![]() Author has written 63 stories for Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Robotech/Macross, Hairspray, Titanic, Twilight, Letters to Juliet, Northanger Abbey, and Janet Evanovich. I found this picture while surfing Google so I don't remember the exact site I found this on I apologize..please take credit where credit is due if you recognize it... I won the Hairspray forum award for "Most Friendly" Thanks for the votes guys, it was a really nice surprise, and congrats to all my fellow winners! :0) I have been called the Fluff Queen by OI... 7/3/09: I learned yesterday that my Titanic story Enamored won Best Prequel/Interstice for June 2009 on Bohemian Anne's website... I love The Phantom of The Opera, Titanic, Rent, Law & Order series and CSI. I simply enjoyed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...but am a little sad that its all over. I saw Wicked and adored it! Love to see it again! I also love Hairspray the 2007 movie. I finally saw the play recently and enjoyed it... I like Pride and Prejudice (book and 1995 BBC movie with Colin Firth) Emma (book and book and movie with Gwyneth Paltrow) and Sense and Sensibility (1995 movie with Hugh Grant) as well. I love books and reading, which can make me seem like Hermione at times...hehe...although I may not remember every single spell...like she does or have a copy of Hogwarts: A History...I am also a fan of Jane Austen, James Patterson, Robert B. Parker, Elizabeth Peters, among a few others. I have read Eragon and devoured it. Quotes: "To Err is human; to forgive divine" "Come so far, got so far to go..." Hairspray Some Pairings I Like Hairspray: Link/Tracy, Penny/Seaweed, Corny/Amber, Edna/Wilbur, IQ/Tammy, Brenda/Fender, Amber/Shelley, Amber/OC (named Duane in my stories) I am open to pairing the council members together in many ways. Also Link/Amber is necessary in stories especially ones before the pageant... Harry Potter: Ginny/Harry, Ron/Hermione, some Harry/Hermione, Remus/Tonks, James/Lily Pride and Prejudice: Darcy/Elizabeth, Bingley/Jane Sense & Sensibility: Elinor/Edward, Marianne/Col. Brandon(he's just more reliable and he really loves her) Wicked: Elphaba/Fiyero Stephanie Plum: Stephanie/Ranger Some Pairings I Dislike Hairspray: Penny/Link, Seaweed/Tracy-Trink and Penweed all the way, male slash Harry Potter: Hermione/any one but Ron or Harry, any slashes... I have written a Titanic fic called Lost I hope you all enjoy... I wrote A Very Merry Hairspray Christmas which has been dedicated to the wonderful people on the Hairspray Fandom... I wrote a story for LazyChestnut called Dance as a present... I wrote a story called Perfect Night for H6p8gv I am currently working on a new story with H6p8gv called In Need of a Miracle...8th chapter up 4/18..Complete Here's a pic that I made for it... http:///albums/pp217/Hippogriff-Tamer/chevy3-1.jpg I wrote a Titanic oneshot called Liberty...I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a Hairspray oneshot called A Basketball Game..I hope you like! I also wrote a Titanic oneshot called Enamored...I hope you like that as well! I decided to try my hand at a Twilight story for the Epic-T-Rated Oneshot Contest called Love in the Library...please enjoy! I have started a new Hairspray story with H6p8gv called Get Out... 9th chapter up 12/21...hope you like!..Now Complete! Here's a pic/banner I made for it... http:///albums/pp217/Hippogriff-Tamer/getout-1.jpg I also dabbled in Twilight again with Past Life for the Epic T-Rated Oneshot Contest...hope you like! Katmom just gave me a lovely banner she made for my story Emmett's Lament... http:///albums/xx335/katmom50/fanfic/Emmettk.jpg Wrote a new Twilight oneshot called Story Time for Nessie for the Twilight Anniversary Challenge... Began a new story called I Knew I Loved You with LittleFairyMaiden... Wrote a oneshot called Elizabeth's Dance... Wrote a oneshot for H6p8gv called Blind Date... Recently, I wrote a oneshot for FicsForNashville for flood relief in Tennessee..over 180 authors contributed and money was raised for relief efforts... 6/7...I have written a rec for Here No Evil by BlueSea14 on The Edge Girls Blog. The Edge Girls is made up of these awesome authors: katmom, u2shay, LJ Summers, Megs, Bells. Just Bells., Eirelav (valelf on FFn), Elise, Jtrs98, Kejce, and Shapeshifter. Please go check out their site http:/// and view all the different recs that have been written for different Twilight stories... |