(A/N- ducks various objects thrown at her head Okay, okay, I'm sorry for the lack of updates!!)



As it turned out, the graffiti DID wash off the Lightening Saix and Liger, though it was accomplished with quite a bit of muttering from Irvine and Mercutio. Sure, they'd been able to give Van a wedgie and pull his pants down in front of the vast majority of the high-ranking officers in the base, but damaging another man's Zoid was just something that you didn't do.

"Stupid Van," Mercutio grumbled, splashing soapy water over his Liger's back, via some helpful scaffolding. "My day could be spent in better ways than cleaning off poor Darkness."

"Tell me about it," Irvine agreed, then added to himself, "I could be banging Moonbay at this very second..."


"Er, nothing," he assured Mercutio. Mercutio's hand flew dramatically to his forehead as he flopped onto his back on the scaffolding, feigning near-death.

"So it is true," he wailed. "I am the only male at this base not getting laid! Why, God, why?!" Irvine rolled his eyes.

"You might wanna cut back on the melodrama," he advised. "You're starting to sound like Thomas."

"OH, FUCK NO!" Mercutio yelped, sitting bolt upright. Irvine grinned wickedly.

"Well, as we ARE in cahoots, I suppose I COULD help you to get a chick... but it'd cost you," he added, eyeing the teenager who was soaking up his every word. Mercutio shifted onto his knees, hands clasped before him, gazing hopefully at Irvine.

"Anything!" he promised. "My soul; my first-born son; my sister! Whatever you want, it's yours! Just teach me, sensei, I implore you!" (A/N- yes, my brother WOULD do this...) Irvine thought Mercutio was overdoing this a little, but it was funny to watch desperate and horny teenagers beg for help, so he didn't mind.

"Alright, then," the mercenary began, "here's the deal..."



"I really don't think one ass-grab warrants all this," Raven remarked, having been given the silent treatment and hateful glares for more than twelve hours now. Alandria treated him to another of said glares, then turned her full attention back to the book she'd found in what was obviously Raven's mother's collection; men don't generally keep romance novels, after all. Shadow whined from his position on the floor beween them, giving his master a reproachful look.

"Shut up, what do you know about it," Raven muttered, lobbing a pillow at the organoid's head. Shadow gave an indignant grunt and went to curl himself up in front of Alandria's chair. Raven rolled his eyes and groaned. He had a huge house, an organoid, one of the most powerful Zoids on the planet, and a cute girl at his disposal - and he was bored out of his mind! There was something seriously wrong with this picture, he decided.

"Come on," he tried, "you know you're not THAT angry with me." Alandria promptly presented him with the middle finger of her right hand. Okay, so, evidently she WAS that angry with him. "Fine, I get the picture. But you'll eventually need to know where the towels are," he added slyly. When all else fails, hit 'em with the obvious. And judging by the look on Alandria's face, she'd recognized his words as the truth.

Raven smirked victoriously.

"I won't tell you where they are unless you ask me," he said in a very uncharacteristic singsong tone. He could see in the girl's eyes that she was considering this - he was winning! "I know you're longing desperately for a shower," he prompted.

Alandria mumbled something, her face hidden behind the book.

"What was that?"

"I said: 'You win,'" she growled, glaring at him once more. Raven restrained from pumping a fist in the air to celebrate his victory.

"Of course I win," he replied, smirking, "I always win."

"Just tell me where the goddamned towels are," Alandria snapped, dog- earing the page she was on and slamming the book down on the end table.

"They're in the closet right next to the bathroom door," Raven informed, stretching out on the couch and chuckling to himself at the fact that she hadn't been able to find the towels on her own. Alandria glowered at him. He winked and blew her a kiss.

"Bastard," she grumbled, chucking the pillow he'd thrown earlier back at him for good measure. He grinned mischeivously.

"Getting any good ideas from that book?" he called to her retreating form.

"Fuck you."

"Anytime you want to."

Shadow growled and shook his head. I'm gonna go outside where it's not so, I dunno, stupid. (A/N- hugs to anyone who knows which movie that line's scammed from!)

Raven watched his organoid traipse upstairs to the balcony. Quickly becoming bored, he picked up the book Alandria had been reading and flipped through it. A few minutes in, he gained a new respect for romance novels: there was no shortage of explicit sex scenes in that thing. He realized vaguely that reading through such scenes was a little self-defeating as HE wasn't getting any recently and was only making himself more desperate that way, but he figured he'd manage.

(A/N- Yes, it's short. I know. I'm sorry!)