Reviews for Burning Embers
JulsaIthil chapter 52 . 4/9/2019
I love it. Really. It’s well written good story/plot. This has become a favorite.
TigremiLion chapter 45 . 5/17/2017
I am really starting to get worried about where this story is going and whether you lost your original ending, plan or something. Because some angst is good, a lot of angst is ok as long as the ending is happy. But somehow it seems like you are missing a key thing here - too much angst can actually kill an elf especially if it is linked with losing their mate forever or some other heartbreak (unless you are going OC with that but you should have mentioned it). Also, I get that friends can be worried and that siblings/cousins like their rivalries but to this extent, it isn't really healthy. Especially, when it is written in a way that you aren't sure when something really happened or is happening in the story - some of the flashbacks or retellings of events got really confusing because of how much is happening in the story and the very unmentioned time skips that occur (and are mentioned one time and aren't the other time). I kind of find it very difficult to imagine the whole problem with the majority of noble women being so blind and stupid when we are talking about elfs here... They are proud and judgmental but not to this extend not to their own race...

Well, I still liked it so far, more than my review so far indicates, and I will try my best to read to the end. I guess I will write another one then if I manage to overcome this struggle.
person chapter 52 . 12/30/2016
OMG, i nearly cried, this is so beautiful!
Ria chapter 51 . 4/26/2015
Eeek! I was so hoping he'd end up with Le'ariel again!
XD chapter 52 . 10/5/2014
Everything you write is soo good!
Halwen Greenleaf the Elf chapter 24 . 7/29/2014
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I had a feeling it may have been him but I was still just hoping it would be the prince.
Auguruj chapter 20 . 6/12/2014
What is it with this making things more problematic then they really are? Starts to smell like soap-opera and I really hate those. Le'ariel's friends seem to be more nosy than is healthy for both a person AND a friendship. I can't see how she is still putting up with all that bullshit. Her walking away bit was a little refreshing, but what would really be refreshing would be her blowing off on them. Way to go, rubbing in her face something that is not even crystallized yet. And the last line in this chapter really got me annoyed - Le'ariel is not Adanion's nor she ever was. Is he completely stupid? If you continue in this fashion for much longer I fear will give up on this story. I can't (and won't) force myself to read stories that, while having potential and being good and well written, exceed a certain level of annoyance. And this one is starting to get close to that point. I'm sorry for this rant, but it was building up these past few chapters. I hope the annoyance abates a little in the following chapters, it really is a good story at it's baseline. And it's complete already, which makes it even more tempting as it can't go hiatus on me now. Well, I guess I'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Larien Larry Arnatuile chapter 51 . 5/20/2014
Greenleaf is not Legolas' last name. Legolas means Greenleaf in Elvish. When an Elf is married they do not change names at all, unless the husband gives the wife a first name, like Celeborn gave Galadriel. Legolas' last name is actually Thranduilion, meaning 'Son of Thranduil'. If Legolas had a sister, her last name would be Thranduiliel 'Daughter of Thranduil'.
Larien Larry Arnatuile chapter 50 . 5/20/2014
The Elves are beginning to act very... human. Elves only ever love one other. They fade and die when their fea mate dies. They do not love another.

Also, there has only ever been one account of an elf forcing another (kissing, rape, like what Andanion did to Le'ariel) and that was Eol, a dark elf.

Elves are pure. You are not portraying them as such, but I am interested in where this story is going.
Larien Larry Arnatuile chapter 46 . 5/20/2014
Okay, when the person you are meant to marry is invited to your wedding it is quite weird. It is not, however, ironic. Ironic is when an animal rights supporter is trampled to death by a cow.

Also, do not use the Grey Company for Elvish. If you go to their home page you will see that they state it is not real Elvish. Dedicated call this form Grelvish, because it is insulting to Tolkien. I suggest you use Tara's Sindarin Dictionary. Type that into google.
gabriella651 chapter 52 . 4/7/2014
...absolutely loved your story! you have a very good imagination and better yet, the proper way to employ it into a story! I read this in one afternoon mind you, and I was enchanted with it. thank you for tale. congrats on such a great story!
Prim chapter 52 . 3/25/2014
I really enjoy! This made me cry a lot hahaha well, I know it's 2014 now and you have finished this fiction many years ago. Anyways, thank you! :-)
Nyght elf chapter 52 . 2/15/2014
thanks))) nice fic!
MaxRideandPercyJackson4ever chapter 22 . 1/26/2014
so far so good
Regally chapter 7 . 1/7/2014
Wow, this story is just amazing. I can tell that you a are a very talented author, and the chapters I have read so far are proof of your talented skills. I love the last paragraphs where Legolas compares himself as the maze, very deep and described well. Excellent work!
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