REPOST! Yeah, I know it's been like four years, my bad...But I made a few tweaks here and there to the first two chapters and I'm like halfway done with the third and final chapter, so I promise I'll actually update at a decent time. Probably put up the second chapter here in a few days then the third one in a few days after that. In the meantime, enjoy what I have so far! I promise it'll be worth the read if you're looking for hot, smexy, man love, which I'm guessing you do if you read the summary. Haha!

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.


The three maids, Doria, Lasagna, and Sangria all looked around them bewilderedly.

"Psst! Over here!" came the voice again.

They followed the sound to a closed door to their left. "Ano…who is it?"

"It's me, now come here!" it said impatiently.


They all yelped as they were suddenly pulled through the door. "Jeez, can't you girls take a hint?"

They looked up to find themselves at the feet of Anissina von Khrennikov, who was smirking triumphantly with a manic gleam in her eyes. They gulped, starting to fear for their lives.

"Girls, are you tired of seeing Yuuri and Wolfram dance around their feelings for each other like cowardly idiots?"

Realizing it wasn't their lives at stake here, they all let out a collective sigh of relief. Then, fully comprehending their ring leader's words, they eagerly nodded their heads. "Oh yes, yes!" they cried, eyes sparkling as they thought of the two finally, romantically getting together. "Oh, but poor Günter-sama. He'll be crushed!"

Anissina waved a hand flippantly at them. "Feh, forget Günter, I'm fairly certain he's just fine with having Gwendal," she said with another sly grin.

"Oh! Günter-sama and Gwendal-sama?" they squealed. "How wonderful!"

"Jeez, 'Oh!' this and 'Oh!' that! Come on, stay with me here, Yuuri and Wolfram!"

"Yes!" they replied, ready to get to the serious nitty-gritty. "But how are we going to make them realize how much they want each other?"

"That, my dears, is where these come in," she announced, holding up two vials, one black and one blue.

The maids' eyes glittered. "Wonderful! …But what are they?"

Anissina beckoned them closer to her, whispering her plan in their ears. When she finished explaining, they all stepped back, giving a determined nod. This would work for sure! Now, for the bets and wagers of what exactly would happen and far it would go…

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Gwendal was working on paperwork in his office when the serene peace of the room was broken by the echoing remnants of the maniacal laughter of a certain red haired woman. He felt himself involuntarily shudder. What was that woman plotting now? Whatever it was, he hoped to Shinou that he wasn't involved.

The next day, Wolfram was walking down the hall, not noticing a door creaking open and a hand peeking out until said hand grabbed him and flung him into the room, slamming the door behind them.

"What the hell?" Wolfram shouted. Then he gulped when he saw who it was that had snatched him: Anissina.

"Wolfram von Bielefeld."

"Yes?" he answered meekly.

"I have a proposition for you…" she said with a grin.

"And what would that be?" he asked suspiciously.

"Wouldn't you like to know if Yuuri has feelings for you?"

"I think he's made it pretty clear that he does not," he said bitterly.

"Ah, but say he was just saying that for…whatever reason? Wouldn't you like to know if there's even a chance?"

"Well, yeah. Why? What are you planning Anissina?"

She held out a vial. "This."

"That," he said flatly. "And what, pray tell, is that?"

"It's a truth serum. Slip Yuuri a little of this, and he'll be forced to tell you the truth to anything you ask."

"Anything?" he asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Anything," she assured.

He reached for it and had almost grabbed it when he stopped. "Wait, what's the catch?"

"The catch?" she asked innocently.

"Yes, the catch. You don't just give people things like this."

"Why, Wolfram, I'm pained that you would think I wouldn't give you, almost like my little brother, something to help you. I so hate to see you upset over Yuuri's inability to admit his feelings."

Wolfram gave her a pointed stare.

"Oh fine, you have to take this at the same time," she admitted, holding up another vial.

"And what is that?"

"Not telling," she sang. "I promise it won't hurt you. In fact, it will probably help you to be able to…give Yuuri the little push he might need. But I'm not going to tell you what it is."

Wolfram thought this over then sighed. "Fine."

"Great! Do you have anything planned any time after dinner tonight? Anyone that will be expecting your company?" she asked.

"No, not that I can think of, why?"

"Ok, then I will have the maids put it in your drinks tonight at dinner," she said with finality.

"Tonight? But…I wanted to think of things to ask him!" he wheedled.

"Nope, tonight. And don't you dare wimp out on your part of the deal; I've got bets on this thing," she threatened.

"Bets?" he asked incredulously. "On me and Yuuri? What exactly are you betting on?"

"That is between the maids and myself," she said smugly. "And don't try to get them to talk, I've already threatened them that if they slip up that I'll no longer include them in these things and let them watch," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Let them watch what?" he demanded.

"Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over. Now go, I'll see you at dinner."

Still giving her suspicious looks, Wolfram left.

That night at the table, Anissina and Wolfram spent a lot of time throwing scowls and glares across the table. Everyone that noticed (not that many, frankly) watched warily, wondering what was going on.

Almost an hour had passed and Wolfram still hadn't drunk anything out of his cup.

"Ne, Wolfram," Anissina said pointedly, the 'hint-hint' obvious. "Aren't you thirsty? You haven't touched your drink the whole meal," she continued, her voice full of false concern.

Yuuri looked at him, then his goblet, noticing that it was indeed still full. His brow furrowed. "Yeah, you okay, Wolf?" he asked, sounding slightly worried.

"What's wrong, Yuuri? Are you actually worried about your fiancé?" The blonde asked sarcastically.

Yuuri flushed slightly. He shook his head negatively, but ended up saying, "Yes, I actually am."

Wolfram was giving him a strange look and Anissina's lips started curving into a sly smile.

"What?" Yuuri asked, confused as he noticed the looks he was getting.

"You just said you were worried about me," Wolfram told him, as if it was the strangest thing he'd ever heard.

"I am too," he said, but this time he noticed what he said and frowned. This wasn't what he was trying to say. He tried again. "I am –nnn-" He just couldn't say the word 'not.' "Wha-What's going on?" he asked helplessly.

Gwendal, Günter, and Conrad, his trusted advisors, were looking at each other in confusion, not entirely sure what was happening themselves. Wolfram looked almost…excited for some reason and Anissina still looked smugly content, before staring hard at the blonde.

The aforementioned blonde just made a face at her. He had what he wanted, didn't he? There was no reason to knowingly drug himself with some unknown concoction made by that crazy woman. He was about to turn to Yuuri and tell him to come to the room with him when Anissina spoke.

"Wolfram, really, why aren't you drinking? Do I need to take you to go see Gisela? If you're sick, we most certainly wouldn't want you to stay in Yuuri's room and get him sick as well, would we?"

Damn it! That manipulative woman! If he didn't do as she wanted, he wouldn't get his chance with Yuuri. Glaring and glowering with all the dislike he could muster (quite a lot at the moment), he slowly brought the cup to his lips and took his first sip.

He jerked his head back in surprise. It tasted strange, different, but really good at the same time. He began to realize a peculiar heat had started traveling slowly throughout his body, settling in the pit of his stomach, rather pleasantly before subsiding. Deciding it wasn't so bad, he went ahead and downed the rest of the cup.

"I don't see why you guys were so worried," he said when he was done. "I was just thinking about something and forgot to drink. No big deal."

After this, the ordeal was temporarily forgotten. Everyone continued eating, but Wolfram felt like he was on some sort of high; he was sure he had a goofy smile plastered on his face, if the stares his brothers were giving him were any indication, but he couldn't bring himself to care. But when Yuuri's knee absently brushed against his under table a few minutes later, his world abruptly jolted back into focus, centered on the boy beside him. He gasped softly as the heat slammed into the pit of his stomach once more.

Yuuri turned to look at him. "You alright?"

He tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out of his suddenly constricted throat, so he settled for an affirmative nod instead. Yuuri gave him a dubious look, but turned back to his plate anyway.

Wolfram found himself suddenly acutely aware of the boy beside him; he could feel the body heat radiating from him, felt as if he could even hear the rhythm of his breathing and the beat of his heart as his own worked to match it. But that effort was pointless as he almost started panting as he became enraptured watching Yuuri eat some kind of cake for his dessert, paying close attention to Yuuri's full lips as they closed over the fork, to the smooth, tanned expanse of his throat as it worked gently to swallow. And his pants suddenly felt a little tighter when he saw his pink tongue dart out to catch a few crumbs at the corner of his mouth before slowly running along the length of that pouty lower lip.

Right after that wonderfully sinful display, Yuuri turned to Wolfram to tell him something, therefore accidentally bumping his knee against his again. But this time Wolfram took a firm grip on Yuuri's knee. The young Maou gave him a confused glance before his eyes widened comically as he felt a certain blonde's hand slowly, slowly creeping its way up his thigh.

The hand more than halfway up his thigh, he finally regained his wits enough to hiss, "Wolfram! What are you doing!"

The Mazoku prince smirked, emerald eyes glinting. "What's wrong Yuuri? Don't like it?"

"No, it's not that, it's just – NO!" he yelped. "That is NOT what I meant to say. What's wrong with me?" he wailed.

Anissina, calm and composed as ever, gave no hint that she could be (and was) involved and spoke up again. "Heika, perhaps you should retire to your room for the night?" Before giving him a chance to say anything, she continued. "Wolfram, take him to bed."

The blonde chuckled lowly at the double meaning of the order before standing up and bowing gallantly to Yuuri, offering a hand to help him up. "May I escort you to our room, Heika?" He made sure to make a point of saying 'our' room.

Yuuri ignored him, choosing instead to turn the opposite way to get up and making his way by himself, neither knowing nor caring it Wolfram was following. But as he got into the empty hall away from the noise of the dining hall, he heard another set of footsteps, confirming that the blonde was indeed following.

This fact was soon reiterated as Yuuri was suddenly shoved against the wall. Wincing at the sharp, grating contact between his back and the stone behind him, he glared up at Wolfram as he snapped. "What the hell is wrong with…you…?" He trailed off, silenced, as he saw Wolfram's dark, glazed eyes. "Wolf?" he asked, suddenly worried.

"Yuuri," he murmured hoarsely in response as his head dropped to rest in the crook of the dark-haired boy's neck. What was wrong with him? Yuuri had suddenly become irresistible; to tell the truth, he wanted to jump him, have his way with him, right here, right now. The only thing stopping him right now was that he hadn't gotten the answers he wanted from Yuuri yet and that they were in a rather public place where anyone could 'walk in on them.' Oh yeah, and the fact that Yuuri would hate him if he did. But it was so hard to keep himself in control that he was panting with the effort.

Yuuri, seeing the blonde's chest and shoulders heaving, tried to push him away gently so he could look at him properly, but the prince's arms locked around his waist, keeping them both where they were.

"Wolfram? Come on, stop this. What's wrong?" He was starting to scare him.

Wolfram pulled away abruptly. "Room," he muttered absently to himself, grabbing Yuuri's hand to drag him along as he walked brusquely the last few hundred feet to their room.

"Whoa!" Yuuri yelped as he was pulled along. "Wolf! Wait! What's going on?" he asked as he stumbled behind.

The blonde didn't say anything as he pushed Yuuri through the door of their room, stepped in, and shut and locked the door. He took a deep, shuddering breath, eyes closed and his forehead against the cool wood of the door, before turning to face the black-haired boy, who was still looking at him with a great deal of concern.