How was that for fast?
I have a bit of a scratchy throat, so I thought why not?
This BY FAR was my favorite story to write. :)
I had a lot of fun with it, even though I didn't add all the fluff I know you all love.
Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. :)

Thanks to my reviewers: xmarachanx, randomshow, Tentenperson-KimixTayu adict, Sucoona Jatchbomb, Herrblade, SaphireSage4Ever, Nejihyuugalover, Sand-Jounin-Temari, Pyromaniac-Girl, Deyanira-chan, Musical Demon Obsessed Girl88, xXKickass-kunoichiXx, MitsukoMityuki, Tenten2295, e1nav57, Lynn Acissej, Zinam, CattyGothLoli, inspiration-arts, Love4anime, Hatake-kate, Baying-for-the-moon, Youkai Koneko, DelinquentDuo, CatxRock07, Shuhbs, LyricGirl16, waterstar, Nerd4eva, LazyBonesJones, May Kat, weapon-angel, XoTentenXgurlXo101, Nocturnal Dream, Malika-chan, rose-of-alabaster, .debi.09., PurplePanda1010, Tentendescendent1, IzWinchesterDevil, Ten'N'Ten, Erna, CarJanLucy, TT8WizziE8TT, formerlyanonoumousinsanityisFUN, Lupita.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


Chapter 23



The third one this month. It was all becoming a bad habit. We were just getting back from the third failed mission this month. Three missions in a row.

A month.

It had been that long since we had seen Tenten and Temari, and I couldn't help but think that's what has got us in this funk. Shikamaru and I were both sure that being apart would be for the best. They could get back to their lives, and we could get back to ours. It wasn't working out that well for us though. Before they came into our lives, we had never failed a mission before. Now, it was becoming almost routine.

This time around, we had almost lost half of our team. Something like that, couldn't happen again. It would take awhile for us to be put back on as team leaders. Right now we didn't deserve it.

As we walked back to our room at the base, Shikamaru sighed next to me.

"What?" He never sighed for nothing these days.

"Just thinking." He said adjusting his luggage on his back.

I bet I could guess what Shikamaru was thinking about, but I wasn't going to say anything. Neither of us needed that right now.

After we brought them back, our lives returned to normal, except for the mission failing part. We went right back to our soldier lives; guns, bad guys, and far off lands. Things normal teenagers probably don't even dream about. Who would exactly want this life?

Looking back, I couldn't even remember why I had wanted this job. I never had the best home life. My parents died when I was young and I was then forced to live with my uncle and his family. They were nice, but it just wasn't for me. I probably only took this job to fill the void, to have that excitement factor, I never got growing up. It certainly wasn't the smartest reason to pick a profession.

I could only imagine what my life could have been like if I had stayed with them; my uncle and cousins. Maybe Tenten and I could have met on different terms. Who knows maybe we could have had a chance? Now I'll never know, that chapter of our life was over. All we could do now was move on.

Easier said than done.

When we reached our tiny room, Shikamaru threw his bag on the ground and sat on his bed and then began to rub his temples. We hadn't talked much about the whole thing, it just wasn't us. I wondered if it might make us feel a little better. Probably not, we weren't much for sharing our feelings.

I began to unpack my things when our door opened. It was one of the new recruits that had been sent on that last mission with us. He had handled it better than we did.

"Umm, Tsunade wants to see you." He said, knowing what would we receive when we got there; a scolding from Tsunade. How was that supposed to make her look; her best agents failing mission and mission? She was going to be pissed.

"OK, we'll be there soon." Shikamaru said. As soon as he left Shikamaru got up. "Let's get this over with." Right now, there was nothing Tsunade could say that would make us feel worse.

The walk to her office was a long one, but when we arrived, Shizune was there waiting, a stack of papers covering her face.

"You two can go in now." She said in her quiet voice. For as long as I lived I would always wonder how she always knew who was on the other side of those papers when she couldn't see their face.

I nodded and opened the door for Shikamaru and myself, stepping into Tsunade's messy office. Paper's strewn every where, no wonder Shizune had such a big stack in her hands.


"Boys." She took a quick swig from the bottle on her desk, probably some sort of alcohol. "You've probably made some sort of assumption as to why I've called you to my office today. I know you failed your mission today, but believe it or not, this has nothing to with that."

I was genuinely shocked. I was expecting her to be throwing a fit. Even though we hadn't failed a mission in the past, we had heard the stories. And even though she had never yelled directly at us, she had screamed at an entire division before, we just happened to be walking past.

"Then what is this about?" Shikamaru asked.

"This meeting is about a new mission, a new protection mission." She said, staring at the two of us, seeing how we would react.

Words couldn't describe how I felt. The easiest thing I could say was that, I didn't want to do this.

"Tsunade, I don't think that's the best idea for us. Considering how the last one turned out."

"Wat are you talking about? The mission was a success. Orochimaru is now behind bars, along with the rest of his henchmen."

Sure, technically the mission was a success, but not for us. We had still let them be kidnapped in the first place.

"I don't want any fighting from you two. You should be glad to be getting this mission. You were requested again. I don't have any of the paperwork here." More like she couldn't find it. "You will be briefed when you arrive. I believe you know where the helicopter pad is. You leave immediately."

Without another word, we saluted and left her office. I couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't want to go on another protection mission. Who's saying I don't get attached again? That was unlikely, no one could replace Tenten. This time I was going to go and get the mission done then be finished with it.

We went back to our room and repacked our few belongings, and then headed out for the helicopter pad. We got in and put on the headphones. I was glad for those, maybe I could drown out the rest of the world and prepare myself for this new mission a little bit more.

As much as I tried to get ready for this mission, I just couldn't. Something in me told me I was letting them down. We were supposed to protect them, not these other people that we knew nothing about. I couldn't shake it from my mind. I felt like a liar, a fraud. I wasn't supposed to be here.

I was supposed to be there. Who was going to make sure that Tenten was prepared for her math tests? Who was going to take her to her tennis practices? Who was going to be there for her, when Temari sometimes couldn't? I was letting her down.

No one could replace Tenten; her smile, her personality, those childish buns that fit her so perfectly. No one could beat her, not ever. I tried to remember everything I could before I felt the helicopter start to pull down. This mission wasn't going to be personal for me. I was going to go in with a totally different mindset. No one was going to get hurt this time around.


It was strange, getting out of helicopter, it felt strangely like it did when we first met them, but I had to keep telling myself, it wasn't the same.

I kept my eyes glued to the pavement as we walked towards whoever it was we were supposed to be protecting. I didn't want to see, it just wouldn't be the same.

All I could see was their feet, but that was enough to tell that they were two girl. The one in front of me wore a pair of red flip flops, her toe nails painted red as well. The other one, wore tall while stiletto boots.

No one said anything.

"Come on. You didn't think you two could get rid of us that easily?" I knew that voice, it was, Temari. As soon as I lifted my head, I found myself on the ground. Tenten had tackled me to the ground.

"Neji!" She yelled, as she enveloped me in a hug. I couldn't believe it. What was going on? Sure, I was curious, but that was just going to have to wait. It felt so good to have Tenten in my arms once more. I released her only to pull her in again for a kiss I had waited too long to give her, not caring about crossing the lines in this mission any longer.

"Come here you big idiot." I heard Temari say, and before I knew it, she and Shikamaru were in the same position as Tenten and I.

"I don't get it. What's going on?" I asked, as soon as I got a chance.

Temari laughed. "Come on, we've got our dad's wrapped around our fingers and, I may have hinted that another kidnapping could happen at any time."

"But how did you get your dad's to request us again?" Shikamaru asked.

"Believe it or not, they like you." She said with a smile.

"But how long does this last? There isn't really an immediate threat…" I said.

"Well yes, but that doesn't mean we don't need protection, we do get stalker threats every now and then. As for time, it's until we get tired of you." She laughed again and threw her arms around Shikamaru. "Now come on we're late." She took Shikamaru's hand and started to the car.

"Late for what?" I said as Tenten did the same to me.

"Actually there's a sale at the mall." Temari said.

Shopping? We just got back and they were taking us shopping? I guess I couldn't complain, it was good to be back.

Tenten stopped and stood next to me and then jumped up on her toes, so that her lips were close my ears.

"Don't worry, it's your welcome home party."

Yay it's over!!! (Well for me atleast) :P
All good stories must be brought to an end. :D
Thanks so much for reading and making this my most successful story yet!
I haven't totally decided on what I'm going to write next,
but due to popular demand, it will probably be full of Nejiten smexiness. :3
I hope you liked it. :)

ATTENTION NARUTO FANS: If you watch the dubbed Naruto on cartoonetwork, I bet you've been pissed because it hasn't been on. (I sure have) I have word from a reliable source that it will returning on May 16, which is a Friday, so I'm thinking it's going to be the 17. My source also told me that it could possibly be moving to adult swim, so it doesn't have to be edited for the kiddies. Anyway, it was off for so long because they were dubbing Shippuden. WOOT!!! So as soon as the last few fillers are over, SHIPPUDEN HERE WE COME!!!
(But if doesn't come then, it will come sometime in May)

One more thing, the person who I thought was going to finish Belonging for me, hasn't gotten back to me... So as it stands it's still up for adoption. If any of you are new writers, I would really recomend this for your first story. I already laid out the plot, and I'm willing to help all the way through. I already have 5 chapters done and people still want to read it. What could be better? So if anyone could help me, I'll love you forever. XD

Please review and even if you don't check out some of my other stories. XD
