Link and Tracy pulled back from each other, breathless and blushing from the extended kiss.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Link admitted.

"Me, too," Tracy laughed.

"Link Larkin?" a lady asked, coming forward.

"That's me," Link said, hastily wiping some of Tracy's lipstick off of his mouth.

"I'm from the reputable Solo Flite Record Company. We're willing to offer you a record deal," the lady said. "The hours required at the recording to studio would be flexible for your show, and YOU would get credit for YOUR music. We could make you a star – far beyond Baltimore. Beyond Maryland."

Tracy watched Link's eyes light up.

A man came over, with another offer. As more and more people encircled Link, Tracy found herself being pushed out of the way. She sighed softly and moved away.


She turned to see her mother rushing towards her. They both began to cry. They hadn't seen each other for a few days.

"Oh, Tracy, we were so worried about you, hon!" Edna exclaimed.

Laughing and crying, they both embraced.

"Ma, Motormouth Maybelle was taking care of me. I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you. This whole thing has just been…"

"I know, hon," Edna sighed. "But so much good has come out of it! Your friend Inez can dance on the show now; Maybelle has the job she deserves, and Velma von Tussle got what she deserved." She looked at her daughter with concern. "I just want to make sure that you're happy."

"Oh, Ma, happier than ever!" Tracy promised. "Are… well… you know… things okay between you and Dad?"

"Just fine," Edna said quickly, not wanting to be reminded of the night Velma had tried to seduce Wilbur. "Don't you worry about us, hon. It was all a mistake. Now," she smiled, "explain your love life."

Tracy blushed.

"Oh, it's all right," Edna sighed. "Love needs no explanation. "I know I've probably been a little too tough on you, hon, and I just want you to know that" –she sniffled – "I love you Tracy."

"Aw, Ma!" Tracy cried even harder.

"Oh, there is one more thing I wanted to say," Edna said, regaining her composure. "After they saw me dancing on stage just now, they told me they were looking for someone to replace Velma, and that I'd be perfect. They offered me the job… and I took it!"

"Ma!" Tracy squealed. She couldn't believe her conservative mother's words. "So… no more laundry?"

"No more laundry," Edna chuckled.

"Dad won't be lonely at home, all by himself in the Joke Shop?"

"Well, seeing as how we'll be earning a bit more money here…"
"A LOT more money!" Tracy interjected, remembering the von Tussles' outrageous salaries, with proportional spending habits.

"… the Joke Shop will be more of a hobby than a job now."

Tracy's mind reeled. What would they do with all that money? More hairspray, she thought immediately.

"Well, hon, I've got to fix up my office," she smiled. "I, uh, put some steak on at home. I thought we'd have a party tonight, to celebrate you comin' home, Inez gettin' head dancer, Maybelle's new job… all that. So I'd appreciate if you would go home and tidy things up for me."

"Who'd you invite?" Tracy wondered.

"Oh, everybody," Edna said.

Tracy laughed, loving seeing her conservative mother finally coming out of her shell.

Realizing her opportunity to go home and relax, she took it. She couldn't wait to change out of her formal, tight clothing. "Ok, Ma, well see you in a few hours," she said, picking up her purse and pushing through a crowd of people. It would feel so good to get home, kick off her shoes, and…

"Stop right there," a police officer growled, inches from her face.