Reviews for Castles in the Sky
anon chapter 15 . 11/26/2015
I just read this for the first time over the past few days. I loved it and I'm excited to read through your other fics. The characters felt so natural and real that the conversations flowed perfectly. Squall was perfectly stubborn, too. The message of seeking something also really resonated with me, though maybe I just found this fic at the right time in my life :)
LaylaEvercrest chapter 15 . 11/22/2015
Finally finished this piece! I loved it. Thank you for writing it. It only kills me she was never able to see Squall naked. What a waste! hahaha No in all seriousness, I like that you kept her affliction. I'm sure it will be a hard road for them, but it will help Squall slow down and consider more angles than he does.
LaylaEvercrest chapter 2 . 11/21/2015
Oh man! Poor Squall has so many things running through his head.
LaylaEvercrest chapter 1 . 11/21/2015
Not a chardonnay! Sorry that cracked me up.
SilentStarlightSky chapter 15 . 12/7/2014
I liked your story. Maude McCay is now an inside joke I have with my husband. He liked your story too. Cute.
StalkingForChocolate chapter 15 . 8/4/2014
Thought this story was lovely and well written. Definitely made me laugh out loud a few times too! Thanks!
LordHatredX chapter 15 . 3/28/2014
very interesting story

! ! ! .
Kein Sylvan chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
Hello Ash,

I wasnt planning to comment/review after 5 or more chaps, but here you got me since first chapter.

The incident, the "Squall Incident", was funny XD. But damn, I don't know how Rinoa didnt spelled a Thundaga over Squall naked body (That would be great). But no, she decided to cry in silence. Amazing how a misundestanding could lead a broke up... guess nothing could have helped that situation, maybe the "It's not like it looks like" phrase could help XD, but man, sometimes people has to TALK or shout!

The worst thing is that they dont know why they are hurt. Stupid Selphie...
TheLeviTitan chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
OMG this is sooooooo good. You just know how to USE rinoa and Squall's chemistry that makes the twilight chemistry embarassed! Sooo excited to finish reading this now.
Summoner Luna chapter 15 . 3/4/2013
I, along with I'm sure many others, figured I would go back and read this since it's getting an epilogue soon, and of course I am happy that I did. The first time I read this was before I knew you, which doesn't really affect anything of course, though I did catch a few jokes that seem to still be in use I didn't before which made it quite fun.

On an actual story-related note, something I really, really love about this story is how dedicated and focused Squall remains through the whole thing. That's something that is very much a part of the way I see his character, and something I've actually been thinking about lately anyway, but his unwavering devotion to Rinoa, whether he knows what to do with it or not. It comes out in plenty of other stories, sure, but he's much more open about it in this one... She affected him so much, so I really like the way he relies on his friends and keeps that openness, willing to do whatever it takes for her, since, honestly, that's really just what I see in him.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the epilogue, but I'm also glad that I went back and revisited this, as it really is just very sweet, and very wonderful.
h8rjk chapter 15 . 10/24/2012
a good read and an interesting story, the blind girl concept and the drama were well thought out. however despite it being a good story, i feel that it is heresy to use it with squall and rinoa, while i understand using ff8 and some of its plot devices, turning squall into a pansy and turning rinoa into a fool is something i can't overlook, i understand that you can't make a good love story without going a little ooc, but this was going too far for the both of them, and i take some offense to seeing their names being used in this story. the story of squall and rinoa is supposed to be a beautiful lovestory, not a teen drama with idiotic misunderstandings spanning years. other than the use of names i enjoyed reading it, keep up the good work if you're still around.
Ao Sekai chapter 14 . 5/26/2012
I salute Quistis the way she handle those two. they are both very stubborn and how did she found out what's going on. Even though she's dealing with the commander and the sorceress, she did not backed down just to solved the issues they're having in
Guest chapter 15 . 1/24/2012
It was a really good story. I just think that the love was a bit unequal. I know Rinoa was hurt and all, but it just seeks that Squall loved her more than she did him. And really, Squall's a 20 year old hot guy and he was so devoted to her but she went off with other men. She should feel disgusted with herself.
Pom Rania chapter 2 . 7/13/2011
The thing with the food processor made me fall over laughing. Admittedly, I was seated on the floor, but still.

And because I know too much about weird topics: there IS a disorder wherein one becomes unable to recognize faces; they can still see normally, they just won't recognize anybody unless they speak. I know it's unlikely for the characters to be aware of that, yet it's still an alternate possibility that sprung to mind.
gleamfang chapter 15 . 4/21/2011
Beautiful plain and simple. Although this story tugged... or rather Tore at my heart strings I must say it is one of my favourite stories of all time. The relationship Squall and Rinoa have here is so strong and how much they grow in the course of the story is a real pleasure to read. I especially love Squall's development (lol sucking up to Maude)

I really appreciate your last chapter being written like an epilogue as it really gives closure to the whole thing. While I wish Rinoa still had her sight, I guess she never really needed sight just her heart and of course her knight. Thank you for keeping me up till 4 am!


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