~Life as a Teenaged Werewolf~


It was not much, but it was all they had to work with for the moment so they went with the flow. And so the battle began…


The five aggressive wolves started to close in on Sasuke and Sakura, but Sakura's plan expected this. The two teen werewolves looked at each other and nodded as if to say the plan was taking effect starting now.

Sasuke growled a low rumble distracting the five males. While this happened, Sakura transformed back into her human form. Originally, her pack had agreed on a set of plans if they were forced to attack. But their plans only worked if they were all together.

Since this was not the case, improvisation was in order and Sakura did not need to be in her wolf form.

As soon as she was standing on two human feet again, the regular wolves looked very confused but started growling again. They might not be sure of what was going on, but they were still going to fight for this territory and the females that came with it.

Since they were outnumbered, Sakura turned to her human cleverness and opposable thumbs as her last resort. She ran over to a cluster of rocks at top speed so the wolves wouldn't have a chance to attack. She knew rocks couldn't do very much damage, but it would at least help until the others arrived.

She quickly picked up three decently sized rocks and aimed for the heads of the three biggest wolves. They hit their targets with an accuracy only she could achieve. Although the rocks caused whimpers to escape the wolves they hit, it also caused to wolves to become all the more aggressive.

Two lunged at Sasuke while the remaining three charged at Sakura. She glared fiercely at them and threw a barrage of rocks. They slowed, getting hurt by some of the bigger, heavier rocks. Finally, one of the wolves went down as Sakura threw a particularly sharp and heavy rock at its leg.

The leg snapped like a twig and down the animal went, whimpering in pain the whole way. The other two wolves advanced cautiously, fearing the same fate as their pack-mate. One lunged at Sakura and before she could react, it bit her painfully on her left forearm.

Sakura screamed in agony and proceeded to beat the monster on the head with a large rock. It finally let go after one hard smack that rendered the animal unconscious.

Sakura suppressed tears as she saw her blood stained arm and looked up at her next target. He seemed more skittish than the others, obviously fearful of this clever pink-haired creature attacking his pack-mates.

Before Sakura could deliver her first blow, four other wolves burst into the clearing they were fighting in. With the distraction of her friends coming to the rescue, Sakura could risk a look at Sasuke to see how he was fairing in battle.

The midnight colored wolf seemed to be relatively unscathed aside from a few scratches here and there. Sakura was relieved to say the least that her friend and love was okay. She had no idea what she would have done had he been injured.

He finished off one of the wolves and their friends took over from there. Tenten and Hinata came to take care of Sakura's last skittish opponent while Naruto and Neji went to take care of Sasuke's attacker.

That one seemed to be especially brutal, leading the gang to think he was the pack leader.

Sakura and Sasuke backed away from the fighting as their friends made quick work of the last two remaining enemy wolves.

When they were a safe distance away, Sasuke transformed into his human form and immediately went to Sakura. His expression was one of worry and a fierce furiousness that could only be brought on by someone harming his Sakura.

"Sakura… you're hurt. One of them….bit you. I swear if you hadn't knocked him out I would've—" He was interrupted by a relieved looking Sakura. "Sasuke, it's fine. I'm okay. I'm so glad you're not hurt! I was terrified that I could've lost you…"

Sasuke looked into her eyes before giving her a small smirk. "Come on Sakura. You don't think I can be defeated that easily, do you?" Sakura smiled in return and said, "Well of course not. But I was still worried." Sasuke said nothing and he pulled her into a tight hug, being careful not to hurt her injured arm, of course.

As they let go of their tight embrace, their fellow pack-mates walked over to them and transformed back into their human forms. They looked worriedly at Sakura. It was Hinata who spoke first. "Sakura-Chan, we should get you to a hospital. That wound could get infected."

The others nodded in agreement. Sakura nodded as well and said, "Alright, I'll go. But we need to call animal control first before any one else gets hurt. Who knows when these wolves will wake up."

Being the merciful, kind hearted people they were, the group hadn't actually killed any of the enemy wolves. They'd just knocked them out. But they could still be dangerous if they woke up any time soon.

Tenten was the one to offer to call. "I'll do it. I've got my cell phone. But let's get you to the hospital right now." She said, still looking worried for her friend. Who knows what type of diseases could be transferred through wolf bites?

Well, at least they knew the chance of her turning into a werewolf again was impossibe. (Oh, the irony. lol) Heheh. The group walked quickly to the house. Tenten called animal control on the way and told them there was a pack of wolves that had attacked them just a few moments before. She told them the directions to the forest and that they'd knocked out the pack.

The officers said they'd be over in a jiffy and to get Sakura to a hospital quick. Tenten hung up after saying a quick 'thanks' and 'good luck'.

By now the group was in the driveway. They needed to split up because not everybody could fit in one car. Sasuke, Sakura, and Tenten went in Sasuke's car while Neji, Naruto, and Hinata went in Neji's.

They arrived at the local hospital in a matter of minutes and were admitted immediately because of the emergency. As the same doctor that had checked Sakura's broken rib did the same for her now injured arm, Sasuke glared at the wall closest to him. He was mad for a number of reasons.

One, he still did not like the way the doctor handled Sakura. Two, he was angry with himself for letting her get hurt in the first place. And three, he hated the fact that the stupid nurses that came to help disinfect Sakura's wound kept eyeing him flirtatiously. It was annoying god damnit! Couldn't they see he was taken?

Finally, when Sakura was all disinfected and bandaged up, the doctor pronounced her completely healthy. He smiled ironically before addressing the group. "Well, it's interesting to see a patient twice in the same week. You should be more careful Sakura. Just make sure you disinfect and rebandage that arm daily for the next 7 days. And I'll happily note that your earlier rib injury has healed abnormally fast... It seems you should be all healed up in a matter of no time."

(Sakura's fast healing has to do with her being a werewolf...durr lol)

Sakura smiled back at the doctor and said, "Thank you so much. I'll make sure to be more careful from now on. I have a feeling I won't have any more accidents any time soon." She finished off with another smile and she hopped off the examination counter.

As the group walked back to the parking lot, they thought of all the events that had taken place in the course of two short weeks. They had practically become best friends in such a short time.

Naruto grinned and put his arms behind his head in his signature pose. "Hey guys, why don't we go celebrate at Ichiraku's? That was some victory back there!"

The group smiled and smirked at their predictable friend. To Naruto, you go to Ichiraku's for everything. It's just the way things work. Hinata answered her boyfriend as she walked next to him.

"Sure Naruto-kun. That sounds great." She smiled lovingly at Naruto and was startled as Tenten and Sakura produced a bunch of 'aww's. Then Tenten turned to Neji and slapped him playfully on the shoulder. "Why can't we be more like them?" Her exclamation earned a chorus of laugh and chuckles from the group as they reached the cars and prepared to feast on ramen for their victory.

They knew that no matter what life put them through, they would always stick together. That's how love works, both the friendly kind and the relationship kind. They were special, and they bonds they shared could never be broken. Best friends are for life, and as such, the gang got into the vehicles and commenced the ride down the long road of life, content with living life to its fullest.


:) Soo tell me what you think! I know it's been FOREVER since I last updated, but I finally fixed/improved all of my errors. At least, I hope I did. :) Anyways, that's it for this story. REVIEW PLEASE! And try not to be too mad at me for taking this long. At least I didn't abandon the story completely.

Thanks so much for everyone who faithfully reviewed me throughout the years! It has truly been a journey writing this and I feel accomplished to finally have finished. I love you all!

Crispy out. ;)