Here's Chapter 13!

Note: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

A/N: I'm sorry that this is the last chapter for this story. I might make a new story sometime soon, but I'm not sure when. I don't know what it will be called, but I hope to keep writing! It'll probably be another YuseiXAkiza or it might be a different couple, I'm not positive. Thanks for all your support! Please review!

The summer had quickly faded fast and August was soon upon Akiza and Yusei. Akiza lies on her bed, the night before community college starts.

"I've had such a wonderful Summer with Yusei. We played volleyball, went to the beach, and got our college books together."

She turns over and stares at the clock.

"I'm nervous though. I'm worried that something bad's going to happen. I got my first job and the money will definitely help when I have to transfer to a 4-year college. I'm just worried about all the time that I might not have. Between studies and school, how will I still be able to have fun with Yusei? We haven't even known each other for a year, but I feel like I've known him for a hundred years. What if our relationship has to... break up?"

Yusei lies in his bed, thinking to himself.

"I know Akiza's worried about tomorrow. School and a new job is going to make her stressed out. I need some way to show her my feelings, without hurting her time or wallet. I need some way to help show her that it's all right and everything will turn out okay."

He sighs.

"There's got to be a way to make her not always see the bad things and look towards the good things. She's worried so often, about so many things. Hopefully, taking almost every class together will help."

Yusei rolls over and tries to get some sleep.

Akiza gets up around 7 o'clock. She's not sure how long it might be to get to school. She had told Yusei to come a little after 8. Their first class starts at 9. As she gets dressed, she couldn't stop thinking about the changes she's going to have.

"It's so weird, isn't it? I mean, I never have started school in August. I have to start thinking and acting like a adult. I'm not a kid or teenager anymore. I have to start to become my own person. Yusei will be there with me, but I have to start showing him that I can be strong. If I don't show that I can find strength, when the going gets tough, he might not want to be with me anymore."

She gets dressed and heads to kitchen for breakfast.

Yusei listened to the radio as he pulled up. Akiza was waiting with her backpack around her shoulders. She gets in.

"Got the books," Yusei asked, "Pencils? Erasers? Notebook paper?"

"Yusei," Akiza giggled, "My mom just asked me the same questions. I'm old enough now to remember that stuff."

Yusei smiles as he backs out of the driveway. Akiza's mom wave to Akiza from the window. She has tears in her eyes.

They drive along and Akiza has a sadden look on her face. Yusei notices and keeps looking ahead.

They get to the college at about 8:35. The parking lot's pretty empty. Yusei, quickly, locks the doors. Akiza, doesn't notice just stares ahead.

"Akiza, you look so scared. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I'm fine Yusei."

"Look," he wraps his arm around her, "Can you at least talk to me? One word. Anything."

Akiza's eyes water up and the tears start flowing down her face. Yusei leans over the stick-shift. He wraps her in a hug and she wraps her arms around him. Akiza' voice breaks as she talks.

"I'm afraid Yusei. calm and cool, but I'm scared inside. A new job, new school, new...everything. It's all so sudden. I don't know if...if... if I can survive. I want to do well in school...and at my job, but I don't know if I can handle it. can I balance those two and still have time for us? I need you Yusei! You...pick me when I'm down and are always willing to help me. Please Yusei! I...I don't know who to turn to. Everyone just tells me that it's going to be all right...and everything will work out. But... but they aren't the ones dealing with the problems. They aren't the ones with all the stress!...It's easy to say that...when you're not dealing with the pressure, but...but when you are, it's terrible."

She leans into his shirt and cries some more. Once the tears stop, Yusei puts his hand on her chin and lifts her up to meet her eyes.

"Look, Akiza, I know what your talking about. On the outside, I do look like I'm the calm confident person that I always am. However, that's not the case. Everyone gets scared sometimes. Even the bravest hero has to be frightened by something. You don't have to worry about me. Whenever you and I can be together, is more than enough for me. We don't have to spend a whole day or night together. Even now. Right now. This time with you is more that I need."

"But Yusei, we've grown so close. I don't want it to be like my family where my father's never around to be with my mother. I don't want to have to put so much time ahead of you. You deserve happiness and if being with you is what can make you happy, then I want to make sure I can spend as much time with you."

Yusei smiles at her.

"You know," he says, "We might not be able to spend every day or even every week with each other."

Akiza nods her head.

"But when we do, lets make a promise that we can make the most of that time. The time that we get to share, hold, and love each other."

Akiza looks down and then back up at him.

"Okay Yusei."

They kiss.

"Well, should we go in," Yusei asked.

Akiza nodded her head.

As they walked up to the school, they both knew that they didn't know what the world ahead was going to be like. They knew there was going to be many problems that they both were going to have to overcome.

However, they knew that they weren't alone.

They could face their problems head-on.

And they could do it together.