Well here is the last chapter for this story. sniffle sniffle IT'S SO EMOTIONAL!!!!!

Story of a Girl


It was a little past six pm, the sun was on the horizon, slowly making its way down. Tenten sat in on a blanket in a field of wild flowers. She smiled down at the little white eyed girl in her lap. Neji came over and sat down next to the two girls. Tenten smiled at her husband. "Mihoko, Daddy's here." She said to the little girl. She smiled up at him. "She's got your smile, Tenten." Neji said smiling at the brown haired woman. "Well she has your eyes." Tenten responded smiling at Mihoko. Neji sat up proudly. "She is a Hyuuga. I'll teach her everything I know." Tenten laughed at this. "And she will be the strongest kunoichi in the world." Neji said looking down at his daughter. Tenten laughed some more and kissed him on the cheek. They both looked at the small girl who was curling up and falling asleep. Neji put his arm around Tenten's shoulders and sighed. "I can't believe it's been ten years since we killed your uncle." Neji said. Tenten sighed. "Yeah. Let's go home, Mihoko is worn out." She said. Neji nodded and picked up the now sleeping toddler. Tenten stood up and the family went home.

Later that night, after Mihoko was in bed, Neji and Tenten got into bed. Tenten was lying on her side facing the window and Neji was on his back. "Tenten." He said. "Hmm?" She answered. "You know when I said she'd be the strongest kunoichi in the world; I wasn't referring to her Hyuuga blood. I was referring to your skills." He said. Tenten sat up and looked at him. "Night" He said and rolled to his side facing the door. But he felt her arms go around him. "I love you." She whispered. He smiled and they fell asleep.

I want to thank all of you who read and reviewed this story, and all who just read it. sigh it's been a long run and now it's over. So thank you once again for your time and I hope to have you as readers again.