Author has written 3 stories for Naruto. OKAY, I know, I know, I promised. I'm sorry, I was ridiculously stupid. You will all hate me for this. I had an almost finished chapter for Team Badass that was about ready to go by the deadline I set for myself. But I was greedy and kept trying to add to it, kept revising it. And then stuff came up and so it was further delayed, but I was like, well, as long as a good chapter goes up, who cares? But then life happened, and my computer hard drive fried. Yes, it fried. I paid good money to try and get my data backed up, but it was a total and complete failure. So bottom line is, not only have I lost my 600 pictures of traveling through Asia, I've also lost the chapter and all my other fanfiction data. I am currently back in school, and I have no idea when I'll be able to update anymore. I do feel terribly sorry and guilty to you all however, and so on the first opportunity, I WILL rewrite that chapter and post it. I am not being an idiot this time. Please believe me. And please please please don't give up on me. I will be back. Soon. I hope. Thanks to you all who've read my story and continue to support me. All my fanfics exist thanks to you. Bless you all. HI everyone. So, it's been what, a full two years? I can't believe it. I really did myself in with the last chapter of Team Badass. See, because I was intending for the story to be really fast paced and short, I planned out the general plot but not all the small fillers. Honestly, the Chuunin exam wasn't even supposed to be this big of a deal. I just went overboard and started adding lots of details and then took lots of leaps that I didn't exactly have safety nets for. Long story short, I am NOT quitting this story. It's just that I've had a two years long writers block. Two years later now, I realize that writers blocks never solve themselves. Look how far I've gotten. Nowhere. So I'm currently writing the next chapter, it'll probably be done at the latest in two-three days? I'm just gonna plunge into my writers block head first and see what I come up with. If I don't get much, I'll keep diving and keep searching. So thank you all for waiting so patiently for the next update. It's coming soon, I promise. (July 4th 2014) Dear readers: I have been gone for a very long time. It was really difficult to start writing again. I'm not trying to be greedy, I'm just telling the truth. Us writers feel the most support from our readers when they take the time to leave reviews. Now that the review function is updated, I hope all of you who have alerts to my stories will take a short time to express your support, even just a word is enough. I feel very insecure about the new chapters I'm writing because of my long absence, and I honestly want to know what you guys think of it once I put it up. Thank you. (June 28th 2012) Ok, I finished the Team Badass chapter, but I'm not too sure if I like it or if I want to make it longer or rewrite it...what do you guys think? Should I just post it up and see what happens? Leave a review. I detest pms. (June 27th 2012) This Profile pic doesn't belong to me. I just happen to be an avid fan of Minato. Hey all you Minato/Kushina Lovers! come to me!! I love Minato and Kushina! I think they're perfect for each other! I hate those people who take Mina/kushi and take them apart and put them together with other pairings. I mean, I understand that this is a fanfic and you can do anything as a writer, but for goodness' sake, they're ALREADY MARRIED! I don't care if you put Naruto together with Hinata or Temari or Sakura or anyone, but Mina/kushi should stay together since they're married in the manga! This is all just my opinion though. I am a strong believer of the 'one man one woman' conjecture. To come... My next chapter for Namikaze Minato: Life and Love in a New World: It's war between Leaf and Rock. Minato's role as a shinobi is conflicting with his life as a normal, high school teen. My next chapter for Precious ones: What happened to Shikaku? Who's the culprit behind everything? What will happen now? My next chapter for Team Badass: Chuunin exams have been halted with enemy ninja running rampant around the village! What will Team Badass do in response to this threat? What will happen to their hopes of becoming Chuunin? More importantly, how will this incident change them in the long run? Ch. 2? This is what I picture Kushina to be wearing. Her hair length is about the same. BUT THE FACE IS DIFFERENT, SO LOOK ONLY AT THE CLOTHES! THE SWORD IS DIFFERENT TOO! and her hair is not as long...yet. and she doesn't have bangs like that. She has long hair that trails down the sides. This is the basic battle clothing for Uzumaki women, preferably because of the way the legs are bare and it's easy to move. This pic does not belong to me. The links work when I'm editing my profile, but when I'm actually seeing my profile the links don't work. Huh. (June 28th, 2012). TEAM BADASS: These pics do not belong to me. I'm just giving you links to enjoy the artwork. Who loves other pairings?? I sort of like Sakura and Kakashi..and SakuIta and I'm thinking about uploading an one-shot on Minato and Kushina soon. But I really want this one to be as perfect as I can get it, so it will probably be a while before I upload it. Please read it and look forward to it though, because I am actually a "one-shots are a NO-NO!" person, preferring actual stories. But then the idea for this story just came so abruptly, and I didn't want to ruin the tender moment of the story by thinking up a plot and making it a real story. Oh, believe me, I have already thought up the plot (with my wild imagination :P) but I'll see if anyone wants me to expand on the one-shot first. If there are people who want it a full out story that includes the wedding (yes, they are in love) and possible really, really mature scenes (just so you know I don't write lemon, and I plan to not write it, so don't expect that. When I say mature I mean like for a mentally developed, psychologically capable teen a/o adult.) intended for romance. I don't ever let myself be swayed by reviews, though they are always welcome. In my first fic, one of the very first reviews I got was about how unique my story was and didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Because it was my first time even uploading a CHAPTER, I was panicky and worried a lot on my content. But then, I managed to calm down and save myself some dignity as a writer. Other reviews that came later helped me assure myself that my story was fine. Anyone can have a creative imagination. If some people don't like it, then, well, too bad. This is fanfic and I have all rights to alter whatever aspect of the original as I like. If you don't like the idea or my writing style or whatever, then go ahead and flame. I sort of do want someone to criticize me :) I have to get better as a writer by readers commenting on my writing. Thank you for the compliments, but I need advice, since it is my first time writing after all. All in all, I do not regret, apologize, or is ashamed of any of my works (uploaded and not yet uploaded). Sometimes, my friend listens to my idea of a new story and she shakes her head and goes, "I don't know where you get these crazy ideas," and it puts me off, but I still go ahead and write them anyway. I am going to finish what I start. The fic, Namikaze Minato: Life and Love in a New world may seem like it's progressing quite slowly, but I am going to finish it for sure. It might take over fifty chapters, or maybe even a hundred depending on how much I time skip and bypass my original ideas/ add more stuff, but I will finish it to the end. I even have a sequel thought up. Also, I am generally a romance person, but recently I read this humor/parody fic that was so hilarious and made me laugh so much I got interested in those too. I think it's always good to broaden your horizons, don't you think? (4/1/10) OH, and about the one-shot I mentioned...I thought it was too good of an idea to let it pass as an one shot and so did a full out story. That story, as you can probably guess, is Precious Ones. Funny how it's rather short right now but yet it's still more popular than my other story. Please continue to love it! It's really hard to write tender moments! (6/27/10) I am thinking about asking permission from a few of my fellow writers to see if I can base my fics from one of their fics. They have really good ideas, and I find myself imagining about their ideas, and coming up with new plot and everything. Hey guys, I have a profile on, with the same penname. There's an essay there that I would like all of you fellow writers who utterly hate flamers and abusive readers to read. I wrote it a while ago, when I got so angry with a guy who gave me very abusive comments just because I asked for reviews and some constructive criticism. If you ever need a pick me up from those kinds of mean, rude, ignorant people, please read and comment. Help spread the word to stop flamers once and for all. We writers reserve the right to polite, helpful criticism from respectful readers. Here's the link: |
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