![]() Author has written 1 story for Gravitation. _.:!WELCOME TO MY PROFILE!:._ Name: Juliana (Julie, Julz, Jew... Bob. Whatever works ;P) Gender: Uhm, last time I checked I was female.. Age: Pftt, if I told you that you'd all freak after reading my soon to come M rated fanfictions MUAHAHA! Location: Just turn around... Not really, I'm no stalker (If my favorite anime characters were real, I would've had a totally different answer) I live in Kansas! Yay for.. sunflowers! T.T;; Birthday: February 8 Born in: Santa Cruz, Bolivia (located in South America).. I'm a fucking alien Hobbies: Anything that doesn't involve thinking! Kidding (not really) my hobbies are watching anime, reading manga, reading/writing fanfictin, I'd DIE without music so I'm always listening to some, and I love drawing and yeah...That's all that comes to mind at the moment. Current (anime) obsession: Soul Eater.. Episode 6: Pants-shitting worthy. Freaking HIlaRIOuS! xDDDD (updated: 5/16/11) Current (manga) obsession: KOI SURU BOUKUN! My most- so far- favorite YAOI MANGA! Ehe.. ANNND *drum roll* D.Gray-man! Which is even better then Koi Suru Boukun!.. And also a new chapter came out a few days ago! It was totally epic and it made go "OHMIGAWD!" A gazillion times :3 (updated: 3/21/11) (When I typed gazillion it didn't say it was mispelled.. so does that mean that gazillion is actually a word? 0.o) UPCOMING FAN FICTIONS: Fandom: Gakuen Alice Fandom: D.Gray-man Fandom: D.Gray-man Pairings : Kuroshitsuji: Sebastion x Ciel, Ciel x Alois, Alois x Ciel Pandora Hearts: Gil/Raven x Oz, Oz x Gil/Raven, Vincent x Echo, Vincent x Oz, Break x Oz D.Gray-man: Kanda x Allen, Allen x Kanda, Lavi x Allen, Cross x Allen, Tyki x Allen, Tyki x Lavi Kyou Kara Maou: Yuuri x Wolfram, Conrad x Yuuri, Gwendal x Anissina, Gwendal x Yuuri Code Geass: Suzaku x Lelouch, Lelouch x Suzaku, Schneizel x Lelouch, Lelouch x C.C., Lelouch x Kallen, Rivalz X Milly Gravitation: Ryuichi x Shuichi, Yuki x Shuichi Prince of Tennis: Fuji x Ryoma, Ryoma x Kevin, Tezuka x Ryoma, Atobe x Ryoma, Sanada x Tezuka Completed Anime List: 07 Ghost Including all of their other seasons & Currently watching Anime --1,946 episodes-- Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree. -Random Conversations With Anime Characters- -Gravitation- Me: WELL! That was boring and a complete waste of both of our time, doncha think? Ryuichi Sakuma: It wasn't boring for Ryu-chan, Ju-chan! Me: Uh, thanks... Sakum- Ryuichi: RYUICHI! call me Ryuichi :3 Me: Gomen, Ryuichi! But I bet you're just saying that to make me happy... Ryuichi: *Gasps* Ju-chan thinks Ryu-chan would lie to her.. *eyes start to tear up* Me: *Starts to panic* No! No! Sakum- Ryuichi: *crying* SHU-CHAN! Ju-chan doesn't like me! *Runs out of the room* Me:... damn. *looks at Ryuichi's pink stuffed bunny currently sitting on my coffee table* Me: I guess it's just you and me Kumagoro. Kumagoro: *falls off table* Me: ... -Prince Of Tennis- Me: So... why do you always drink Ponta? Ryoma Echizen: ... Why do you have brown hair? Me: Um, because I was born with it..? Ryoma: There. Me: *blinks* It's not like you were born with Ponta, so that wouldn't make sense. Ryoma: How would you know that? Hentai. Me: NANI? It's common sense! Ryoma: Sure it is. Mada mada Dane. *walks off* Me: *dumbfounded* Warning: RANTING BELOW :3 (can get VERY violent) Anime/Manga: D.Gray-man have you ever read a fanfiction where Allen is a GIRL? If so.. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU? It's not Allen if it's a girl, because Allen is a BOY for God's sake! You know, with a dick? So if you're making a fanfiction about a fem Allen don't put Allen's name down when filling out all the information about your fanfiction. Because Allen is not Allen unless he has a dick and not some freaking hole other then the one on his BACK END! I'VE BEEN KEEPING THAT IN AND I FEEL SO RELIEVED NOW! :3 - And if you happen to disagree with my little rant up there how about messaging about it and discussing it like mature civilized adults (Even if I'm not even close to being an adult..) and not going about dissing on each other's stories or some stupid crap like that. ^.^ Anime/Manga: Prince of Tennis So yesterday as I was searching for some Awesomely delicious (if not, then at least some decent..) yaoi stories in the Prince of Tennis archive! and as I was doing so I came to the realization that there is quite a bunch to Tezuka x Fuji pairing and it just kind of set me off.. well, not really it just made me upset is all! Because personally I enjoy Fuji x Ryoma. I guess Tezuka and Fuji wouldn't be too bad but for some unexplainable reason I don't like that pairing T.T. Maybe it's because I think my cute little super ultimate uke Ryoma should be with either. -... Just throwing that out there Anime/Manga: D.Gray-man Does anyone get the feeling that Lenalee has become, oh I don't know.. slut-ish and a bit annoying? So I get that Allen and all those other precious people she calls her friends are getting a hurt- it's definitely something to cry over. But does she really have to cry that much and try to hurt herself even more then she already is? Of course she's not intentionally hurting herself... but seriously, doesn't she get the fact that when she's doing all of that mumbo jumbo she's just making everyone worry more then they already do? And also, like hell, what is she wearing now days? So, I get she's a girl and wants to dress and pretty and stuff but could she wear anything less revealing? Well she could but that's not my point... That small- I think it was black- dress that she wore was making her look a little like some whore. I like Lenalee and all, but.. really. ): -Think a little more, Lena :3 Anime/Manga: Neon Genesis Evangelion The series itself wasn't too bad, but the main character guy.. what was his name? Shinji or something, right? Anyways, that kid will never be laid in his life. By a girl anyways, because I could totally see him being an uke for some gay boy, a very ugly-not-cute-yaoi-fangirl-satisfyer. Moving on, because that wasn't really what I was trying to get at in this rant... Which was: WHAT THE FUCK? LAST EPISODES OF THIS ANIME SERIES WAS AS INTERESTING AS THE SHIT LAYING ON MY DRIVEWAY! Like god, were the directors (or whatever the Japanese call them) trying to bore us to death? I was looking forward for some badass ending, and all I get is... complete and utter bullshit. I didn't even bother watching the whole last two episodes T^T - For a split second, I almost decided to stop watching anime or manga so that I wouldn't have to ever go through such a boring moment like that in my anime life ever again. I do love my anime though.. so I'd have to move to some place like Africa. -- (extra EXTRA note) I think I sounded racist or something in that last note, uh, I didn't try to hurt feelings or anything... ^.^;; Anime/Manga: D.Gray-man (Geez, I need to find more topics) So in the manga of D.Gray-man there's been a bunch of crazy stuff going on including things including the appearance of Alma Karma, Kanda's that person that he's been searching for. And boy did that make me mad! Allen was made for Kanda! This annoying Alma guy just shows up and then him and Kanda is saved because of Allen and just.. argh! Why, Kanda.. Why? Alma died didn't he? So leave..! He can't have died, right? Just like General Marian Cross... I don't think either Kanda or Cross are dead, even if their innocences are no longer their's. -Cross and Kanda need to come back! Allen is going to be taken away (noo!)! Lenalee is.. being useless... Lavi is being held against his will at the Noah household! (WAIT!.. That means that Allen will be seeing Lavi soon since Allen is most likely going back with Tyki and Road after what happened in chapter 204, right???) Gyah~! And Link, Timcanpy, and Road were heroes! :D Anime/Manga: Kyou Kara Maou I've noticed that the majority of fanfictions have Yuuri as the 'bad guy' by making him always reject Wolfram and whatnot. So yeah, I get it, I get frustrated with him, too! But could YOU just suddenly turn homosexual? I doubt it, unless you were already leaning that way. But Yuuri is completely straight and it's hard for him to like Wolfram that fast, it needs time. I just feel so bad for him D: - ... *sigh* |