Hello, KKM fans!
This is IT! I've done it! I have attempted to write a lemon! A bondage fic! With Yuuri and Wolfram as the very eager participants. Why? Because there aren't enough S&M fics out there and I'm a pervert .
I decided to go on ahead and write this for two reasons. One; a long time ago I read a bondage fiction featuring Legolas and Aragorn of Lord of the Rings and it stuck with me for a long time. The site that had the fiction is long gone, but the themes (I no longer remember the actual storyline) have always been in the back of my mind. Two; I felt a little bad that I won't be including a lemon scene with Wolfram and Yuuri in one of my other stories even after it was requested of me (It just didn't fit with the overall plot) and I wanted an excuse to write a lemon. (Please do not tell my conservative Christian parents!)
Please mind you this is the first time I've actually attempted to write a lemon so please keep that in mind as you read it. I did a ton of research (i.e. reading yaoi manga, reading M rated fan fics, etc) but even after that I still found this difficult to write. However, I really did give it my best shot!
Warnings: sexually explicit material, if you are under the age of 18, please turn around now or go read one of my family oriented fics like The Wedding Bells *hinthintnudgenudge * I will not be held responsible for the corruption of your little minds.
Notes from author: This story really has no real plot or purpose except to give our favorite royal couple an excuse to have raunchy sex, any details that aid to the plot are not written in depth, because they do not have a purpose beyond their first mention other than plausibly setting up the scenario. This is really an exercise in writing sex scenes, so no other effort has been made to create a coherent/elaborate/meaningful plot. I just need Wolfram and Yuuri in the bed and a reason for them to be there other than it's bedtime (I could, but that's just boring to me). However, I have paid attention to the interactions between the characters and the setting to create a well written (to the best of my amateurish ability) one-shot with a beginning, middle and end and most importantly, feeling.
This fiction is self-beta'd. You have been sufficiently warned.
Pairing: Yuuram and Wolfyuu (I like to switch them up from time to time) also it is a pre-established relationship, they've just never done something like this before.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou or Yuuri and Wolfram, I just like to corrupt them.
The soft expensive sheets might have been comfortable if it wasn't for the unusual contortion of his apparently flexible body.
Wolfram von Bielefeld, son of the 26th Maou and fiancé to the 27th Maou, had often in his eighty-seven years of life found himself in awkward positions. His training in the army and his life as future consort had often placed him in situations that called for delicate and careful action to eliminate a possibly embarrassing situation. Truly, he had been taught to alleviate uncomfortable conversations and handle awkward people and keep an air of grace and quiet control even in the face of total adversity. His training as a soldier taught him how to get out of tight situations of life and death, he even took an elective course in the military academy that taught the art of lock picking should he ever need to escape from prison or such other institution.
But nothing he had ever learned or experienced in his long life could have prepared him for anything like this.
Wolfram currently found himself locked in the room he and Yuuri were sharing while visiting yet another foreign country. He was chained to the large four-poster bed, nearly naked except for the tight black leather shorts that barely covered his gratuitous bottom and a fishnet sleeveless top that left his flat belly exposed. To complete his racy outfit, his head was adorned with a soft blindfold and a smooth wooden bit that had been forcefully wedged between his teeth.
He was lying on his back, his wrists were bound with very soft leather handcuffs to brass rings attached to the headboard, and his legs- and this was the most embarrassing- were hoisted up over his body, his ankles were tethered by a thin brass chain next to his wrists with silver studded ankle cuffs and attached by a second set of brass rings. He half-heartedly yanked at his bonds and cursed Yuuri for insisting on coming to this back water, no-one-knew-existed country that had somehow squeezed itself between Caloria and the world's largest turkey farm.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * PE * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As he felt his way down the vast heavily decorated halls, Yuuri Shibuya, twenty year old Demon King of Shin Makoku, wondered how he got himself and his accidental-but-not-so-much-anymore fiancé, Wolfram into this situation.
Slightly (okay quite) drunk and feeling oddly warm on the inside, Yuuri lurched his way down the large hallway of the palace of the newly crowned king of Santamaria, a small dot of a country that had recently bought its independence from…somebody. He really couldn't remember anymore, honestly, he didn't even know that tiny country had existed. He had stumbled upon the country by crossing illegally into their southern region while going for an afternoon walk with Conrad and Wolfram during a visit to Caloria. He had immediately met the king, who was on a picnic just across the border. He was a very nice fellow and very eager to further his country's progress by entering an alliance with the Great Demon Kingdom after hearing so many great things about The 27th Demon King. So Yuuri, always being one for making new friends welcomed the king whole-heartedly into the Great Alliance. As was customary, Yuuri as king, was required to visit the new country to sign the treaty that would link their two countries together.
Yuuri, Wolfram and a gaggle of soldiers, traveled in great haste to reach Santamaria as soon as physically possible. Too hastily, as they accidently overshot the country and rode meekly through the gates of Uncle Rich's World's Largest Turkey Farm. After a quick turnaround and a box of honey-roasted Turkey breast for the road, they slowly crossed into Santamaria and carefully made it to the palace, that was also home to the entire population of Santamaria.
They were warmly greeted by the people and their king and ushered into the main reception hall of the palace for conversing and the alliance ceremony. They were then herded into the surprisingly large dining hall for the small country for the celebratory dinner.
Everything was going very well. The king of Santamaria, whose name was Daniel von Meckel, was a very enthusiastic and friendly middle-aged man with many interesting subjects to talk about; mostly Santamarian history and religion.
Everyone sat eating their turkey dinner and listening intensely to King Daniel's recollection of Santamaria's road to independence, especially Wolfram. No one knew that the young demon prince was interested in history. Wolfram sat next to Yuuri who was seated to the right of King Daniel, he was leaning forward and asking a million questions. As King Daniel very eagerly explained this or that, a waiter brought a tray of spices to the table. One of these spices was an expensive powder made from a plant that grew in the north that was very similar to cilantro. This spice was also the Demon Kingdom's equivalent to black pepper in terms of how it was used in just about every dish imaginable and it was Wolfram's favorite spice. Unfortunately, Wolfram's favorite spice was also the one spice that always managed to throw him into a sneezing fit.
True to form, Wolfram picked up the little crystal shaker the second it was placed onto the table and preceded to pour a significant amount on his food. The fine powdered leaves sent up a little puff of spice cloud that floated innocently upwards and ever so gently caressed Wolfram's very sensitive nostrils. Wolfram's nostrils in turn, crinkled cutely and let out a procession of sneezing politely directed into a napkin.
Wolfram opened his slightly watery eyes and said "Excuse me." But instead of a reply of "That's alright" or "You're excused", he was met with dead silence as the servants and the occupants of the table, especially King Daniel, gave him the ugliest glare he had ever seen. King Daniel's face changed three different colors of red before settling on a deep crimson color that beautifully matched the tablecloth.
"H-how dare you!..." He hissed as a couple of guards advanced towards the confused couple.
"Um….?" Wolfram started, but before he or the surprised Yuuri could say anything in defense or other wise. The two guards grabbed Wolfram by his arms and hoisted him into the air as if he weighed nothing and proceeded to carry him out of the dining room and down the hall, ignoring his outraged protests.
Yuuri stood up from his seat, finding his voice. "Hey! Where are you taking him?!"
"He has gravely insulted the crown of Santamaria with his obscene display! He shall be bound!" King Daniel exclaimed.
Yuuri babbled incoherently for a minute, torn between arguing with the king and potentially ruining a new alliance or running after Wolfram. He really didn't want things to end badly.
It had taken every once of his resolve to convince Conrad, Gunter and Gwendal that he, at the age of twenty, could handle a diplomatic visit to a country on his own without their help and not screw it up big time. Should Wolfram be punished and the alliance to fall through, he would never be allowed to leave Blood Pledge Castle again and he could pretty much kiss his credibility goodbye.
King Daniel raised his hand to silence the young demon king and tersely explained that sneezing in Santamaria had sexual connotations and to sneeze at the king's table was to commit an act of the severest debauchery. The sounds of Wolfram kicking and screaming could still be heard from inside the dining hall while his flabbergasted fiancé had meekly pleaded with their host to reconsider his punishment. The shouts and voices grew faint as Wolfram was firmly pulled down the hall back to his and Yuuri's bedroom.
"A person who acts like a whore will be treated like one." The king said ominously. Then abruptly, his manner changed from angry to roguish. He assured Yuuri that since Wolfram was his affianced, Yuuri would be expected to deal out the punishment. But, and this was important, Yuuri had to be very thorough and not, no matter how much Wolfram begged or his own conscience weighed on him, go easy on the demon prince. "Relax" he had said as he poured Yuuri a glass of a strange looking wine that had been quietly brought by one of the servants, "You might even enjoy it."
Yuuri didn't know what to make of it. But not wanting to further insult the eccentric king, he accepted the strange wine that had an unusually earthy and musky scent under its sweet bouquet. He touched the crystal goblet to his lips and let the smooth liquid run down his tongue.
Yuuri paused.
The wine was good… very good.
It took effort to not simply gulp the thing down. It was sweet, spicy, gingery, and chocolaty all at the same time. He forced himself to politely sip the beverage instead of down it like he wanted to. Meanwhile, King Daniel went back to his earlier monologue concerning Santamarian history. As he continued to speak, Yuuri's glass was filled over and over again and he drank over and over again.
Until he found himself in his current predicament of attempting to find his room at one o'clock in the morning. King Daniel and his servants carelessly shoved Yuuri in the general direction of his room and bid him goodnight, after King Daniel told him that he 'would find everything he needed on the bedside table'. He was too buzzed to hear the quiet snigger shared between the king and his staff. He vaguely wondered if this happened frequently –the sneezing and all- and they were always prepared and got a kick out of their guests committing terrible 'acts of debauchery' and suffering the mysterious punishment.
His hand was dragged along the walls to guide him and keep him upright while he made his journey to the bedchambers. His free hand had rested gently on his stomach for the past few minutes or so, ever since the faint warm feeling he got in the dining room had grown to a hot tingling sensation that slowly traveled down his spine and was currently making its way downward.
Yuuri had a sneaking idea that it was something in the wine they had insisted he keep drinking that had caused it. They had made no move to regulate or hinder his alcohol intake and the devious looks from the servants and the king were just out of his range of sight, but he saw them nonetheless, though barely through the haze of the wine.
Clammy fingers finally landed on a brass handle and firmly clasped around the cold metal. Yuuri hoped that he was at the right room. Their room was located straight down the hall from the dining area and the eighth door on the right. He was confident he counted eight and this was the right room. He sluggishly pushed the door open and slowly entered the candle-lit room.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hello, Everyone!
So did you enjoy the first chapter? This was originally supposed to be a one-shot but then I made it to 20 pages worth of text and I was like 'no one has time to read this! They'll go cross eyed!' So I have divided it into two chapters one kind of short, the other really long, so if you want you don't have to read the back story and just skip to the good stuff! But I suggest you read the prologue cause its funny! I like to tease Wolfram, he's just so much fun to mock!
I fashioned this story in the style of those erotica anthologies you see in bookstores. They're just a collection of short stories and they usually have a set-up before you get to the sex part. You know, to set the tone and get to know the characters and all that jazz, so that's what I was going for in this fiction.
Please be a dear and review! I look forward to hearing what you think!