Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. Profile updated 2 October 2015. "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." -- William James About me: I am currently active in the Naruto fandom and used to be active in the Harry Potter fandom, though I dabble in others occasionally. I go by Amrun at NarutoForums and other places as well, so some of you may know me and my Lord Zetsu-fapping ways from there. I will and do read anything well-written, but I am especially active within the Kakashi/Sakura sub-fandom of Naruto because the vast majority of the writers, fanartists, and fans themselves are just ... amazing. I write a lot of kakasaku fiction to try to give back to them, even if just a little bit. I still go back to my more "shounen-y" roots, though, and I love to mix things up. Keep your eye out for some entirely new things in the future. As for me as a person, I am a university student. I study music, English, African cultures, and an eclectic mix of things that I nevertheless enjoy. I am tiredbuthyper over at livejournal. Anyone is welcome to add me there, as I keep it more of a public venue type of thing. Just introduce yourself when you add me, please. Reading and writing fanfiction is a stress-release for me. I use fanfiction as a vehicle to test drive ideas and literary devices/techniques, which is why I sometimes end up with some pretty strange products. This is what I do for fun, so real life often gets in the way. Not only am I an excessively busy person, I have legitimate writing ventures that I keep myself on a stricter leash for. My fanfiction often gets left by the wayside and though I try to keep to a two-week update schedule, when life gets hectic, sometimes months can stretch between installments. I often come across too harsh on the internet. I assure you - I don't actually bite. It's just the medium. I am actually nice. About my ongoing works and status updates: Playing the Game (Naruto): PtG is a psychological bildungsroman centering around Sakura and Kakashi. From a writer's perspective, it is an experiment in withholding information from the reader among other literary techniques I wanted to test run. The broadest themes are morality, loyalty, and discovery of self identity and sexuality. Do not take the M rating lightly or assume that it is just because there's a graphic "lemon" somewhere; in actuality, I chose that rating because this version of the Narutoverse is far more adult and the concepts alone are not meant for children. Do not go into this story expecting an easy, romantic read. As advertised, PtG is a KakaSaku and I'm not trolling, but fluffiness will not be making an appearance any time soon. It is, in a manner of speaking, my "baby" and currently entertaining the majority of my fanfiction muse. I love writing it and have a small faction of loyal readers, which suits me just fine. You're welcome to join the pack at any time. We don't bite. Much. Progress: I'm currently writing Chapter 50. 49 will be published soon. 51 will mark the end of the story. Uuuuuh, wow! Status: Active Completion Estimation: ~51 chapters, approx. 450k words. SPECIAL NOTE ON FANMIX FOR THIS STORY! I made a fanmix (album) for this story that details Kakashi and Sakura's emotional journey. Details, embedded song videos, and a free download can be located at my livejournal, specifically in this post. If you listen carefully, you may be able to discern spoilers, but nothing concrete. I hope you enjoy! This was made as a thanks to my readers. Under the Moon's Eye (Naruto): This story is a joint project between KakaSaku author LolaLot and me. It's manga current up to 677, ie a "post reveal" KakaSaku. We're having a lot of fun writing this! It's a bit fucked up (naturally, look who is writing it), but enjoyable nonetheless, we hope. It takes a broader look at the consequences of something like the Infinite Tsukuyomi on the ninja world as a whole. I love this project like a child, and think it shows our growth as writers. It's certainly a trip down fucked-up-pyschology-lane, but, well... Give it a shot? Preese? Progress: We're currently working on 28. Chapters 25-27 in various stages of editing, but basically complete. 24 will be posted at a time very soon we feel is optimal for readership. Status: Active Completion Estimation: This will be a little over 30 chapters, approx. 250k words. Foreign Affairs (Naruto): We've all read arranged marriage and harem fics -- the good, the bad, and the really bad. This is my hare-brained attempt to take all of our favorite cliches, mash them up, turn them on their heads, and forge them into something else entirely. Essentially, Foreign Affairs is me taking all the worst ideas in the world and trying to make something presentable out of it. This is my idea of a challenge. So far, the response has been somewhat overwhelming, so I'm glad my first foray into the world of Naruto fanfiction is met with some modicum of success, considering its questionable inspirations. Despite its origins, it is serious and tackles some serious issues, or attempts to. Thanks everyone for reading, favoriting, etc. Status: Hiatus La Petite Mort (Harry Potter): From way back in the day when I was hells of into the HP fandom. It's on hiatus but not abandoned because I have some people that would rip my intestines out through my nose if I didn't finish it. I'm going to finish my other projects, re-read HP, and then sit down and work on it for real. Sorry for anyone waiting 5 years or whatever for a new chapter. I doubt anyone that I don't know personally is still interested. Status: Hiatus Upcoming projects: -From my editor SpikeDee, a side story for Playing the Game telling the story of two "side characters". I am SUPER excited about this, but don't want to spoil. YESSS!! Fan-fan-fiction. Hahaha. It's excellent so far! I can't wait until everyone else gets to read it. He's writing it, but I am actively involved, so it is "canon" so to speak. Keep your eyes peeled. It's going to blow your mind. He's great. -At least one other story in the Playing the Game universe from me. Probably Kurenai-centric. We'll see. - The Waste Land, based loosely off of T.S. Eliot's poem by the same name. My half-hearted NaNo "novel" from November 2009. KakaSaku. Quite a big chunk (20-30k words) written, but will not start posting until either Foreign Affairs or Playing the Game is COMPLETE! It is an experiment in the unreliable narrator and though it is also pyschological, like PtG, you'll just have to trust me when I say it's a different monster altogether with very different characterizations and plot. Note: I do have 20k of this story, but I don't know if I'll ever finish it. Won't start posting unless I decide to. Extra notes on my works: November 2009: The Dark Union of Insensate Dust has WON First Place in the kakasaku lj community's word challenge #3 - Beach. Thanks to everyone who voted! I am honored. REVIEW POLICY (Please read): I want to re-emphasize that you don't HAVE to critique me to leave a review. I love any sort of review, but I do welcome constructive criticism. I try to leave the sort of reviews I like to receive as an author. Unfortunately, I have come to realize that the sort of critique circles I run in for my original works are not quite so common in the fanfiction world. I have adjusted my reviewing style to reflect what the general fanfiction writer is looking for. This is my formal request for more, though. Of course, no one is obligated to review more extensively than he or she wants to; if all you want to say is "Great chapter!" then I will be grateful for that. Sometimes, though, I think people are intimidated by the fear of offence or simply don't know what the author is looking for. This is what I'm looking for: tear me apart. You will not offend me; it is virtually impossible. Some people do not like the level of criticism I am looking for, so I understand not giving it out of hand. For me, though, nothing would make me happier than someone ripping apart my writing line by line to tell me how terrible it is. I'd be thrilled to bits, in fact. I write fanfiction in order to improve my overall writing. Many people are not comfortable doing that, though, and that's okay too. If you don't want to do that, simply telling me particular bits you liked (or didn't like) is more helpful than you might imagine. If you don't want to do that, that's okay! Showing me you're reading and leaving a kind word always lifts my spirits. I try to return in kind any reviews left for me. Thanks to all my reviewers, especially those faithful ones that follow me consistently. |
alifestylechoice (24) BukkakeNoJutsu (16) clockwork starlight (68) HABanks (1) HitokiriOTD (3) | Jetslinger (4) Jinxd n cursed (19) Killaurey (55) leafygirl (16) LolaLot (19) Mizerable (3) | NeonAnything (10) nimblnymph (63) SilverShine (14) The Hybrid Edge (2) The Sh33p (53) Tintinnabula (1) |