Here it is...what you've all been waiting for...THE VERY LAST CHAPTER! Thank you oh so much for all the reviews that I received all through out this story, all of you are my inspiration, and I'm not just saying that. Thank you for sticking with Amy and Ian since day one. :D I love you all so much x

and so for the last time in this fanfic...


"Dean, sweetheart, could you watch over Maddie for mummy, while she checks on Bridget in the tub?" Amy asked her son, who was sitting on the carpeted floor of the nursery, reading a book that Alastair gave him for Christmas.

Dean looked at his mother solemnly, closed his book and walked over to the crib where his youngest sister, Madeline, was asleep.

"Mummy, why do I have to watch her? She's asleep!"

"Just do what your mother says young man." Ian suddenly said from the doorway.

Amy turned around to find her husband leaning on the door frame, still wearing his office suit, looking as handsome, or even more, as when she first saw him in one of Grace's family functions.

"Ian! Good you're home!" Amy said in relief as Bridget let out another yell for her mother "Could you watch Madeline instead? I have to get Bridget off the bath."

Ian was about to protest, saying that Madeline doesn't need watching because she was in a crib and was asleep, when Dean smiled impishly at him "Just do what mummy says, Daddy."

Ian mock-glared at his only son and then scooped him up in his strong arms "Fine, but you're watching Maddie with me!"

"But Daddy, I want to finish my book!" Dean whined as he struggled to escape his father's hold on him

"Nuh-uh, you are not going anywhere. You're going to keep me company." Ian said in a self-satisfied tone as he sat down on a lounge chair by the crib

Amy smiled at the sight before she headed for Bridget's room.

"Bridget, honey, where are you?" Amy called as she opened the door to Bridget's bathroom and was met with a shock "What happened here?"

Amy looked around the bathroom which looked liked a tornado hit it. Sponges of all shapes, sizes, and colors were strewn around carelessly, water was gushing out powerfully from all of the faucets, an sticky pink and green liquid was spilled all over the floor. Amy knelt down cautiously, swiped her finger on the floor and sniffed the liquid, which carried the scent of green apples and strawberries.

"Bridget, you didn't spill your bubble bath all over the floor, did you?"

Bridget smiled up at her mum, her long red hair matted around her face and her brown eyes sparkling with happiness

"I did mummy! I did!"

Amy pinched the bridge of her nose and calmed herself down

"Why did you do that baby?"

Bridget's face fell at the look of sadness and disappointment on her mother's face "Are you mad at me Mummy?"

Amy wanted to say yes, to shout out to her daughter how mad she was, but she held her tongue "I'm not mad at you sweetheart, mummy is just really sad because you wasted all of this bubble bath…"

"I'm sorry Mummy…" Bridget said remorsefully, as she looked at her mother with her sad, brown eyes

"What the hell happened here?" Ian suddenly shouted out from the doorway, where he was standing with Madeline in his arms and Dean standing beside him.

"Ian, watch your language!" Amy admonished as she watched his face turn red and his perfect features form into an angry scowl.

Ian handed Madeline over to Amy before he bellowed out angrily as he took in the mass of green and pink everywhere "BRIDGET RALEIGH CAHILL, WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"I'm sorry Daddy, I…I'm really s-sorry…" Bridget said softly as tears formed in her eyes

Ian's anger softened as he walked towards his daughter and knelt down the bathroom floor, not caring that his pants were now ruined, and he was getting wet

"It's alright princess, just promise not to do it again…" Ian said as he carried his daughter out of the tub and wiped her clean with a fluffy, pink towel and headed out of the bathroom.

Amy followed him out of the room with Dean beside her, and Madeline in her arms.

"Come on darling." She said to Dean "Let's give Daddy and Bridget some private time."

"Hey there pretty lady."

Amy looked up and smiled at Ian before turning her attention back to the photo album on her lap

"Hey! I'm not used to being ignored!" Ian said indignantly as he say down beside his wife who was wearing a curious little expression on her face while she prodded over the photo album on her lap with her legs tucked in under her

"Oh, hush you!" Amy said with a laugh "I'm being nostalgic."

Ian rolled his eyes but proceeded to look over her shoulder and looked at the pictures on the page

"Oh look! It's our wedding day!" Ian said as he pointed at the picture of a happy young couple standing in front of a pair of heavy wooden doors.

"I know!" Amy said with a laugh as she stared at the face of the handsome groom in his pristine, black suit, his arms tightly wound around a happy-looking redhead wearing a cream colored dress that looked like an upside down arum lily.

"Wow…I still remember every single detail like it was yesterday…" Ian whispered as her placed his arm around Amy's shoulders.

The couple sat there, engrossed in one another's presence in a peaceful silence until it was broken by a loud wail

"I'll do it." Ian said with a soft smile as he pushed himself off the chair and headed for the nursery

Amy followed closely behind as they climbed up the grand staircase and entered the powder green colored room. Then Ian walked to the crib, carried Madeline gently and spoke to her.

"Madeline Victoria Cahill, you stop crying right this instant." Ian admonished gently, and in that instant, his two-year old daughter stopped crying and looked at her father with eyes that weren't quite like her mother's, but wasn't quite like his either "Even if your surname is Cahill, you're still expected to act like a Kabra. And Kabras do not wail like that."

The child kept on staring at him with her dark green eyes, possibly wondering what her father was babbling about. Then Ian walked over to a table and pressed the baby bottle into her lips, which she took greedily and set her back on the crib.

Amy joined Ian, who was still standing on the edge of the crib, watching his daughter fall asleep.

"It's ironic that she's your favorite…" Amy whispered as she turned her bright green eyes at Ian

Ian smiled as he shook his head ruefully "Madeline's victory…yes very ironic." Then he wrapped his arms around Amy's waist as they both stood there, like guardians protecting a treasure.