Looking into his eyes, she felt his love for her

Suzune and Family Part 2

Author: KazKarLove

Subject: The continuation of Suzune and Family part 1. This goes through the stages of Karin's pregnancy with Suzune. LEMON! WARNING!! I am not responsible for any X rated stuff you read. Not my fault, you clicked.



Chapter 10, Season 2

Karin is 3 and ½ months along-

"Karin? I'm back from my meeting with Kirika-sama!" Kazune called out into their bedroom. Karin poked her head out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around her.

"Really? How was it?" She asked, stepping out, letting steam drift out. Kazune stared at her with passion flaring in his eyes.


"O-oh yeah, she said I should be gentle with you…with …well…y'know…" Kazune blushed. "Sex..."

"O-oh, well…we can still do it right?" Karin asked sheepishly.

"Yeah…sometimes -cough- well…anyway, we also discussed time traveling and plans to save Suzune. Its dangerous because Karasuma could hurt Suzune-kun and that would hurt you…" He shuffled up to her and put a hand on her towel covered tummy.

"Ah, was that why I had those pains earlier?" Karin grimaced.

"Possibly… Don't ever scare me like that again!" Kazune growled protectively as he hugged her body close to his.

Looking into his eyes, she felt his love for her. She pressed her body up

Against him, and moaned, feeling his body's reaction to her. 'Even though I am to be a mother, I can still excite him. I wonder how much he can stand, without making love. Let's see how far I can go, before he gives into his needs.' She thought evilly.

Kazune felt Karin's warm body pressing against him, and he shifted a little,

feeling how much she excited him.' No, I can't. Not now. She's going to be a mother. Oh, how I want her. But…' He looked back into her eyes,

and tried to forget how much his body was reacting to hers. Then he felt Karin's hands working at his pants, pulling them down. Then his boxer shorts.

He opened his eyes wide in shock.' She's not going to, is she..?' He moaned as he felt her cool hands taking hold of his manhood. 'She is.' He gulped.


Karin backed out of Kazune's arms, and smiled at him, pushing him gently onto the bed. She slid down his body, until her face stopped at his manhood. She

gazed at his hard manhood, watching as her hand moved slowly up and down

his length, watching Kazune's body shudder with pleasure and listening to the

moans escaping from his lips. Then she moved her head down, taking him in her

mouth. Her hand and lips moved together, bobbing up and down on his hard,

hot manhood. She gazed up into his face, watching his enjoyment.

Kazune leaned his head back into the pillow, closed his eyes, and moaned in

bliss. "Ohh. You are so good at this. Karin-chan."

His hips rocked in time with her movements. He shivered, enjoying the sensations as his pleasure started to build.

Karin ran her tongue up and down his length, enjoying every second.

She watched his face, and felt his movements… knowing that he

would come soon. She felt his hands on her head, his hands trembling as they

ran through her hair. 'hehe...' She thought. Then he was there… and she

pulled her mouth and hands away.

Kazune moaned, feeling the needed incentive taken away. He tried to push up,

back into her mouth, but she moved away. "Karin. Ohh… Please. I need you." He groaned, his hips thrusting toward her, needing her to finish this.

"Don't tease me." The wait seemed almost like an eternity to Kazune.

"Oh, I'm doing more than teasing…" Karin giggled.

Karin judged the timing, then took him in her mouth again in a sudden, smooth

movement. Her hand and mouth moved back to the same rhythm, but slowly. She

heard his gasp, then his moans. She grinned at herself.

Then she stopped again, Kazune having nearly climaxed again.

Kazune rocked his hips again, frustrated that his manhood suddenly deprived of Karin's warm, moist mouth and her touch. "Karin! Please..." he pleaded.

Each time she stopped, Kazune needed to be built up again. But she stopped just before he came. He almost reached out to take hold of himself, and finish the job for Karin. But he groaned, and managed to restrain himself. Then he was engulfed by her warm mouth once more. Kazune's hands twitched with the sudden movement on him.

Karin felt him erupt in her mouth, surprised by the suddenness of his climax.

She smiled at him and giggles," Mmm. I can't keep teasing you like this for much longer, Kazune-kun." She closed her eyes, and swallowed his seed as it pumped into her mouth.

Kazune cried out, and felt himself coming, just as surprised by the suddenness as Karin had been. The intensity washed through his body. Then he collapsedback on the bed, a smile on his face. All that teasing had made his pleasure greater. After a while, he felt Karin's mouth move from his manhood and her body slide back up his. Then her lips kissed him lovingly. He kissed her back, and slid his arms around her.

After a while, Karin watched Kazune's strength come back to him. With her

hand, she gently stroked his cheek. After sitting up, Karin moved down, and slipped Kazune's pants and boxer shorts from his legs with her. Then she undid his top, and slipped it off as Kazune sat up to help her.

She stood up, and slowly stripped herself of her towel in front of him, teasing him with glimpses of smooth, bare skin. She watched him stare longingly at her body.

Her eyes ran down to his manhood, and she smiled. He was hard once more. Kazune sat on the bed, staring at Karin's beautiful naked body. Shivering, he stood up, and walked over to her. He took her in his arms, his need for her growing." Karin, you're the hottest to be mother I've ever seen." He took her up in his arms, and moved to the wall, leaning her back against it. "You make me hard by just looking at you."

He maneuvered her until her arms were around his neck, and her legs around his

hips. Pressing her against the wall, he slid his arms down to her hips, and held her, pushing her hips up, his own hips moving back. Then he pulled her

down, his hips thrust forwards. Then he was inside her. He moaned, and felt her wonderful tightness surrounding his manhood. 'This time, she can't tease me!' He smirked.

Karin moaned, the pleasure of Kazune's manhood inside her shooting through her body. Without any thoughts of teasing him, she tried to help him by moving her hips with him. Enjoying every sensation, she clawed at his back. She could feel that he was entering with gentleness, taking great care not to hurt her.

Kazune used the last of his strength to hold his fiancé as he moved in and out of her. She used her weight to push towards him. They moaned, their movements speeding up.

Then Kazune lifted her up by the hips, almost lifting her off of his erect manhood then pulled her down again gently. With long, smooth strokes they reached their climax together.

Kazune shuddered, grunting. His seed exploded into Karin's body as he pushed

deep inside her. "KARIN!!" he cried out.

Karin gripped him tightly, almost painfully, and pushed down. Then she cried

out with pleasure as she orgasmed, her wetness flowing, drenching Kazune's

manhood in her fluids, "KAZUNE-kun!!" She trembled as they came together.

They stood there together, their breathing still fast and deep, their hearts racing. Then Kazune carried her across to the bed with his last remaining strength, and then he sank down on the bed.

"That was wonderful, Kazune-kun…" Karin panted. "I love you."

Kazune reached over and rubbed her stomach gently in circles. "I love you too."

"I'm so lucky that I have you and Suzune…" Karin smiled and ran a hand through his blond locks.

Next Morning-

"Morn'" Karin mumbled as she walked down from the bedroom to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Karin-chan!" Himeka smiled cheerfully. Micchi waved from behind the newspaper. Kazune smiled at her.

"What's for breakfast?" Karin asked as she took her seat at the table across from Kazune and next to Micchi.

"A cutlet rice bowl!" Himeka laughed.

So Himeka served her favorite dish and the "family" ate in silence for a bit. Of course, Micchi had to be the one to break it.

"Kazune-kun, maybe you should think of sound proofing your bed room." Micchi smirked over at him. "Karin's screams and your moans are loud enough to wake the dead."

Kazune choked on his rice and shot an evil glare over at Micchi. Karin blushed crimson. "Just saying…" Micchi shrugged.

More silence followed.

"-cough- So, Karin…what are you doing today?" Kazune asked a bit flustered.

"W-well, Himeka and I are going maternity shopping…and later we are planning the nursery…" Karin pondered a bit.

"I believe Kirika-sama is coming over tonight to discuss the final details, correct?" Micchi sat back into his chair as he sipped his coffee. His lean legs stretched out from under the table. His beautiful blue and purple eyes stared at the couple.

"Yes, she said we should be ready to be off in a few weeks to find Jin before he gets back into time. Then we will save Suzune and return home." Kazune folded his hands on the table.

"Is Suzusa going?" Himeka asked Kazune. Kazune gave out a sigh.

"Maybe…we don't know if we can take another person yet but if we can, Micchi and Kirika would go with us…Suzusa would stay with you to make sure Jin doesn't hurt you."

"I would die if anything happened to you, Himeka-chan!" Karin grabbed her hands in hers. Himeka smiled brightly.

"Not to worry! I'll be safe! Now lets go shopping!" She pulled Karin to her feet.

"See ya, Kazune-kun. Bye Micchi!" Karin leaned over and kissed Kazune on the lips and Micchi on the cheek. Blushing Kazune waved them goodbye.

"Aw, I wanted a kiss on the lips too!" Micchi pouted and crossed his arms. Kazune smacked him on the arm

"You moron, she's mine!" kazune shouted.

Micchi moaned.


In the store...

"H-himeka-chan?!" Karin stuttered in the changing room. "What is this?!"

"Sexy mommy lingerie! It suits you!" Himeka giggled watching Karin freak over the soft lace bra and underwear. "This is weird!" Karin complained.

"Here...this is cute..." Himeka pondered outloud as she handed Karin the clothing. Karin carefully changed into it and shoved the curtains to the side of the dressing room. "Adorable! Kazu-chan will die!" Karin blushed.


Kazune sat at the table with Kirika and Micchi waiting for the other ladies to return from shopping. Kirika put her chin on her hand, lazily. Micchi yawned and leaned down onto the table and Kazune pushed up his glasses as he stared at the paper before him. It was a normal situation the was the scene of a not so normal discussion.

"Kazune you cannot let Jin or Father...or whoever WIN! Thats the bottom line!" Kirika sighed, frustrated with Kazune's choice with defeating their enemy. "Its not as simple as defeating my brother."

Micchi snickered. "i dunno..."

Kazune and Kirika glared at him. "What?!" Micchi laughed.

"We're hoooome!" Himeka shouted from the door.

Kazune rushed to see his lovely wife, but didn't find her standing next to Himeka. "Uh, where's Karin?" he asked.

"Oh she's alittle embarassed right now. Wait one second!" She walked balk out of the door. "Karin! I see you!" A few grunts later and Hieka tossed her through the door and into Kazune's arms. He gasped.

She was wearing a lite pink turtle neck dress that had 3/4 sleeves and it came to just above her knees. Her flashy flats sparkled gold and her make up made her shine. Kazune was speechless.

Blushing, she backed out of his arms. "You like?" her baby bump was clearly visible.

"L-like... I love it!" Kazune smiled. Karin grinned from ear to ear and jumped into his arms again.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" SHe cried happily.

After the happy couple calmed down, Micchi asked, "So where's the crib for Suzune?"

Himeka and karin laughed. "The delivery trucks will be here soon."

"Oh ok...wait delivery Trucks?! "kazune eyed the girls.

"So we went over board! What does it matter?" Himeka giggled.

"My credit card bill what matters!" kazune moaned.


Author NOTES!

Well this took a while! Finaaly i got my memory back! YAY! I hope you enjoy this chapter. These are the stages of Karins pregnancy so its going to be a longgggg series
