that there are ideas out there in the world that aren't being used by my workers, who should lose their job for their incompetence.

I let out another annoyed sigh as I rubbed my eyes as I picked up my pen and slowly began to, once again, try and lessen the amount of paper work that seemed to have magically grown in the last few...I checked my watch and mumbled a few curses realising that it had only been half an hour and my work load had increased.

And so ensued three to five hours of me doing paperwork and receiving calls from different departments around the city, the media asking for interviews (which I denied of course as I believe myself above those type of things), and even a few complaints.

Overall my morning had been very boring indeed and as I stood up to go to lunch I stretched and looked out onto the city of Tokyo and all the buildings that was all cramped together, my eyes fell onto the ground where people were milling around but from up here they looked like nothing but ants.

'Hm...exactly what they all are, ants' I thought before walking away from the window and out of my office, and almost immediately Karin, my secretary, popped up out of nowhere and was now walking beside me.

"Oh Sasuke last night was fun wasn't it?" she questioned me in that annoying voice of hers.

I twitched at the reminder of last night, it consisted of too much sake, confined spaces and way too much hormones for my liking. But thankfully I got out of there before I did any serious damage to myself.

"Whatever" I mumbled out staring straight ahead of me wondering whether or not I would be able to get my favourite meal of ramen with rice and miso soup.

"Sasuke" her voice screeched out.

I flinched at the loudness and turned my look at her which was indeed a very cold and frosty one, well I wasn't called cold hearted for nothing.

Karin opened her mouth to say something but stopped and just chose to grab my arm and imprison it with both of hers.

I twitched at the contact and the obvious suggestive manner of not only her behaviour as she fluttered her eye lashes at me but as I took account of what she was wearing.

And today's winner of most revealing outfit is once again with no surprise Karin! Today her chosen attire consisted of a white button down shirt that was obviously a few sizes to small and see through so anyone could see her black bra within, she matched this choice with a black mini-skirt that could pass off as a belt and not leaving anything at all to the imagination, on her feet she chose to wear the most uncomfortable looking stilettos I've seen in my life.

All this commentary was going through my head as she once more started to blabber on about the most useless things.

'I don't remember the lunch room being so far away' I thought with annoyance as we continued to walk.

Finally after what seemed like hours but was actually less than five minutes we arrived at the lunch room, and as soon as we entered I took back my arm from my insistent secretary.

I went over to the lady behind the counter; yes we had a lunch lady within the lunch room because we could afford it unlike some other companies around the block much less the city. And she smiled at me but I just nodded as I took my usual meal and sat at my table by myself and began to eat.

After lunch all I did was more paperwork and listen to even more employees talk about different ideas, all of which I rejected in under five minutes, as well as complaints about different things. By the end of it I was feeling exhausted, annoyed and even shorter tempered than I already was.

As soon as I exited the door I was once again ambushed by the red headed female Satan that has made it her goal to annoy me with her insistent whining and yearning for attention; attention which was definitely not going to come from me.

"Sasuke can I come over today?" she purred into my ear which made my stomach turn in the most unpleasant of ways.

"No" I said shortly trying to remain calm, knowing if I blew up I probably will end up with a crying Karin which was worse than the needy Karin.

'Hm...There are only a few sides of Karin: crying, needy, angry and hormonal' I thought and shivering remembering her hormonal side all too well.

"Aw Sasuke don't be like didn't mind yesterday" she continued to purr.

And I began to try and retract my arm from her shackles also known as hands. But her clutch just kept on getting tighter, and tight enough that I couldn't feel my arm.

This continued to go on throughout my train ride home, for I didn't feel the need to ride my limo today, and once we reached the front gate of my home I had had enough of this annoyance.

"Sasuke" she said again, again seeing as for the past twenty minutes I've been ignoring her as she tried to catch my attention.

'HA! I'll love to see the day Karin has my attention...actually no I don't' I thought as my right eye twitched.

"Karin if you don't take your hands off of me right now I'll fire you" I said coldly glaring at her.

She blinked and looked up at me.

"WH-what are you saying Sa-Sasuke?" she asked more like squeaked.

I continued to glare at her.

"Karin are you too dim witted to understand simple words or are you deaf?" I questioned.

Karin stared at me and soon her eyes were filled with tears and she soon began to sob, I rolled my eyes as I quickly took my arm from her grasp and walked in through the gates.

I turned to the security guard that was standing there watching the entire time.

"If she tries to get in detain her and call the police" I ordered before walking up the winding drive way and into my house.

Once inside I closed the door softly as I looked around the foyer, which along the walls had portraits of family members and single portraits as well, the walls were painted a deep brown colour with gold bans swirling around. The overall sight gave off the impression of expensive, classy but not to overdone.

I walked through the hall way and up the stairs and onto the second landing. A light breeze brushed against my face and I frowned having thought that the maid closed the windows at all times besides when ordered not to, I went to inspect and found that all the windows along the corridor were locked and sealed.

'What the hell?' I wondered frowning as I felt the breeze once more and looked around myself. And was met with nothing and I rubbed my eyes wondering if I was just imaging things.

'I'm probably just tired' I thought.

"Well I must say you do have great taste despite your cruel nature" a girly voice said from behind.

I spun around in shock and was met with an even more shocking sight. It was a girl that had hair the colour of fairy floss that fell in layers to her shoulders, she had the softest features none of them at all looked sharp, her eyes a deep emerald colouring. Her body seemed to be well toned and exercised well, her limbs looking strong yet fragile at the same time. However, none of these things registered in my mind for I was too distracted with the fact that there were two white, feathered wings protruding from her back – making her look exactly like an angel.

"Well aren't you a good looking guy" she mused rubbing her chin as she took a few steps closer to me; but I couldn't move for I felt I was glued to the spot.

"Who are you?" I questioned her, my voice sounding an octave too high.

She smiled and gave me a hand gesture where all fingers but the pointer and middle finger bent and the two remaining made the shape of a 'V'.

"I'm Sakura Haruno, your Guardian Angel" she replied grinning.

I stared at her with incomprehension and I did something I never thought I would do in my entire life.

I fainted.

Author's note: So what do you think? Do you guys think this is worth continuing? Please R&R so I know whether or not I should continue. Heh Angel Sakura and cold hearted Sasuke, what could happen with this? Oh and sorry for any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, I tried my best and word did it's best.