![]() Author has written 15 stories for Eyeshield 21, Pet Shop of Horrors, Durarara!!/デュラララ!!, Harry Potter, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Bleach, Hell Girl, Book X-overs, Twelve Kingdoms, D.Gray-Man, and Death Note. Formerly known as One of the Colorless, One of the Cast oooooo Quotes Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana xxx Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato xxx Rule number one of wizardry, kid. They never expect bazookas. -Harry Dresden in Rosethorn's story "Practicality xxx People say there are two sides to every story, just as there are two sides to every mirror. One side is yours-where you are, what you see. Your reality, really. The other side is anyone else's. but if that's true, which side is the true side-yours, or mine? -Kirra Kills' "Mirror Images xxx Lavi waggled his eyebrow at Kanda. "Aren't you totally pumped, man?" he asked. "He's, like, British!" "Wow." Kanda deadpanned. "And Lenalee's Chinese and I'm Japanese and you are American. It's a fucking racist rainbow. Shut the fuck up." -Lavi and Kanda Yuu in Novelist Pup's story "Any Way You Want It" xxx "You look like a young man who could use a bit more chicken in his life!" -Urahara Kisuke in Nate Grey's story "The Humane Hollow" xxx Having friends meant emotions, something Fran was unaccustomed to. So, Chrome offered to teach him how to smile. It was the worst two months of his life. After that, the emotions came more naturally. Tsuna had said he even looked pretty when he smiled. Then the kid blushed and ran away; the boy ran into a wall, an open locker, Hibari, and a window. His exits had never been graceful. Fran later taught him to be stealthy. Tsuna still sucked at exiting gracefully. -Fran's thoughts in UniversalOverlordess' story "The Diamond in the Midden" xxx The human mind is a powerful thing. ...Says the imbodyment of strength and instinct that exists within his mind as a complete, and possibly equal, entity. Good point. King, I think you have Multiple Personality Disorder. Are you calling me crazy? Bad sign when the voice in your head calls you crazy. Also, why is you brain sideways? -Hollow Ichigo, Zangetsu, and Ichigo in lilyrosa143's story "Beginning Death" xxx "I think we should stop planning things out. Our 'thought up at the last possible second' stuff seems to work better," Ichigo remarked. He slid the trapdoor's hatch back into place and started shoving every heavy object he could find on top of it. "I will admit that our plans do have a disturbing tendency to go awry," Ishida agreed. "And I think our escape plan is about to do the same…" Rukia said. "Do you all feel that? Those two Arrancar down there are not the only ones in Seireitei…" Rukia was right. The ryoka could detect multiple reiatsu signatures similar to Ichigo's. "You're quite right about that, Miss Kuchiki. However, my soldiers are not the ones you need to worry about." Ichigo palmed his face. "I'm not even going to turn around. Rukia? Who snuck up on us this time?" "…Captain Aizen…" Rukia answered fearfully. "Of course it is… Any chance of him going away if we pretend we didn't notice him?" "I'm afraid not," Aizen answered. "Didn't think so. -Cerokun's story "Not Quite as Planned" xxx What happened in here? Nothing happened. This is clearly a setup. Now walk carefully toward the obvious trap in the middle of the room. -Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura in Snap Change's story "A Persistent Shadow" xxx He's still dealing with the red tape when Chilton calls him some time later. "Why is he back," Chilton complains. "Why does he keep coming back. Can't you just keep him?" "No," Jack says, scowling down at the three forms that it is apparently necessary to fill out in triplicate when an escaped cannibalistic serial killer murders a rival homicidal maniac on the hood of your agency-issued vehicle in what appears to be some kind of turf war over your pet empath. "I don't want him." "And when did he have time to stop for food?" Jack blinks. "Just don't eat anything he offers you," he says practically. "Then you won't have anything to worry about." The phone is barely back in the receiver before it rings again. "This room is full of Furbies," Beverly says in a crazed voice. "I can't tell if they're a courting gift or an advancing army or a formal curse or what. Send help." Jack is too busy to send help, but he figures Will must like the damned things, so he does make time to contribute another Furby to the cause. -hito's story "come around again (only want to say goodbye)" on AO3 xxx It’s a funny thing, travelling. Sometimes you don’t even realise you’re doing it, ‘til you look back. At the time, you’re just there in the moment, drinking in the experience. My boy there – he thinks he’s never been anywhere and he’s got no idea how far he’s come.- Spike in Sparrow2000's story "Perceptions" on oooooo Controversial Issues: |
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