Epilogue: Wish Upon A Star

The nights are so peaceful here: the stars so bright. I can almost see the earth...Almost.

Kari stood on the balcony wistfully gazing at the dark sky she had come to adore so much. It had been four years since that lamentable good-bye at Capsule Corporation. The war with Tsunia had been over for three years. The Arquinians had been victorious: she had defeated Kensuke, and the planet was slowly recovering. But her people needed a ruler, and she was the only one capable of aptly fulfilling such a role. After all, it was in her blood.

I want to return to earth...but…I have a duty to fulfill, Kari told herself. Why did selflessness have to cause such pain?

"Excuse me, Princess Kari, but the elders are having another dispute. It would be wise on your part to intervene...," Yume announced quietly. The princess's advisor trailed off as she saw Kari gazing up at the inky blackness. She knew exactly what was consuming her friend. It was the same loneliness the princess had been suffering from since her return to Arquinia.

"You really miss him, don't you?"

"More than you know," Kari replied, not taking her eyes off the heavens. "I know that I will see him again, but why must it hurt so much after all these years? He's probably moved on, but still I come out here every night and look at the stars," Kari explained, a silent tear rolling down her cheek.

"I don't think he's moved on, Kari," Yume replied softly. She saw her friend's quizzical face. "It wouldn't be easy to move on from someone like you. I know he's looking up at the stars right now, just like you. Soul mates can only be apart in distance, never in spirit or heart."

The old lady then turned and shuffled back inside through the open doors, leaving Kari to her thoughts.

I still love you. I will return to you as soon as I can. I promise.

She gathered up a small amount of glowing energy in her palm, and when it was large enough, shot it up into the night sky. A slim possibility, she knew, but she felt if there was even the slightest chance that he might see it, sense it, she would continue trying. The golden ball sailed away from Arquinia like a shooting star through the diamonds sparkling in the night. To Earth.

                                                *           *           *           *          

"Trunks, aren't you going to come in? It's getting chilly outside," Bulma said, stepping out onto the balcony through the sliding glass doors leading to his room. She saw him standing at the stone railing, looking wistfully up at the sky. It had been four years, but every night he still came outside to stare up at those stars. Everyone, including Bulma, had almost given up hope that she would ever return from Arquinia. But Trunks refused to give up. She smiled. "You really believe she's coming back, don't you?"

"I know she is. She promised. That's enough for me," Trunks replied quietly, turning to look at his mother.

"Well, when she does return, I hope you're still waiting for her. I just hope that she does come back," Bulma said softly, glancing at the millions of sparkling diamonds in the velvet of night. A single tear trailed down her cheek. Before she stepped back through the doors, she turned. "Just don't wait up too long, Trunks." Then he was alone with the moon.

"I'll wait for as long it takes," he whispered, pulling out her necklace from his jacket pocket. He never went anywhere without it. Turning it over in his hands, he once again sifted through the many memories he had shared with her in their short time together. His heart clenched as he stared at the sapphire.

He held it up to reflect the sullen moonlight. Suddenly, something happened that he hadn't witnessed since that night four long years ago. The necklace began to glow, faintly at first, then more brilliant as the seconds passed. Hoping beyond hope, Trunks looked around and then, seeing no one, peered up at the stars. He saw a shooting star sail directly over him, and smiled as the necklace's glow reached its zenith. Tears shone in his eyes. He knew without a doubt that it was Kari, telling him that she, too, was thinking of that day. Someday. She was coming back.

I'll be here waiting, Kari. From now until forever ends.       

                                    There are times

                                    I swear I know you're here

                                    When I forget about my tears

                                    Feeling you my dear

                                    Watching over me

                                    My hopes seek

                                    What the future will bring

                                    When you wrap me in your wings

                                    And take me

                                    Where you are

                                    Where you and I will be together

                                    Once again

                                    We'll be dancing in the moonlight

                                    Just like we used to do

                                    And you'll be smiling back at me

                                    Only then will I be free

                                    When I can be, where you are

                                    And I can see your face

                                    Your kiss I still can taste

                                    Not a memory erased

                                    Oh how I see your star

                                    Shining down on me

                                    And I'd do anything

                                    If I can just be right there

                                    Where you are

                                    Where you and I will be together

                                    Once again

                                    We'll be dancing in the moonlight

                                    Just like we used to do

                                    And you'll be smiling back at me

                                    Only then will I be free

                                    Then I will be free

                                    So take me where you are

                                    Now baby there are times selfishly

                                    I'm wishing that you were here with me

                                    So I can wipe the tears from your eyes

                                    And make you see

                                    Every night while you are dreaming

                                    I'm here to guard you from our fall

                                    And anytime I feel alone

                                    I close my eyes and dream of...

                                    Where you are

                                    Where you and I will be together

                                    Once again

                                    We'll be dancing in the moonlight

                                    Just like we used to do

                                    And you'll be smiling back at me

                                    Only then will I be free

                                    Then I will be free

                                    Baby I still believe

                                    Oh I got to believe

                                    I will touch you that sweet day

                                    That you take you me there

                                    Where you are

                                    I still believe

                                    Oh I got to believe

                                    I will touch you that sweet day

                                    That you take me there

                                    Where you are

                                    Oh Oh where you are

                                    I still believe...

                                    Then I will be free

                                    So take me where you are

                                    © Jessica Simpson, 1999