It was a gorgeous morning as I walked from Runo's café to go and run their morning errands while they still slept. I didn't mind doing this for them. It was the least I could do for them since they let me stay with them after my grandfather died not long ago. The wind felt nice and refreshing after yesterday's light rain. Something about the day after a rain always made the world seem cleaner.
Very few cars were on the streets. Only the people driving to jobs that were far away or that had to be there early were out driving. Without many people walking around, I allowed my mind to wander. I knew the rest of the Brawlers were at Murucho's. Including Shun. Runo and Julie couldn't ever understand why I had a thing for him. They always told me it was because I was desperate or it was the basic good girl is always attracted to the bad boy. Several years back they wouldn't of been complaining if I liked him, but recently something in Shun had changed.
Even Dan had noticed it, and Dan is as clueless as they come. But recently, Shun had started up some issues with the Bay City cops. It had been everything from caught with illegal substances, to public assault. I always kept telling myself that that wasn't the Shun from several years ago. Something had to of happened to him recently and sent him on this downward spiral. But even Runo and Julie are worried that he'll go over the deep end one day and I might get caught in the crossfire.
I kept telling them that would never happen, but I did want to help try and get Shun back on the right track. Maybe it would save him just in time before something really bad happened. I didn't like Shun cause of the good girl bad boy thing like Runo and Julie had applied it to. I liked Shun before all of that, but just didn't make it that known back then. Why I had decided to let my crush go public now, I had no clue. It was just one of those strange attractions. Like when people are drawn to something that they couldn't explain. My ears thought they heard something above my head, and I looked up into the sky to see if I could find the source.
I didn't see anything. must have been a large bird or something. Isn't it migrating season? Even though I couldn't see anything, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was looking down over me. Watching me. I checked up on all of the rooftops to see if I could spot somebody spying on me. There wasn't anyone. You're just hearing stuff.
The organic market where Runo's parents bought all of their ingredients, was just right across the street. It was already busy with people purchasing and picking up orders. They were pricey, but they made everything taste better. I held tightly onto the bag I had brought with me to put the Misaki's order in, and looked both ways down the street. There didn't seem to be a car for miles.
Before I stepped my foot onto the street, my body shivered and everything around me went black. I hadn't passed out though, it was like the world had disappeared and left me standing in the dark remains. I was cold, and held my head down and wrapped my arms around my body. While everything around me was black, where I stood was lit up with a blue light. I couldn't seem to move. It was as if I had been frozen. There was a whispering in the air. The voice sounded familiar to my ears.
"Don't do it. Don't cross the street. Don't go, Alice." Once the voice finished speaking to me, the world returned to me once again. I looked around me to see I was still standing next to the street across from the market. People kept on walking by. Was I the only one who experienced that? It seemed like time had frozen around me when that happened. I shook my head. Should I heed that voices warning?
But I had to pick up the Misaki's order. I couldn't just come back to them empty handed and tell them some voice told me not to go and get their order. I still couldn't shake the feeling that a set of eyes were watching me from behind. As if it was the person who had told me not to cross the street, and they were waiting to see if I'd obey their warning. I had to go across that street though.
I double, no. Triple checked the streets for car. There still weren't any for miles. What danger was there in crossing in this empty street? I took two steps onto the asphalt from the concrete sidewalk, and heard somebody scream at me, "Get out of the way girl!" I turned and saw a car heading straight for me. Everything slowed down. Where did that car come from? There weren't any for miles!
I was paralyzed with fear, and fretting when everything would speed back up. My eyes found one thing that stood out from a crowd of shocked people. It was Shun. He was the only person with color and motion, while the rest were frozen and black and white. It was like a strange painting. The car then hit me, and everything returned to normal. My vision was blurred, and my hearing was fuzzy.
I heard people screaming and yelling at others to call 911 for help. I tasted something warm and coppery in my mouth. Blood was coming up. Despite being just hit by a car, I wasn't in much pain. I realized I must have been dying. So this was how it was going to end for me. Struck by a car. At least I wasn't in pain. But I had never told Shun how I felt about him, or how I wanted to help and get his life back on the right path. I made out the sounds of sirens. The ambulances were here to take me to a hospital, and the cops were probably with them too.
Was this a hit and run? I had no clue if the person who hit me stopped or kept going. I couldn't move my head, but I could still move my eyes. I used them and looked over and saw Shun as clear as daylight while the rest of the world was a blur. He looked different though. Not human. His eyes were glowing gold and the pupils looked slit like that of a cat. He looked away from me and stalked off into the blurred world around me. What did he play in this? Was he the cause of me getting run over?
If he was, why would he do such a thing? I had never done anything to hurt him. I felt my body being lifted onto a stretcher, and I knew I was in the back of an ambulance. A woman's voice was asking me questions, but they were all mumbled and jumbled together to where they sounded like gibberish.
I tried to tell them I had no clue what they were saying, but I couldn't speak. Something was stopping me from using my words. Like I hand was placed over my mouth. I wanted to tell the lady that if Runo and her parents got wind of this, that I didn't blame them for what happened. I couldn't stay alert any longer, and I blacked out.
I was walking through a forest, and by the looks of the sky it was nearing dusk. Through the trees I saw they sky was purple and orange. In the distance, I made out the sound of waves. There was water near here. I walked in the direction of the waves. It was so peaceful here. The last thing I had remembered, was that I had been hit by a car that came out of nowhere, and I had seen Shun clearly when the rest of the world wasn't.
Maybe I was dead, or in some in between state. I was sure I were dead, I'd see more people that had passed away, and I'd have angel wings. At least, that's what I had been told. There was a clearing up ahead. When I made it there, I was greeting with a stunning sunset over an endless ocean. The fiery orange sun set the water on fire as well. The waves were crashing into this huge mass of land that jutted out over the water.
The sea breeze felt wonderful on my skin. I walked to go and stand out on the jutting mass of land and stand over the water. It had to be a good thirty feet from the waves, so I'd be nice and safe. But there was somebody there already. They were standing right on the edge, and looking up into the sky. I couldn't make out a face or any features cause he wore a hooded robe, but there was something that knocked me off my mental balance.
He had huge, jet black feathered wings on his back. An angel? But I thought the wings were supposed to be snow white. I was completely stunned. I said quietly, "He-Hello?" The creature turned his head slightly and I only caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were golden and had slit pupils. They looked just like the eyes that Shun had before I blacked out. But I attributed that to being hit by a car.
I wasn't able to say anything, before the ground opened up underneath me and I fell into a dark pit. The hole closed slowly above me and everything was dark as I fell. My body then shot straight up, and my heart was racing and my body poured with sweat. I frantically looked around to know where I was. Four white walls surrounded me and wires were stuck into my arm and something was beeping.
A voice yelled out. "Alice! Oh my God! You're awake!" I turned to the voice and was being hugged by a blue haired girl. "Wh-Where am I?" The girl was holding my hand tightly and trying to calm me down. "Alice, calm down. You were hit by a car three days ago and were sent to the hospital." I was relaxing a bit, and looked at the room. It was a hospital room. Smell included. I looked down at my body. My arm and chest was wrapped tightly with bandages, my face and arms had minor cuts and scraps, and when I lifted up the end of the blanket I saw my ankle had been wrapped up. "I-I survived?"
Now I saw who all was in the room with me. Runo, Julie, Murucho, and Dan. They all looked worried. Runo wrapped her arms around me, trying to be careful to not touch my injuries. "Oh, Alice. I'm so sorry this happened to you. We were all so worried about you. If it wasn't for Shun calling the ambulance when he did then you might of not made it. Thank heavens he was there when this happened."
So Shun really was there. It wasn't the injuries playing tricks on me. But his eyes had to be part of being run over. Murucho walked over to the side of my bed and told me, "Eye witnesses told the cops that the car just came out of nowhere. Turns out there was some elderly man driving and he had fallen asleep at the wheel. They took him to the hospital as well, but he died of a heart attack yesterday." This was so much to take in. I was sure I was going to die. Hell, I was sure I had died after that dream.
Was it a dream? It seemed so real. My room door opened and Shun walked in. His eyes were closed though. Open them. I have to know. They opened up and they were normal. No slit pupils or intense golden color. So seeing his eyes look inhuman was just from being run over. I had proven that. But there was something different about him. The frame of his body reminded me of the black winged angel I saw in my dream. If only I had seen its face. I thought back to the hooded robe he wore.
It looked a lot like the ones that Shun had worn a few times. But it was a lot longer than any he had. Maybe my dream was showing my what I expected dying to be like, and everything that I liked; beautiful forests, sunsets, and Shun. If that was him. He had yet to say anything, so I started up a conversation. "I was told you called 911 when I was run over. What were you doing in that area anyway? I mean, I'm thankful you did call them, but I just want to know."
He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was just in the area that morning." Everything that had happened, was just fitting together too strangely. Dan stretched and told me, "Well, it's great to see you're ok Alice. But we have to get going. We'll see you tomorrow!" They waved to me and all left the room. Except for Shun. I asked him, "Shouldn't you be going with them?"
He had his eyes closed, but when he opened them I was speechless. They were blazing gold and had the slit pupils. He told me, "You should of listened to my warning. That way you wouldn't be in debt to me." He then stalked out of the room, leaving my heart racing. His….His eyes…..What are you?
omg. i'm way too much of a workaholic. 0.0 lo. XD i swear one of my friends is going to stage an intervention on me saying that i write too much. -shrugs- oh well. ah. why are first chapters always the best? o.o lol. XP if this is your first time reading one of my stories, i suggest reading some of my other ones. and if you've read my stories before (Broken Bones, You're Still The One, The End Of Our World) then you know how i work. :) well, read, review, and other things! ~Copperpelt~